Chapter 66 Two Little Wild Cats

Hearing Zhao Yun say that the Taibai Sword didn't need money, and gave it to Zhu Cheng for nothing, Han Batian immediately became anxious and jumped up from the bed.

"If you want money, why don't you want money? Sanhuafang needs money to open its doors for business." Zhu Cheng didn't wait for Han Batian to say anything, so he took out 500 taels of silver from his sleeve and gave it to Gouzi, and bought the Taibai Sword.

When I was shopping just now, Zhu Cheng went to a goldware store and exchanged some silver notes with gold leaves. He couldn’t buy anything and flew out with a gold leaf. The gold leaves were not his leg hair. Zhu Cheng didn’t have that kind of hair. many.

"Is there anything else? Don't disturb my sleep." Han Batian glared at Zhao Yun and issued the order to evict the guest.

Zhu Cheng will not be boring himself, he came out this time to buy a sword, since his goal has been achieved, he will not stay here any longer.

Before going out, Zhu Cheng looked at Tianchou meaningfully, and asked Zhao Yun, "Do you two fellows live in the store at night?"

"There are mostly antiques in the store, and my father is worried that he will let the dog eat and live in the store. Qiu Xin should come with him that day." Zhao Yun replied.

This is also in line with Han Batian's personality, but how can a small bed accommodate two people, that day Qiu must be sleeping on the floor.

Gouzi would not dare to leave it to Tianchou to guard alone, if he rolls up the things in the store at night, his dog's head must be unscrewed by the boss.

After these few days of treatment, Tong Xin's condition has also improved somewhat. Although she can't exercise vigorously and can only lie in bed all day long, her life is no longer in danger. Tong Bo and Tong Zhan felt relieved and took turns to take care of Tong Xin.

It was day and night, and Tong Zhan went out.He went out over the wall, avoiding everyone, even Zhu Cheng didn't notice.To be precise, Zhu Cheng wasn't there at all, he went out earlier than Tong Zhan.

Tong Zhan took advantage of the night and went straight to Yujian Villa, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, which he picked from the mountain.

He took the flowers to give it to someone, but the object was 'Yin Tianxue', since the first time he saw Tong Zhan that night, he couldn't forget Tong Zhan.

Tong Zhan was at the age when he first fell in love, and at his current age, he just happened to be in high school.What a beautiful age, and love is so pure, as long as you see each other comfortable, just start from your heart and don't care about others.

The author really admires Tong Zhan's courage. If I had the same courage back then, maybe I would be the father of the child now, and there would be less regret in my life.

Far away, let's get down to business.

Tong Zhan also knew that this juncture is not the time to think about that matter, but love is something that goes deeper and deeper without knowing its origin.

Tonight, the moonlight coincides with the fifteenth day, and Tianxue is sitting in the courtyard drinking tea to enjoy the coolness, admiring the bright moon, while the maid Xiaoguang is waiting on her side.

Tong Zhan came striding forward, seeing that the courtyard door was open, he felt a sense of trepidation and flicked aside.

"Tong Zhan, it's all here, how can you retreat?" Tong Zhan encouraged himself to have the courage to take this step.If the childlike innocence recovers, he will be in the water moon cave, and maybe he will never see Tianxue again.

It took a long time for Tong Zhan to pluck up the courage and tiptoe to enter the courtyard, suddenly seeing Tianxue sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, that peaceful smile, and the beauty of a fairy, Tong Zhan felt guilty just looking at it.

"Who is it?" Tianxue asked immediately after seeing someone at the courtyard gate.

For some reason, Tong Zhan was so surprised that he hid suddenly.

"Miss, is there no one?" Xiao Guang looked outside the door, but there was no one there.

"Maybe it's because I'm dazzled." Although Tianxue said so, she was very sure in her heart that she had read correctly just now, and she also knew that it was Tong Zhan.The reason why I didn't point it out is just to see what Tong Zhan's purpose is here.

You said that Tianxue likes Tong Zhan, right? That's not true, it's just that he has a good impression of him, and thinks that this person is so silly and cute.

"Xiaoguang, go to sleep first, I have to sit for a while longer." Tianxue said to Xiaoguang.

"Yes, Miss." Xiaoguang is very obedient, which is why Tianxue keeps him by his side.She needs such a maid. If it's something good, how can she keep the secret for so many years.

After Xiaoguang entered the room, Tianxue said leisurely: "Since Mr. Tong is here, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea."

Tong Zhan originally thought that Tianxue didn't find him, and wanted to hide in this corner and wait for their master and servant to fall asleep before putting down the flowers and leaving, but he didn't expect Tianxue to send him an invitation.

"Drink tea as long as you drink tea, she is not afraid of me, is she afraid?" Tong Zhan said in his heart, and walked into the small courtyard with his hands behind his back at a calm and steady pace.

"Please, Mr. Tong." Tianxue poured tea for Tong Zhan.

"Thank you, miss." Tong Zhan drank the tea from the cup in his right hand, just like a cow chewing peonies.

Tianxue just looked at Tong Zhan and waited for him to speak, but Tong Zhan had a thousand words to say.

If it is said to apologize, whether the behavior of the day before yesterday was too rude, which offended the young lady;

"Young master, if you have nothing else to do, go back, I should rest too." Tie Wei would come here to make inspections from time to time, it's really not good to stare at Tong Zhan here for a long time.

"I have something to do, something to do," Tong Zhan said nervously, "I, I'm here to thank you, thank you for helping me rescue my brother, and I will give it to you." Tong Zhan took out flowers and sent them.

The wild flowers in the mountains are not precious, they are only fresh and delicate, and the dewdrops on the petals are gleaming, making them more fresh and tender.

"..." Tianxue was stunned for a while before taking the flowers with a smile and saying 'thank you'.

She has grown up so big and no one has ever given her flowers. Even though they are only wild flowers in the mountains, they are very meaningful. Even if the two of them can't get together in the end, Tianxue will always remember Tong Zhan.

Just because of this rare first time in life.

"Then, then, I'm leaving." Tong Zhan's heart was pounding, and he ran out of the hospital, looking for an unoccupied corner to dig out of Yujian Villa.

Tianxue picked up the flowers and put them up to her nose and sniffed them. Perhaps the pleasant fragrance of the flowers made her smile and look really pretty.

Let's talk about Tong Zhan, and let's talk about Zhu Cheng, why is he not in the room at midnight?
Zhu Cheng never changed into night clothes, and went out in Yin Zhong's appearance, he wanted to grab the blood wishful heart.

Don't think that Zhu Cheng is violent, he also thought about buying the Blood Ruyi Heart, but he also knew that it was his father's relic, and it was absolutely impossible to sell it to him, so snatching it is the most direct and easiest way, it's a big deal After sucking the life out of it, return it to Tianqiu.

As for whether the blood wishful heart will change after absorbing vitality, or simply disappear, then Zhu Cheng really can't help it, and he can't wrong himself for you and me.

Originally, Zhu Cheng would not deliberately look for Xue Ruyi's heart, but he just sent it to his door. If he didn't grab it, Zhu Cheng would feel sorry for God.

Sanhuafang Gouzi was lying on the bed, "huha, hohuha", sleeping deeply, but Tianchou was on the floor with his hands behind his head, his eyes open and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Who!" Tianchou heard the movement on the roof, and immediately jumped out of the window onto the roof.

"Not bad, but vigilant." Zhu Cheng, Yin Zhong in Tian Qiu's eyes, looked at Tian Qiu approvingly with his hands behind his back.

"Tianchou pays homage to the second master." Seeing Yin Zhong, Tianchou hurriedly saluted and reported: "Second master, tell me to check the whereabouts of the other ancient sword. Tianchou can be sure that Boss Han doesn't have it."

"Oh, those are not important anymore." Zhu Cheng said.

"Will Tianchou withdraw and stay with Second Master to serve?" Tianchou asked tentatively.

"No hurry, no hurry, you give me your jade pendant first." Zhu Cheng asked Tianchou for the jade pendant around his neck, that seemingly ordinary jade pendant is the heart of blood wishful Blood Ruyi recharges.

"Yes, Second Master." Contrary to Zhu Cheng's expectations, Tian Qiu took off the Blood Ruyi Heart very readily, stepped forward and handed it to Zhu Cheng.

Ah yo, this is embarrassing, ha ha.

 On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will sing a song for everyone.

  When will the bright moon come, ask the blue sky for wine... Thank you, thank you (there should be applause here)
  Hey, the book is actually on the shelves, too bad, our collection is about to fall down

(End of this chapter)

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