Chapter 91

"Hahaha, Long Teng, you can't trap me. I, Yin Zhong, am a god, the ruler of heaven and earth." Yin Zhong was once out of trouble but has since become a demon, and he is the only one in heaven and earth.

"I can't see me, I can't see me..." Zhu Cheng muttered in his heart, and quietly took off the dragon body, turning into a little ant crawling on the ground, those short legs crawled so fast, the legs were just an afterimage.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Everything in sight was frozen, except for an ant crawling on the ground. No one knew that this was Zhu Cheng's change, not to mention that Yin Zhong saw it at the first sight when he came out of the spiritual mirror. I wish you sincerely.

"I trampled you to death." He was merciless towards Zhu Cheng Yin Zhongzi. If he hadn't procrastinated, how would Long Teng have the opportunity to get on Longbo, and how could he have been trapped in the spirit mirror for five full years.

Zhu Chengzhi felt that the dark clouds were overwhelming. If this kick was stepped on, no matter what kind of jade body and cave heaven skills he had, he would have to stop, and he would just change the name to 'Guitian Gong'.

"Ang!" Zhu Cheng was not willing to be trampled to death, so he quickly recovered his original form and drew out his Taibai sword to kill Yin Zhong.

Seeing Zhu Cheng coming to kill, Yin Zhong sneered and said, "You can't do what you can." Immediately, he touched the void with his hand, and there was a sword in his hand, and he fought Zhu Cheng.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up." Even though Zhu Cheng tried his best, Yin Zhong only fought the enemy with one hand, and kept mocking Zhu Cheng's sword moves for being too slow.

Zhu Cheng felt very aggrieved, very angry, he really wanted to rush out of the book to question Gu, "Am I still the protagonist after all, being suppressed and beaten by the villain?"

"Damn it, I'm going to fight you." Zhu Cheng withdrew his sword and took out his palm, attacking Yin Zhong with the Heaven Swallowing Kung Fu.

"It's this trick again, ha ha." Yin Zhong didn't care, he had learned this trick a long time ago, but Xiao Daoer, in order to tease Zhu Cheng, he didn't dodge or dodge, and let a palm hit him.

"Boom..." Yin Zhong hit Zhu Cheng with a slap in the chest, but he didn't hurt or retreat, and he looked at Zhu Cheng with a hehe smile.

"Hehe..." Zhu Cheng also smiled back, and then his eyes were fixed, and he used his full strength to perform the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu. Yin Zhong immediately changed his face, and his vitality and magic power rushed towards Zhu Cheng at an extremely fast speed.

"Drink!" Yin Zhong sensed that something was wrong, and immediately shook his body, sending out a burst of vigor, forcing Zhu Cheng back five meters, but he still couldn't get rid of the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu, which can be performed from a distance .

"Okay, very good." Yin Zhong smiled back angrily, stroked his long beard with a calm face, and then turned into a red dragon, getting rid of the Heaven Swallowing Kung Fu.

"Ang! Little fly, watch me eat you alive." The red dragon opened its mouth and was about to swallow Zhu Cheng.

"I will too." Not to be outdone, Zhu Cheng turned into a black dragon and fought against the red dragon with Taibai as a bone.

The red dragon has a strong body, while the blue dragon has a slightly weaker body, but its movements are easy to follow. It is covered with a layer of lightning armor, and it is comparable to the red dragon in battle.

Where the two dragons passed by, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the ice layer shattered. The people of the tribe simply began to evacuate, and the distance was far away. Zhu Cheng also tried to avoid the elders as much as possible, but no one was killed.

In the ice layer, the eyes of the elders are rolling around. It is obvious that although they are frozen, they are still conscious. Seeing the two people fighting fiercely, they are all covered in cold sweat. This is a little bit wrong, and their old lives are over. .

Canglong spewed out a huge fireball, hitting Yin Zhong's body bent, and his body was scorched black, but he healed within a short while.

The red dragon scratched the blue dragon with one paw, leaving deep scratches, but healed before bleeding.

Perhaps Zhu Cheng is inferior to Yin Zhong in the competition of internal strength, but when it comes to instant healing, he has not lived in vain for so many years, and he has ample vitality reserves. After all, Zhu Cheng is a person who loves beauty and is afraid of old age.

Just like this, you come and go, the two dragons fight from early morning to sunset, the sun sets as usual, and the bright moon rises as usual.They are the most ruthless things in the world, and the ridiculous people often tell Yue the pain of parting.

"Pfft..." Zhu Cheng was finally defeated, and the keel was cut off by the Taibai sword.

Yin Zhong, who has become a demon, is extremely powerful.If Yin Zhong is still as strong as five years ago, Zhu Cheng can at least be on par with him, but Yin Zhong's strength has improved too much in the past five years, and Zhu Cheng is powerless.

"Escape." This was the only thought in Zhu Cheng's mind. Following an ice hole, Zhu Cheng cast his transformation technique and got in.The ice cave has twists and turns, like nine bends and eighteen bends, which makes people dizzy, and they can't feel the southeast and the northwest.

"Where are you going!" Yin Zhong also used the transformation technique, and pursued Zhu Cheng closely. It seemed that he wanted to kill Zhu Cheng to celebrate his escape from trouble today.

The light, Zhu Cheng saw the light in front of him, it was red shimmering light, and he took a closer look at a beautiful girl in the shimmering light, who was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was looking curiously at the 'ant' that Zhu Cheng had turned into. '.

Looking at her eyes, it seems that she has never seen ants before.

"Can you move?" Zhu Cheng asked in amazement. It's really amazing that this beautiful girl is safe and sound under the ice.Not only that, the ten-meter radius covered by the low light has never been frozen.

During the questioning, Zhu Cheng had already turned into a human body.

"Thanks to it." The beautiful girl raised a red stone in her hand, and Zhu Cheng could feel that the red stone contained a rich fire element, presumably it was the essence of magma, but it was condensed into a bead with powerful mana.

"This is under the magma." Zhu Cheng suddenly realized where he was, looked up and saw an ice coffin placed on the cliff, and then looked at the beautiful girl, his eyes flooded.

The root of all evil, I entrust my life to you.

"Fly, where are you running!" Yin Zhong immediately chased after him and turned into a human with a sword in his hand to kill Zhu Cheng.

"Don't!" The beautiful girl finally saw an outsider, but she couldn't bear to see Zhu Cheng die, so she immediately opened her arms to block Zhu Cheng.

"Pfft!" As a devil, Yin Zhong would not have any good morals of caring for the young and respecting the old and caring for the young. He didn't stop when he slashed out with a sword, which directly resulted in the life of the beautiful girl.

"No, Yin Zhong! What did you do, what did you do!" Zhu Cheng yelled excitedly, this nima Yin Zhong directly killed his daughter with a sword, what a joke, originally Zhu Cheng still counted on the beautiful girl I am begging for mercy.

"I killed a person," Yin Zhong looked at the body, and then said, "A beautiful woman."

"He's your daughter." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he collapsed to the ground like a deflated ball.

"What!" Yin Zhong grabbed Zhu Cheng's collar, lifted Zhu Cheng up, and stared directly at Zhu Cheng's eyes.

"No, it's impossible. My daughter died 500 years ago. Even if she's still alive, she's too old." Yin Zhong didn't believe it, and felt that Zhu Cheng was fooling him, trying to distract him so he could take the opportunity to sneak attack.

"I slashed you!" Yin Zhong slashed down with his palm.

"Spiritual mirror! Is this the result you want? Tell him the truth, tell him the truth!" Zhu Cheng closed his eyes and roared. He didn't know if this voice was useful, but closing his eyes would definitely be useful, at least not I don't want to die with peace in my eyes, I just hope that people will have a next life and remember the wonderful life of this life.

"Buzz buzz..." Zhu Cheng made the right bet, the spiritual mirror suddenly appeared in front of Yin Zhong, and the petrification had been lifted, but the picture from 500 years ago appeared on the mirror.

Yin Feng accidentally ate a poisonous snake and died from the poison. Yin Zhong was overwhelmed with grief and vowed to destroy the Tong clan, and to cultivate himself into a god and let heaven and earth be his servants.In order to preserve Yin Feng's body, Yin Zhong used the Ice Jue to make an ice coffin and put Yin Feng in it, and hid the ice coffin in a cave for safety.

It's a pity that a big flood washed away the ice coffin in the cave, but the ice coffin drifted into the Shuiyue Cave Tianhell Rock through the underground river.

The hellish rock looked lava billowing on the surface, but it was strong outside and dry inside. There was no magma after tens of meters from the ground, otherwise the volcanic eruption would not be able to freeze it even if it was blood.

It just so happened that there was an elder practicing here under the Hell Rock, and it happened that this elder was proficient in the technique of Qi and Huang. Seeing that Yin Feng let his breath go, he smashed open the ice coffin and rescued Yin Feng.

It turned out that Yin Feng ate the poisonous snake meat by mistake and just held his breath, looking like he was dead. However, Yin Zhong was too sad at that time, and he was not proficient in medicine, so he made a mistake, thinking that Yin Feng was dead.

After that, Yin Feng lived with the elder under the Hell Rock. A few years later, the elder died, and Yin Feng lived alone. Today is the second and third person she has seen besides the elder.

Oh, by the way, due to being frozen for too long, Yin Feng has already forgotten the memory before being frozen, and even she doesn't even know her own name, so the elders named her 'Crescent Moon'.

"No! No!" Yin Zhong looked at the scene in the mirror, and then saw the ice coffin hanging high on the cliff, crying uncontrollably, his hands trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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