The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 97 We Meet the Dragon Envoy

Chapter 97 We Meet the Dragon Envoy

But he said that Zhu Cheng showed Ao Le a short movie, and Ao Le roared when he watched it.Do you know what she saw?
It turned out that 15 years later, Di Shitian led the people from Tianmen to the Shenlong Island, and with the power of seven divine soldiers to slay the dragon, took her dragon yuan and killed her.

"No, no, no!" Seeing that he was dead, Ao Le slapped his tail angrily, and the directly hitting Longyuan shook, making the island restless.

After a long time, Ao Le finally calmed down, and asked through gritted teeth, "Who, who is he?"

"His name is Di Shitian, he is the man who ate the blood of the phoenix." Zhu Cheng introduced Ao Le.

"Little Phoenix was killed by him! Where is he, I want to kill him!" Ao Le is now a female tyrannosaurus, if Di Shitian is here, he will be bitten and crushed by her, and then trampled into meat paste.

"I can help you find him, and I can kill him for you." Zhu Cheng hurriedly said.

"Okay, you take me to him now, I want to avenge me." There is nothing wrong with Ao Le's words, there is nothing wrong with him.

"Well, I don't know where he is now. How about you let me go first, and when I find him, how about I take you to kill him?" Zhu Cheng said.Di Shitian seemed to be at Tianmen, but Zhu Cheng really didn't know where Tianmen was.

What's more, even if he knew about Zhu Cheng, he couldn't tell Ao Le that it was wrong, and he still pointed to this matter to escape.

"Ding dong, as a host, how can you lie to people, let alone dragons. The mission is released, and Di Shitian will be killed within 15 years. If the mission is not completed, the cold air will enter the body and freeze to death." The system is acting like a demon again .Originally, with this cheating system character, he wanted to set a time limit of ten days for Zhu Cheng, but Dameng Sanqian didn't allow it.

Although the cheating system has invaded Dameng [-], Dameng [-] has also started the virus cleaning program in time and is resisting tenaciously. Some things that Zhu Cheng is absolutely impossible to do, Dameng [-] has already restricted it , cheating system is not an option.

For example, the 'time to kill Emperor Shitian': the cheating system has two options, one is '15 years' and the other is '30 years', the cheating system has no choice but to choose 15 years.

"Since when have I been honest, I can't cheat?" Zhu Cheng complained. He didn't know how many people he cheated all these years. Is the system having a convulsion?

"I can't do it if I say no." The cheating system is so tough, Zhu Cheng has no choice but to obey. It took 15 years to find Di Shitian and kill him.

Zhu Cheng has estimated his combat power in the situation, and he can fight Ao Le alone a few times, and his strength is definitely stronger than Di Shitian, not to mention instant kills, but it should be no problem to easily KO.

If this world is full of aura, Zhu Cheng can instantly kill Di Shitian, a big liar, with a spell K.

"Let you go? Do you think I'm stupid?" Ao Le grinned at Zhu Cheng.Although we are not as smart as others, we are not without brains.

Zhu Chengxin groaned, and sighed: "Can I just stay and be the Dragon King? I don't want it, I don't want it..."

"If you leave, what will you do if you don't find someone for me?" Ao Le said, but Zhu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Zhu Cheng thought that Ao Le was worried that he would never come back, that's why he didn't agree to let him go, but he didn't expect to be worried about this.

"I swear, I will definitely kill Di Shitian for you." Zhu Cheng pointed to Tian and swore sincerely.The system has already issued a task, so he can't do without killing him.

"No, you have to swear to Empress Nuwa, so I will believe it." Ao Le said.

"Okay, I Zhu Cheng swears to Empress Nuwa today that after I go out, I will find Di Shitian and kill her. If I violate this oath, I will strike you with a thunderbolt." As soon as Zhu Cheng finished making the oath, he felt something was wrong, as if there was an invisible shackle wearing him. On his body, although there is no weight, I feel uncomfortable all over.

"Could this be the legendary oath of heaven?" Zhu Cheng often read novels in his previous life, especially novels of the prehistoric genre. Not even a saint can escape.

"You guessed it right, there is a god in this world and you can't swear indiscriminately." The cheating system was quite warm this time, and it actually solved Zhu Cheng's confusion.

"Okay, I can only work harder." Zhu Cheng admitted.It's nothing at all, it's all about killing Emperor Shitian, it's very simple.But in the future, you can never swear to deceive people again. You really have a god in your head.

"Okay, I'll let you out now." Seeing Zhu Cheng swear, Ao Le hurriedly let go of the paws that were pressing on the spirit mirror.

"I'm out." But seeing the mirror surface fluctuate, Zhu Cheng appeared in front of Ao Le.

"Ding dong, in order to sharpen the host, the spiritual mirror only retains the function of storing things, and it cannot collect living things." As soon as the spiritual mirror came out, such a bad news sounded in Zhu Cheng's mind.

The cheating system has blocked Zhu Cheng's escape route, and it really didn't budget for Zhu Cheng's trick of showing a small movie in the mirror, so that it failed.

Zhu Cheng looked at Ao Le who was staring at him covetously, and swallowed unavoidably.Eldest sister, don't change your mind, I can't go back to Lingjing.

"Do you want me to take you up?" Aole saw Zhu Cheng standing still and staring at herself in a daze, thinking that Zhu Cheng wanted to take a ride, and without saying a word, she bowed her head and Zhu Cheng stood on her head.

"Huh——" When the wind blew up, Zhu Cheng came back to his senses. He was blown down by the strong wind. He hurriedly grabbed the horn of the Ao Le dragon, just like a 'dragon knight'.

"Look, it's Shenlong!"


"What is that on Shenlong's head? It's a person, it's the Canglong King." The Hai people recognized Zhu Cheng, isn't this the same Canglong from yesterday?
Aole saw the Hai people on the ground, but she ignored it. She was used to this scene every time she appeared, and she asked Zhu Cheng, "Where are you going, I will take you there directly."

"No, no." Zhu Cheng quickly refused.The dragon is full of treasures, and it's too late to hide. How can he go to the bustling world of the Central Plains?

"You just let me down there, and I will cross the sea by myself." Zhu Cheng pointed to the tallest building among the Sea Clan.

"Sit still." Ao Leyan swooped down, the speed was so fast that Zhu Cheng couldn't speak.

'Boom' descended rapidly and landed heavily, and Aole landed on the square in front of the Dragon Temple.

"Shenlong!" A group of Hai people saw the Shenlong descending to earth, and they came to watch, but Ao Le didn't want to see so many people, so he said to Zhu Cheng, "I'll wait for you, baby." Then he took off and waited So many people rushed to the field, only Zhu Cheng was left.

"Shenlong, has Shenlong left us?" Seeing Shenlong go away, the Hai people wept bitterly.Did the patron saint of the Sea Clan abandon the Sea Clan and no longer protect the Sea Clan?The belief that has been held for many years collapsed in an instant. To the Hai people, this feeling is even more terrifying than the sky falling.

"No, Shenlong didn't abandon us, but sent the Dragon King down to lead us." The Water God King pointed at Zhu Cheng and called him the Dragon King.

"The Sea Clan pays homage to the Dragon King." The Water God King immediately bowed to Zhu Cheng, and all the Sea Clan believed it was true, bowed down to Zhu Cheng one after another, and reverently called Zhu Cheng the Dragon King.

"Um, I'm so embarrassed. It feels good, but calling me Dragon King means that I am the husband of Ao Le, eh~" Zhu Cheng wanted to die when he thought of marrying a dragon, so he quickly shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts .

"I'm not the Dragon King." Zhu Cheng said.

"Woooooo... Shenlong abandoned our Sea Clan..." Hearing Zhu Cheng's denial, the Hai Clan cried in unison.

"However, I am the envoy of the dragon. I am friends with Shenlong, and she sent me here." Zhu Cheng couldn't see others cry, so he had to say something half-truth.

The happy thing is that the system didn't act as a monster, saying that he was dishonest as the host and sending him tasks or something.But it's better this way, no one is stupid enough to ask for punishment, isn't it?

"When we meet the Dragon Envoy, we must obey the order of the Dragon Envoy." The Water God King led his tribe to swear allegiance to Zhu Cheng.

This is faith, it can be destroyed in an instant, and it can also be established in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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