Chapter 69

But said that Tong Zhan was groping behind the sculpture to see if there were other things besides the medicine bottle. Zhu Cheng suddenly caught a glimpse of the snake sculpture's eyes flashing red, and immediately shouted "Tong Zhan, be careful".

However, it was too late for Tong Zhan to look back, the sculpture turned into a blood python, and opened its bloody mouth to swallow Tong Zhan.

"Whoosh" Seeing this, Zhu Cheng hurriedly used the sword control technique, and the Taibai sword on his waist unsheathed by itself, turning into a stream of light and attacking the blood python.

That Taibai didn't attack the blood python's seven-inch dead point, but the long sword stuck upright on its mouth and jaws, making it unable to close its mouth and swallow people; the size of the Taibai sword was also just right, the blood python wanted to open its mouth again It is also impossible.

"Roar!" The blood python was also ferocious, he used to use brute force, the Taibai sword like a small toothpick was stuck in his upper and lower jaw, he shut his mouth with force, vowing to break the Taibai sword.

However, the Taibai Sword was carefully selected by Zhu Cheng. Even if the blood python could break it, it would take a lot of effort. It is absolutely impossible to break the Taibai Sword instantly.

"Boom!" Besides, Tong Zhan is not stupid, he is dumb, he still has this fighting consciousness.Seeing that the blood python was blocked by Zhu Cheng's sword, he immediately flew up and kicked the blood python's seven-inch vital point.

"Roar!" The blood python was focused on biting the heart of the sword but neglected to defend. That Tong Zhan's martial arts skills were considered extraordinary, the blood python was kicked to the ground by his kick, and its huge body rolled three times on the ground.

"Hurry up, take the blood." Seeing the blood python being knocked down, Tong Bo hurriedly said.The purpose of their trip is to take the blood of the blood python, and now is a good time.

"Okay." Hearing Tong Bo's words, Tong Zhan quickly drew out his dagger and rushed forward, preparing to pierce a hole in the blood python to draw blood.

"Roar~" The blood python was kicked into flames by Tong Zhan, it didn't care about the Taibai sword stuck in its mouth, and swam around to hit Tong Zhan with its head.

The speed of the blood python is faster than the arrow that leaves the string. How could Tong Zhan expect the blood python to be able to counterattack so quickly after being kicked by him? , really have more than enough heart but not enough energy.

With a sound of "bang", Tong Zhan was hit by the blood python and flew out.

"Pfft..." He didn't get the blood from the python, but Tong Zhan took the lead in spilling blood on the underground city.

"Roar!" The blood python knocked Tong Zhan to the ground with one blow, and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and make up for it, which directly ended Tong Zhan's life.

"Sword control!" Zhu Cheng hurriedly controlled the Taibai sword to push upwards. It would be the best if he could control Taibai to directly pierce the head of the blood python. Unfortunately, Zhu Cheng's sword control technique is not very powerful. The rough-skinned and thick-skinned foreign species is powerless, and the Taibai sword cannot penetrate an inch.

In other words, if the Taibai sword could penetrate, the blood python would have pierced through the blood python's head just now when it was biting.

"Roar!" The blood python was getting closer and closer to Tong Zhan.

"Ang!" Seeing that Tong Zhan was about to die, Tong Bo made a move.But seeing him transform into a light dragon, soaring into the air, breathing out dragon's breath, opening the dragon's mouth and biting the blood python's neck.

"Roar, roar" the blood python suffered from pain, struggling violently to break away from Tong Zhan.Zhu Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to help Tong Zhan to a safe place, and healed his wounds through blood circulation.

"Roar..." Seeing that the blood python couldn't break free from Guanglong's mouth, it immediately used its huge tail to beat Guanglong. The sky thundered.

That blow hit Tong Bo. Poor Tong Bo was not a dragon even though he could transform into a dragon. His physical defense was still of flesh and blood, and he was injured after being whipped a few times.

Zhu Cheng is a practitioner of Dragon God Art, and he admires Tong Bo's talent very much.However, it took more than ten years to cultivate the Dragon God Art to the third transformation. This is not a simple and outstanding talent that can be described. Tong Bo is clearly the son of luck, with a halo around him.

Tong Bo is indeed a tough person. In order to take blood to save his younger brother Tong Xin, he trembled all over in pain, trembling and unwilling to let go. On the contrary, he bit even tighter because of the severe pain.

And Tong Bo's persistence finally paid off.The force of hitting the blood python's tail gradually weakened, and the strength of the struggle became much smaller. As long as Tong Bo persisted a little longer, the blood python would be exhausted and the blood of the blood python could be obtained smoothly.

Zhu Cheng saw that Tong Bo had the upper hand in the battle here, so he didn't intervene and focused on treating Tong Zhan.

Poor Tong Zhan was injured by this blood python twice, this new injury plus rescue, if not well treated, the root cause of the disease must be left behind.

"Roar" The blood python let out an unwilling roar, and finally fell to the ground, the red light in its eyes had gone away and it was no longer alive.

"Hmm~" Tong Bo changed back into a human form, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He also suffered internal injuries in the previous battle, and he needs to recuperate for a while before he can display his full strength.

Inevitably, Tong Zhan and Zhu Cheng found that he was injured and bleeding, turned their heads away, quickly wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth with their hands, and pretended to be calm and calm, as if killing the blood python incident was very easy.

Tong Bo is such a kind and big guy.

"Brother, get blood quickly." At this time, Zhu Cheng had already suppressed Tong Zhan's injuries, and Tong Zhan stood up and walked towards Tong Bo, with the blood-taking dagger and water bag placed on him.

"Okay, give me the dagger and water bag." Tong Bo reached out to Tong Zhan, and Tong Zhan handed both the dagger and water bag to Tong Bo.

Tong Bo stepped forward and raised the dagger to insert it into the tail of the blood python, but he heard the sound of 'ding', and the skin of the blood python was rough and fleshy, so Tong Bo couldn't penetrate it this time.

"Drink" Tong Bofu raised the dagger, and stabbed again with luck, but there was a sudden change.

"Huh~" The blood python's tail slapped over, creating a sound of wind.

Did the blood python cheat?This is not true, just now the blood python is just playing dead, this is an innate ability of many animals, it seems that the mouse playing dead on the Internet is really dumbfounding.

The blood python is also extremely intelligent, Tong Bo's first stab, it didn't pay attention at all, it just thought it was dead, in order to let Tong Bo relax its vigilance, and it would attack when Tong Bo's second stab.

If Tong Bo got it right this time, he would be useless even if he didn't die, because the blood python targeted his forehead.

"Give me the wind, the wild wind!" Zhu Cheng instantly chanted a mantra, and a whirlwind rose from the ground, rolling up the blood python, which was more than ten meters long, and spinning in the air until it couldn't tell things apart, nor could it recognize north and south.

The blood python pretended to be dead and almost hid it from Zhu Cheng's eyes, but he still felt the blood python's faint vitality by virtue of the Heaven Swallowing Skill, so when Tong Bo approached the blood python, he was ready for emergency. This second-order spell was really powerful.

But to be powerful is to be powerful, and it needs the power of the Longevity Art to activate it. Zhu Chengfa said that if his skills changed in the past few days, he would be ruined, and he would have to start all over again.

"Tong Zhan give me more strength, I can't hold it anymore." The blood python struggled fiercely in the whirlwind, Zhu Cheng seemed powerless to kill it.

"Okay." Tong Zhan also practiced the longevity formula, and he practiced it since he was a child. The inner strength of the longevity formula is naturally many times stronger than that of Zhu Cheng. With Tong Zhan's internal power provided, the whirlwind is even more powerful, so where is the wind? It was obvious that countless blades were spinning, trying to tear the blood python's corpse into tens of thousands of pieces.


"Drink!" A secret room door opened, and a person flew out of the secret room, kicking Zhu Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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