Chapter 78 Untitled
Yan'er, that is, Long Po saw that Long Bo and Tong Zhan were wearing the unique sackcloth clothes of Shuiyuedongtian, and Long Bo was still holding the Dragon Sword in his hand, and then he looked a little like his old master Long Ze, and immediately Putong knelt down and said, "Yan'er pays homage to the little master".

"Mother-in-law, please get up quickly, mother-in-law Gao Yi, Boer is the one who should kneel, Boer is the one who should be kneeling." Long Bo cried and knelt down to return the salute.Back then, if the dragon mother-in-law hadn't risked her life to save her, how could there be Long Bo, the only blood of the Long family? The dragon mother saved the Long family, so she deserves Long Bo's kneeling.

"Little master, Yan'er can't take it, can't take it." Long Po was not willing to get up, crying and kowtowed to Long Bo.

"No, mother-in-law..."

Well, this is going to be endless, and when it goes on like this is the end.

"Cough cough..." Zhu Cheng coughed twice, interrupting the knocking between master and servant, and said, "Long Bo, don't forget the purpose of our coming here."

Hearing Zhu Cheng's words, Long Bo calmed himself down and asked, "Mother-in-law, the blood Ruyi is in your hands. My brother Tong Xin is waiting for help."

"Xue Ruyi?" Long Po looked at Yin Tianxue, Xue Ruyi was in her hand.

"I put it in the secret room." Yin Tianxue said, the reason why she took the blood was because she didn't want Yin Tianqi to succeed her, and because she got an incurable disease after secretly learning Yin Zhong's kung fu, so she wanted to try blood Ruyi can be cured.

But she felt that it was useless to get Xue Ruyi for so many days. Although her condition did not get worse, she did not get any better. It is extremely inconvenient.

She is a girl, she can't carry everything in her arms like Zhu Cheng, a rough guy, and she doesn't have to be afraid of holding her chest.

The entrance of the secret room is very close, no wonder Zhu Cheng broke the poison with Yufeng Jue, and Yin Tianxue shot angrily.

There are two rooms in the secret room, one room is where Luang Po lives, and the other room is for Tianxue to practice kung fu. The furnishings in the room are also extremely simple: bed, bedding, coffee table, nothing more.

"Yan'er, have you lived here for so many years?" Han Batian couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw the living environment of Long Po.

Although Han Batian has kept his name incognito these years, he has never treated himself badly. He lives in a mansion, eats big meals, and raises a few daughters to play with when he is interested.

"As long as you are safe." Luang Po smiled, not feeling bitter.

Back then, she tried her best to send Long Bo to Shuiyue Cave, and hurried back, but unexpectedly met the enemies who were cleaning the battlefield, and they fought together.

However, her injuries were not healed and she was outnumbered, so she had no choice but to run all the way and plunged into the frightening Broken Soul Forest, thinking that even if she was going to die, she would pull a few backs.

I don't know whether it's God's eyes or the dragon mother's life is unavoidable. All the chasers were hit by traps and died, but she survived and found the secret room by accident.

This secret room was built by the ancestors of the Yin family, and the specific purpose is unknown. Even the Yin family has forgotten the location of this secret room, so it is extremely safe, and the dragon mother can safely recuperate in the secret room.

After recovering from her injuries, Luang Phor began to explore the secret room, found a mechanism, and opened a passage after activating the mechanism.

Follow the passage to a room.The door of the room was closed, and a ten-year-old girl was trembling in pain on the bed. The pain made her sweat, and her lip was bitten and bleeding.

"Child." Seeing this moment, mother's love surged up, and the dragon mother embraced the girl in her arms to comfort and caress.

The little girl looked at this aunt, although she had never masked her face and was extremely strange, she felt warm and comfortable, and she couldn't help saying "mother".

When the little girl was dying of pain, she regarded Long Po as her own mother.Her mother died of illness three years ago, and her father, an old man, doesn't know how to care for his daughter, and the little girl lacks love.

And this little girl is none other than Yin Tianxue who secretly learned Yin Zhong's martial arts and became ill.

At that time, Yin Tianxue was very dangerous. If it wasn't for the dragon mother-in-law to guide her luck again, it would be the moment of her death. Therefore, after Yin Tianxue woke up, she didn't ask someone to drive the dragon mother out, but lived in harmony with the dragon mother-in-law. Luangpo regards this little girl as her own mother, and Luangpo also regards this little girl as her own daughter.

The dragon mother-in-law also went out to look for Han Batian, but it was a pity that Han Batian was looking for her in other counties at that time and the two missed her, and Han Batian changed her name after returning, and the dragon mother-in-law couldn't find it.

"Let's go, let's go." Long Po was only worried about her husband's safety, and she wouldn't go after the husband of a mere servant girl if she wanted to come to the enemy's family.As for herself, it doesn't matter, she is content to be with Yin Tianxue.

"Grandma, who killed my Long family?" Long Bo asked.

"It's Yin Zhong. My little master, Yan'er is incompetent. Even though he knows who the murderer is, he has no strength to fight him. Yan'er is incompetent." Thinking of this, Long Po beat her chest and stamped her feet, furious.

"I will avenge this revenge, and Bo'er will avenge it." Long Bo held the Dragon God Sword tightly, and he wanted to use this sword to kill Yin Zhong.

"Dragon Lady, I will give you the blood wishful." Ying Tianxue took the blood wishful from the room, and handed it to the dragon mother, which meant that the dragon mother could dispose of the blood wishfull.It's nothing to rely on the relationship between the two of them.

"Bo'er, I will give you the blood wish. But don't get too hopeful, the blood wish is not as magical as it is said in the legend." Long Po got the blood wish and handed it to Long Bo without saying a word, and reminded her, Lest they hope the greater the greater disappointment.

"Mother, Xue Ruyi can really bring the dead back to life. Patriarch Tong was saved by Xue Ruyi." Doudou said hurriedly, she has a right to speak about this matter, and she witnessed this miracle with her own eyes.

Zhu Cheng complained in his heart, "It is indeed possible to bring the dead back to life, but the key lies in me."

"The legend is true, so why can't Tianxue be cured?" Long Po looked at Tianxue worriedly. She is also proficient in medical skills. No matter how hard she worked, the result was that Tianxue wouldn't survive this year.

"What, Tianxue is sick?" Tong Zhan immediately panicked when he heard this, and he didn't care about male and female etiquette, he stretched out his hand to feel Tianxue's pulse, his brows were furrowed and his face was filled with sorrow.

Is my goddess about to wither?

"You let go, it hurts me." Tong Zhan's mood fluctuated, but he couldn't help but exert a little force on his hands, pinching Tianxue's wrists a little painful.

"Go, go now." Tong Zhan said.

"Yes, Tong Xin is still waiting for Xue Ruyi to save her life." Tong Bo said, but he heard the second part of Tong Zhan's words: "I will definitely let Yinxiu cure you."

Tong Zhan now has a woman and forgets his brother.

But no matter what the reason was, he had to rush back to Longze Villa as soon as possible while it was getting dark.

Long Po simply packed her bags and took Tianxue with her to Longze Mountain Villa with Zhu Cheng and his party.Reunited with her husband today and seeing the young master again, she decided to move in to live with her husband and take care of the young master, and lived in the secret room when she came back to see Tianxue from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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