Chapter 8 Swallowing Heaven


"Young master, you, you have white hair."

"White hair?" Zhu Cheng took a mirror and looked at it. He really had white hair. Only then did Zhu Cheng realize that he was already a middle-aged man in his forties. Not only did he have white hair, but also crow's feet around his eyes. Appeared.

Zhu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little flustered. They all say that people are more afraid of death as they get older, and Zhu Cheng is no exception. Especially now that he has a lot of money and lives so well with a beautiful woman in his arms, he doesn't even want to die.

"No, I can't die. At least I have to delay aging." Zhu Cheng immediately called Zhang Jinjiu and asked him what method he had.

"Eternal life is impossible even for Qin Shihuang, but there are many ways to delay aging." Zhang Jin took a sip and said.

"Don't be tricky, just say it."

"Having less sex."

"Yes." In fact, Zhu Cheng's intercourse has decreased over the years. During the years of indulgence, he can obviously feel that his health has deteriorated, and he has reduced his intercourse since he was a little weak.In order to live longer, he wished Cheng could hold back once a year. After all, he had eaten and seen it before, so he was not as eager as he was at first.

"Cultivate your inner strength diligently." Zhang Jinjiu said again.

"It's up to you to say." Zhu Cheng rolled his eyes at the damn alcoholic, perhaps he was too polite to Zhang Jinjiu, so that he had no concept of superiors and subordinates at all when talking to Zhu Cheng.However, internal strength cannot be improved overnight, but the years are rolling like water without stopping, and he has nearly 80 years of strength, which is much more than many martial arts masters, so he can't absorb other people's strength with the method of absorbing energy. , It might even reduce your lifespan if it's so complicated.

"Tianxiang cardamom. According to ancient records, it has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and it must be easy to delay aging, but Tianxiang cardamom has been extinct hundreds of years ago..."

"I know where it is, go drink your wine." Zhu Cheng put down his words and left Fenghualou.

where is he going

royal palace.According to the No. [-] TV series in the world, Fanbang paid tribute to the current emperor the only three pieces of Tianxiang cardamom left in the world, and it should be in the hands of the emperor at this moment.

And Zhu Cheng also knew that the ability of Tianxiang cardamom to bring the dead back to life was not a legend, but a truth.A dying person can save his life by taking a piece of Tianxiang cardamom and become a vegetative person; taking a second piece of Tianxiang cardamom can bring the dead back to life, but the person who is brought back to life has only one year of life; taking the third piece of Tianxiang cardamom, the person who is brought back to life can live After a year, until the end of life.

From Zhu Cheng's point of view, there are three Tianxiang cardamoms because the three pieces represent spirit and spirit respectively.The first one keeps your breath, the second one restores your energy, and the third one restores your spirit.

There is Yuelai Inn Information Network——Yuelai (Yuelai means to see the future, and the pronunciation is similar to Yuelai, this name is a perfect match), Zhu Cheng has a detailed map of the palace, and I will tell Zhu Cheng when I enter the palace at night. Speaking of it, it is as if there is no one here, he doesn't even need to change his night clothes.

The current emperor is not Zhu Houzhao, but his father Zhu Youtang.This is a hard-working emperor. He was still lighting the lamp to review the memorials at such a late hour. All the eunuchs waiting on the side were dozing off. Only one white-haired old eunuch still kept his eyes open, serving Zhu Youtang loyally, and from time to time Zhu Youtang grinds.

Zhu Cheng lifted the tiles on the roof and saw Zhu Youtang working.Secretly said: "I still live a chic life, have money and time." The emperor seems to be rich in the world, but basically he has never gone out to see him.The palace is like an exquisite cage that traps the emperor in it and requires him to work hard, otherwise he will be kicked out of the palace and even beheaded.

"Who!" The old eunuch yelled, and flew up to the roof with a babble.

"A master." Zhu Cheng thought to himself.Sure enough, the palace is not simple, so he said how easy it is to come in. It turns out that the great masters protect the emperor personally.

Zhu Cheng hurriedly retreated, this is the imperial palace, he didn't want to attract a large group of people, he just wanted to take Tianxiang Cardamom and leave.

The reason why Zhu Cheng came to the Imperial Study Room was because this place was too famous, and he always felt that there was something missing if he came to the Imperial Palace but didn't come to the Imperial Study Room.Zhu Cheng came here with a tourist mentality.

But the old eunuch didn't care about this, and slapped Zhu Cheng with a palm.In the middle of the night on the roof of the palace, it must be an assassin who intends to assassinate the king and kill the nine clans.

"Boom" Zhu Cheng raised his palms to meet each other, and the two palms faced each other and were shaken out three steps.The old eunuch's skill has been profound for at least 60 years.Compared to Zhu Cheng, the old eunuch was even more surprised. Seeing that Zhu Cheng was only forty years old at the most, he had such skill.

"You are qualified to let me draw the sword." Zhu Cheng pulled out the Tianchi sword. To be honest, this was the first time he used a sword against an enemy since he practiced martial arts.

One with a sword, one with a palm, you come and go with dozens of moves, but no one can do anything to anyone.

"Okay, very good." The old eunuch screamed "Tiangang boy skill!", and an invisible veil instantly enveloped his whole body.

Hearing Tiangang Tongzi Gong Zhucheng, someone popped up in his mind——Cao Zhengchun.No, Cao Zhengchun is not that old yet, this is not Cao Zhengchun, but Cao Zhengchun's adoptive father "Cao Aman".To emphasize, it is not Cao Cao, not Cao Cao.I don't know how he has the courage to dare to call this name.

Zhu Cheng saw that Cao A concealed his big move, so he was naturally unambiguous, and immediately transformed into a golden man, regardless of Cao A concealing the attack, he directly stabbed him with a sword.



Zhu Cheng's King Kong is not bad and his defense is unparalleled, and Cao Aman's defense is not weak. Zhu Cheng's stabbing with a sword failed to break his defense.

"The assassin is there, hurry up and help Governor Cao!" At this moment, Jin Yiwei finally found Zhu Cheng, and a large group of people came to kill Zhu Cheng with Xiuchun knife.

"Not good!" Zhu Cheng didn't think that under Cao Aman's restraint, he could still defeat a hundred, even if he didn't want to, he had to use that trick.

"Absorb power!" Just like the showdown between Zhu Wushi and Cao Zhengchun in the TV series, Cao Aman was sucked in by Zhu Cheng, and Zhu Cheng sucked him in like a flood of power.

"Boom!" After almost absorbing Cao Aman's 30-year skill, Zhu Cheng stopped and knocked Cao Aman away with a single palm.Firstly, he had no intention of killing anyone, and secondly, Jin Yiwei was already approaching him, so he had to leave.

"Chase, chase me." Cao Aman weakly ordered Jin Yiwei to pursue Zhu Cheng. His current state is like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.

No wonder, he himself is already 70 or 30 years old. In ancient times, it was rare for people to live to be [-]. If it weren't for his profound skills, his unique skill would not be more than [-].Now that [-] years of skill has been sucked away by Zhu Cheng, his lifespan has dropped sharply, and he can't survive more than a month.

So where did Zhu Cheng go after getting rid of Cao A?
Without Cao Aman, Jin Yiwei's bastards couldn't even catch up with Zhu Cheng's exhaust, so he found a place to use a skill that he hadn't used for a long time-transfiguration.

In just a split second, Zhu Cheng turned into Zhu Youtang's appearance, and strutted into Concubine Shu's bedroom.At this moment, the emperor must be protected by Jin Yiwei in the imperial study, and he will never come to Concubine Shu's bedroom to expose him.

"I pay homage to the emperor, I don't know that the emperor is coming tonight, and the concubines are not sure..." Concubine Shu put on her clothes and hurried over to welcome the emperor.

"Ah, it's okay." Zhu Cheng pretended to be dignified and said, "I, I am not staying here today. I am here to fetch Tianxiang cardamom. Bring it." Zhu Cheng remembered that the emperor gave three pieces of Tianxiang cardamom The rewards were given to the Queen, Concubine Shu and Zhu Wushi respectively.

Although Concubine Shu felt that the emperor was a little strange today, she confirmed that it was the emperor standing in front of her, so she turned around and took the Tianxiang cardamom and handed it to Zhu Cheng without thinking too much.

Zhu Cheng took it, and almost laughed, "Ahem, go to bed early, I'm leaving." After finishing speaking, he pretended to be very calm and left.

"Strange, why didn't the emperor come with an escort?" the little maid muttered.

"No, no." As if the words awakened the dreamer, Concubine Shu hurriedly took people to find Zhu Cheng, but there was no trace of Zhu Cheng, and he ran away as soon as he left the bedroom.

Zhu Cheng didn't know that what he did would add a creepy ghost story to the palace.

Besides, Zhu Cheng, looking at the heavenly fragrant cardamom that looked like a pearl in his hand, he didn't know whether to eat it or not.

It is said that Tianxiang cardamom can bring the dead back to life, but it is only given when people are on the verge of death. Now that he is alive and well, is it okay to eat it?
Well, even if there is no problem, if you eat one, you will fall into a deep sleep, and you are already asleep, how can you eat the second Tianxiang cardamom, let alone he doesn't have a second one in his hand.

I just went to the Queen's bedroom, but the Queen didn't find Tianxiang Cardamom, which was obviously stolen by Cao Zhengchun, but now that the palace is under martial law, he doesn't know where Cao Zhengchun went to guard it.

"Why don't you go to Zangshu Pavilion?" The reason why I want to go to Zangshu Pavilion is that I can check the information. The emperor can accept Tianxiang cardamom as a tribute. I think there will be more detailed information; secondly, the security of Zangshu Pavilion is definitely not strict at this moment He can easily enter; come three times, he can avoid the limelight, and when the limelight passes, he will go to Cao Zhengchun and ask him for another Tianxiang cardamom.

Immediately doing what he said, Zhu Cheng went to Zangshuge to read a book, but he couldn't help himself after reading it.

In fact, in the last world, Zhu Cheng was a book lover. After being stimulated by Liu Feng when he came to No. [-] in the world, he hung out in the Academy of Engineering and did not read much. But today, for his purpose, he finally found the pleasure of reading again.

Tianxiang cardamom: the sacred object of Tianxiang country outside the Great Wall, it has bloomed for 30 years and borne fruit for 30 years. The Tianxiang cardamom plant withered 300 years ago, and there are only three Tianxiang cardamom left in the world... The introduction is full of thousands of words, from its origin to its demise, I wish you sincerely Finally, I got an answer: Tianxiang cardamom can only bring the dead back to life, and cannot delay aging.

After a long time, I made a chicken rib myself.Zhu Cheng smiled wryly and put the Tianxiang cardamom in his hand into his arms, and he couldn't give it back if he took a long time to get it.

"If it comes, it will be safe." I haven't read a book for many years, Zhu Cheng decided to read a book here quietly for a while, anyway, he has nothing to do when he goes out.

But it was because of this decision that Zhu Cheng found a way to delay aging - martial arts.As long as one can create a martial art that can absorb the essence of life, one will be able to surpass the world, and theoretically speaking, one can live forever.

In order to create this kung fu, Zhu Cheng borrowed a lot of magical skills, such as the great shift of the universe, the magic skill of nine suns, the scriptures of nine yin, the treasure of sunflowers, and the great method of absorbing stars. But all the magical skills were shelved and no one cared about them.

These librarians are self-proclaimed scholars, and they don't even bother to practice martial arts.In their view, reckless men with well-developed limbs and simple minds are only fit to charge forward, and how can they strategize in the court like them.

Of course, there are not only these magical skills in the huge library, but also evil skills such as Xiongtian Tianxia and Ah Bi Dao's Three Swords.

After ten years, Zhu Cheng spent a full ten years, and finally created a life-prolonging exercise based on the Dafa of absorbing energy. Zhu Cheng named it "Swallowing Heaven Kung Fu".During the period, Zhu Wushi came to take out the Dafa of Absorbing Stars, Great Shift of the Universe, Heroic Domination of the World, and the Three Swords of Ah Bidao.

After absorbing the vitality in the heavenly fragrant cardamom with Tuntian Gong, Zhu Cheng immediately returned to his 20-year-old appearance, and his long hair also changed from white to black.

Zhu Cheng clenched his fist and said, "It's nice to be young."

As soon as he left the house, he got a piece of news: the eight sects had an appointment to fight Undefeated Naughty Tonggu on the bank of Taihu Lake on August [-] this year.The ancient three links are really hateful. Not to mention overthrowing the eight sects, one person still paints turtles on their buttocks to humiliate people.

"It just so happened that I haven't been active for a long time, so I went to join in the fun." People are young and their mentality is also young, Zhu Chengjing is eager to take a carriage to Taihu Lake.

 Brothers and sisters, have pity on me, come here for a recommendation ticket, I am really miserable.I am three years old...


(End of this chapter)

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