Chapter 60
After Zhu Cheng, Tong Bo and the others separated, they found a remote yard and looked around.

What are you looking for, crickets?
No, not just crickets, as long as it is a living thing.Zhu Cheng thought, instead of looking for it aimlessly, it would be better to ask the snake here.

Zhu Cheng vaguely remembered that Tong Xin was imprisoned in the underground city, but Zhu Chengzhen couldn't remember where the institution was.But don't be afraid, he can speak animal words now, and he can ask the little animals.

"Run, people are coming, people are coming." Apparently the small animals didn't welcome Zhu Cheng, they ran away in a panic when Zhu Cheng came, even the mosquitoes didn't stop.

Speaking of which, the mosquitoes here are also pitiful, and they can't pierce them even if they want to suck blood. The realm of every martial arts master has amazing body protection and defense.

"Stop, stop! Stop jumping, stop jumping!" Zhu Cheng took aim at a cricket and caught it in a daze.

"Ah, help. I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I don't want it, I don't want it..." The miserable cry of the cricket is really pitiful.

"Don't make noise, or I'll pull your leg out." Zhu Cheng was so frightened.

"..." The cricket didn't dare to speak anymore, but kept struggling with its tentacles and limbs, trying to escape from Zhu Cheng's claws.

"Hey" Zhu Cheng grabbed the cricket vigorously and asked, "Let me ask you, do you know the underground city?"

"No, I haven't heard of it at all." The cricket shook his head.

"Where is the blood python, where is the blood python?" Maybe it doesn't know the name of the underground city, but the blood python lives in the underground city, as long as you find the blood python, you can find the underground city.

"Blood python, what is that?"

"It's just a very big boa constrictor." Zhu Cheng said.

"What do you want?" The cricket looked up at Zhu Cheng.

"There's so much nonsense, hurry up." Zhu Cheng pulled out one of the cricket's tentacles without saying a word.

"Ah! Please spare your life, please spare your life. I say, I say." The cricket suffered pain and hurriedly confessed, "I know where the boa constrictor is, and I can take you there."

"You are wise," Zhu Cheng nodded and said, "As long as you lead me to find the boa constrictor, I will let you go. However, if you can't find it, crushing you is as easy as crushing an ant." Zhu Cheng warned .

"I don't want it, I don't want it," the cricket shook his head again and again.

"I'll let you down now. Don't try to escape, you know you can't escape."

"Oh~" The cricket felt aggrieved.I just came out to eat supper, how could I meet such a demon, pity my well-proportioned and symmetrical cute little tentacles.

Mama Mimi, my short life will not end here.Oh man, I haven't passed on my precious genes yet.

Zhu Cheng didn't know that the cricket had so many inner dramas, he only saw that he put it on the ground and it didn't bounce for a long time.

"Are you still alive?" Zhu Cheng flicked his fingers lightly, and the cricket was ejected one meter away.

"Ah, yes!" The cricket no longer dared to think wildly, and concentrated on leading Zhu Cheng.

But I saw seven turns and eight turns, left and right, and came to a small lake.The lake water glows silver under the moonlight, the moon is reflected in the lake water, and the breeze blows through the waves.



"This is the hole. You can find the boa constrictor by crawling into it. There is a huge area under the ground. But that boa constrictor is so fierce. I was almost killed by it when I went in last time." When the cricket said this, I still have lingering fears.

Black thread, Zhu Cheng has a black thread.

Hole, where did the hole come from?This is clearly a small hole. The hole is not as small as Zhu Cheng's little finger, and he climbed in. I'll try to climb one. (Hey, it can really do this)
Well, even if Zhu Cheng uses his transformation technique and turns into a cricket and goes down the underground city through this hole, what if he meets Yin Zhong?
Although Zhu Cheng has the confidence to defeat Yin Zhong, it will be in the future, not the present. He has to recruit the Tong family brothers to have the courage to face Yin Zhong.But Tong Bo, Tong Zhan and the others don't know how to transform themselves, so they can't transform into crickets and go down to the underground city.

"How do you let me get in such a small place!" Zhu Cheng grabbed the cricket and shook it violently, the cricket felt like his head was about to fall off.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The cricket was frightened to death, and it even made a wish before death, hoping that it would be a human being in the next life, preferably Zhu Cheng's son.

"Tell me, are there any other entrances? I mean the big ones, the ones that normal people can enter." Zhu Cheng emphasized emphatically.

"No, that's all I know. I don't have a long life." The cricket said pitifully. Being able to find the residence of the blood python is the most glorious experience in its short life. This achievement is equivalent to Columbus discovering the New World. What more can you ask of it? What.

"...Oh, let's go." Zhu Cheng sighed and let the cricket go.If you want to put it aside, it's just a cricket, and if you want to crush it to death, you will crush it to death, but since learning the beast language, Zhu Cheng is still a little bit reluctant to do it.

Now he always feels that small animals are people, and it is better not to kill at will unless it is absolutely necessary, maybe he will become a cricket in his next life.

Ah, is it possible that this is the reason why the Tong clan is unwilling to kill?

I wish the instant truth.But looking at the small hole, which was not as big as a little finger, Zhu Cheng didn't know what to do for a while.

If you want to go on and explore, he is worried about whether Yin Zhong is here, and Yin Zhongxiu will definitely be able to see through his transformation technique.

Taking a step back, if Yin Zhong wasn't there, would the underground city have a ban on breaking the transformation technique, just like the ban on the Shuiyue Cave Sky Altar.

The probability of this is almost [-]%.Because for Yin Zhong, the underground city, the silver pool, and the blood python are the key to suppressing his injuries, so there must be no loss.

And with the restriction, if Zhu Cheng turned into a cricket to investigate, and the transformation technique was broken, wouldn't Zhu Cheng be buried alive, and he did it himself.This method of death is estimated that even the King of Hades would be able to laugh out loud in the underworld.

I have seen strange deaths, but I have never seen such strange deaths.

"However, this small hole should be one of the ventilation holes of the underground city. The underground city must be nearby." Zhu Cheng made a judgment, but it is a pity that although the lake is small, it is also the size of a football field. Mechanisms and the like are just nonsense, not to mention sneaking in someone else's house, the movements should be gentle, and the posture should be handsome.

"Let's join Tong Bo first." Zhu Cheng still decided to join Tong Bo first, which is safer.

Both Tong Zhan and Zhu Cheng have goals, so what about Tong Bo and Tong Boss?
Tong Bo is also smart, knowing that there will be no results if he bumps into the villa, so he steals a Tiewei clothes to change into.

The iron guard uniform is good, and it also has a mask. It is impossible to tell who is who when wearing it. Moreover, there are so many iron guards that even Tie Feng can't recognize them all. There is no pressure to mix in.

"Hey, brother, I'm new here. I heard that Xue Ruyi was stolen a while ago, have you recovered it?" Tong Bo poured wine for the old iron guard.

The old iron guard drank a glass of wine with a smile, and said: "Hey, how can I catch you back? You don't know, because our wages have been cut by half because of this matter. It's not good to protect the village. It's a shame, a shame."

"Hey, let's drink, drink." Tong Bo followed suit with a sigh, and filled up the wine for Old Tiewei.

"I didn't catch one or two, so I'm forced to ask the whereabouts of Bleeding Ruyi?" Tong Bo began to ask the real question.

"Of course he was caught, and our Tiewei is not a vegetarian. But he is a fool who knows martial arts, and he can't get anything out of the interrogation." The old Tiewei felt a little regretful. .

"Fool, pretend to be stupid. To tell you the truth, brother, I also have a lot of research on interrogation. I wonder if there is a chance for me to try it."

"The young man is motivated, but don't worry about it, he was taken away by the second master."

"Where did you take it?" Tong Bo asked eagerly, his tone and attitude were obviously wrong.

"Ah, I mean, the second master may need my help." Tong Bo also noticed that his tone was wrong just now, so he explained.

"Who is the second master, and still need you? Don't always think about climbing high branches, do it down-to-earth, and the villa will never treat you badly." Old Tiewei is also a good person, and he warned Tong Bo to be a down-to-earth person, don't think too much Take one step to reach the sky, you have to eat food one bite at a time, don't think about eating one bite and becoming fat.

"Assemble, there are thieves breaking in." Just as he said this, the captain shouted from outside the door.The old iron guard threw away his wine glass and picked up his knife and went out, Tong Bo followed closely behind.

It was Tong Zhan who alarmed Tie Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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