Chapter 89 Return to Water Moon Cave
According to the original book, the black iron that Zhu Cheng obtained is the second part of "Legend of the Spirit Mirror" in Shuiyuedongtian, the weapon of the stupid big guy (Yin Zhong).

Zhu Cheng took this black iron with the idea of ​​refining the sword. Although the Taibai Sword is good, it is not enough. He needs a sword that can rival the Dragon Sword.

"It's just that this curse is a bit troublesome, that's all, let's take it back to study first." Zhu Cheng took Xuan Tie back first, since he can cast a curse, there must be a spell that can undo it. Let's have a look first, there is really no way Then find a treacherous blacksmith to make swords.

Zhao Yun didn't ask much about Zhu Cheng's purchase of such an iron block for 1000 taels. She supported any decision Zhu Cheng made, let alone only 1000 taels.

After buying Xuantie, Zhu Cheng spent all day studying in the room. He tore through the overview of enchantment and couldn’t find a way to remove the curse. He used his own blood to identify the master, but there was nothing In desperation, he had no choice but to give up and transform his skills wholeheartedly.

A month later, Long Bo, Tong Zhan, Tong Xin, and Yin Xiu decided to return to Shuiyuedongtian.After being out for so long, the patriarch should be worried if he doesn't go back.Moreover, Long Bo and Tong Zhan have important matters to find Tong Zhen.

"Back to the Shuiyue Cave?" Zhu Cheng hesitated. He originally planned not to go back after leaving the Shuiyue Cave, but to wander the rivers and lakes, or open a Yuelai Inn to establish the world's number one intelligence network.

But now he has two things that need to be solved urgently. The first thing is the integration of Dragon God Kung Fu and Longevity Kung Fu. He needs to absorb knowledge from this world because his background is too shallow. Shuiyue Cave is a good choice; The black iron curse cannot be lifted by himself, the elders must be interested in studying such a strange thing, and he needs to find the elders to calculate it.

And, and.There is also the third thing that just came to mind, Ling Jing has to be taken to Shuiyue Cave, after all, it is the treasure of the Tong clan, it is not easy to let it go outside, and more importantly, what if Yin Zhong escapes?

There is a precedent for this in the original work, and Zhu Cheng had to guard against it.If Yin Zhong really escaped, then his first stop would be Shuiyue Cave. A fight with the Tong clan would be regarded as a civil war at best.

Furthermore, only the Tong clan can block Yin Zhong. If they can't, then there is no need for other martial artists to go up and just kneel.

Zhu Cheng still feels that internal conflicts should be resolved internally first, and if they cannot be resolved, they will be magnified externally until they are destroyed or reborn.

"Okay, let's go now." The group of people didn't come here for a long time, and they didn't salute much, so they left as soon as they said hello, and left after saying hello to the Han family.

As for Tong Zhan, he quarreled with Tianxue a little, leaving behind a sentence of "wait for me to marry you" and hurried to catch up.

It seems that only Long Bo is in the most complicated mood on this trip home. Unexpectedly, his father is no longer his father's house and no longer his home. Looking at the four characters "Shuiyuedongtian" on the cliff wall, Long Bo was in a daze .

Seeing this, Tong Zhan patted Long Bo's shoulder and said, "No matter what, you will always be my big brother."

"Second brother, what are you talking about? Big brother is big brother?" Tong Xin blinked her eyes in a daze.

"Everyone says you're stupid, but you don't know that being stupid has its advantages." Zhu Cheng heard Tong Xin's words, but said this out of feeling.

"Look at the trick!" Tong Xin punched Zhu Cheng, Zhu Cheng was caught off guard by him, and hurriedly evaded and crashed into the cliff.

"Hey, hey, Tong Xin, why are you beating someone?" Yinxiu hurriedly stopped Tong Xin who was about to catch up.

"Ah, he called Tong Xin stupid, the eldest brother and the second brother said, as long as anyone calls me stupid and calls me stupid, I can beat him." After Tong Xin said that, she rushed into the rock wall in a hurry, trying to chase Zhu Cheng.

"'s too difficult for me." Zhu Cheng felt very tired.

The way home is to run while chasing, this place can be regarded as Zhu Cheng's family, and the Tong family is also his clan.

"came back?"

"Yes, I'm back."

"Does it look good outside?"


Everyone in the clan seems to know Tong Bo and Tong Zhan, everyone greets them, but when they see Tong Xin, they run away in a hurry, afraid of bumping into this rough brat.

"Okay, Tong Xin, stop making trouble." Tong Bo said with a straight face.

"Oh." Tong Xin was obedient, seeing that Tong Bo was angry, she obediently walked behind Tong Zhan, looking aggrieved.

Tong Zhan straightened his Tongxin clothes, and a group of five people went to see the patriarch 'Tong Zhen' and reported to him what happened during this period.

"The good news is that there is no danger, where is the mirror now?" Tong Zhen asked.

"It's here." Tong Zhan took out the mirror and handed it to Tong Zhen. Tong Zhen looked at it for a long time, nodded and said, "It is indeed the mirror. Zhan'er stays here. You all go down and rest."

"Yes." Zhu Cheng and the three retreated according to their words, and gently closed the door.

"Zhan'er, you know Bo'er's life experience, and you are the only one who can succeed the patriarch of the Tong clan. Do you understand your responsibilities?" Tong Zhen asked.

"My child understands that even if you risk your life, you will protect your clan well."

"Okay, you've matured a lot after going out for a while. It seems that it's time for my Tong clan to come into the world. At that time, the burden of the Tong clan will be placed on your shoulders."

"Baby will never disappoint father." Tong Zhan said solemnly.

"After one month, I will abdicate and you will be the successor of the patriarch. I will lead the people out of the Shuiyue Cave and see the outside world." Tong Zhen's eyes were shining brightly. The Shuiyue Cave was about to collapse. There are far more people in the village than dead people. Even if food is rationed, it won't last for a few years. If you don't go out, some people will starve to death.


"Before that, throw the mirror into the lava of hell rock." Tong Zhen handed the mirror to Tong Zhan.

"Isn't the spiritual mirror the treasure of our family? It was finally lost and recovered. Why did dad let me destroy it?" Tong Zhan asked puzzled.

"Although the spirit mirror has a spirit, I don't know whether the spirit is good or evil. I don't know the specifics. It's just that the patriarch passed it down from generation to generation. If the spirit mirror is found in the future, it will be destroyed. The words of the ancestors will never be seen by future generations. It cannot be violated." Tong Zhen's explanation was vague, as if he was hiding something.Maybe it's because I don't want to burden the child too much, anyway, the mirror is about to disappear.

"My child obeys." Tong Zhan is a filial child, so Tong Zhen said he had no choice but to obey. He went out and went straight to Hell Rock, overlooking the hot and tumbling magma. Tong Zhan threw the spirit mirror into it without hesitation, then turned and went Walk.

"Pfft..." Tong Zhan didn't know it, the moment he turned around, the spiritual mirror popped out, as if a person felt the heat and quickly retracted his hand, and then firmly embedded in the cliff.

As for that Zhu Cheng, he went to the elders with Yinxiu, and that Xuan Tie had to study hard.

When the elders saw the letter, they all frowned and sighed: "There are such vicious curses under the sky."

"It seems that the legend is true. In ancient times, there were people other than my Tong family who were gifted with supernatural powers." Elder Tianxing said.

"I feel an evil aura on the black iron." Elder Jin said.

"Can the curse be lifted?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Research is needed." All the elders said in unison.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to the elders." Zhu Cheng put down the black iron and left. He knew the temper of these old men, and he would never allow anyone to disturb him when he was studying. If you have that kind of skill, you might as well go to the scripture cave to read books and gain knowledge.


Maybe it's really old, there is always such a sentence in my mind: teenagers don't know the feeling of sorrow, they fall in love with the upper floors; in love with the upper floors, they force their sorrows to write new words.Now that I know all the sorrow, I want to say it, but I want to say it, but I say it's a cool autumn.Even if he was full of melancholy, he just nodded his head and settled down, never roaring up to the sky, or crying to someone.

Everyone is a solitary traveler.

 Wow, wow, thank you for the June monthly pass. ?????????????????
(End of this chapter)

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