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Chapter 661 Hongjun Demon Body, withered 0!

Chapter 661 Hongjun's demon body, withering! (Fourth update, Zhantian League leader update, 1762)

The fourth person, accompanied by the Thunder of Nine Heavens, is full of black, purple, green and other colored thunder and lightning, and some of the thunder and lightning have even evolved into the appearance of ancient mythical beasts.With a sound of thunder, the ancient beasts in the boundary sea exploded directly and turned into a pile of flesh and blood. The source of these thunder and lightning is also a threaded fruit!
The fifth person shot out his eyes, and the boiling sea around him suddenly stopped, and then cracked open like glass, but in a single thought, the broken sea healed again, and after healing, it cracked again, and it went round and round, which was amazing to watch. Terrified.At the same time, behind him is a dark white fruit, which is spinning and releasing the power of supreme space.

The sixth person raised his fingers, and the sky above the illuminated boundary sea suddenly collapsed. The long river of time seemed to be under an irresistible gravity, and it hung directly on the sea like a waterfall, accompanied by various Mysterious meteorite.In his palm, he was playing with a soil-gray threaded fruit.

The seventh person, yellow sand flying all around him, where the sea water evaporates directly.The strong man from different time and space stared at it, feeling the blood in his body rioting, as if it was about to be sucked away by the inconspicuous yellow sand through the long river of time. In the center of the yellow sand was a brilliant golden threaded fruit.

The eighth person, surrounded by breathtaking white snowflakes, when the snowflakes fell on the surface of the sea, they stretched from the surface of the sea to the endless seabed in an instant, and those ancient beasts were frozen by metal before they could escape.Feeling the penetrating chill, the supreme powerhouse from different time and space couldn't help shivering.The source of the snowflakes comes from an ice-blue fruit.

The ninth person, he is holding a crimson threaded fruit, although he does not carry any abnormalities, but the moment the red light bursts out, the visions of the rest of the people become more terrifying, as if they have been blessed.

The tenth person, to be precise, he is no longer a human being, it is a statue of Buddha.It looks like there is no life, but when the eyes turn, it is the long river of time that collapses, the surface of the boundary sea sinks, and hundreds of millions of Buddha shadows are chanting sutras.



The ten figures passed by in a flash, and then overlapped again, forming a beam of ten-color light.

One point is ten, ten is one, this process is actually just a moment.

However, the existence that can fight in the boundary sea is all the most powerful people in that time and space. Those strong people who are closer to the Wu Fang battlefield can naturally see the process before and after.It was precisely for this reason that they looked at Wu Fang again with a little more fear and respect.

As for those different time and space farther away from the battlefield, in their perception, they only know that there is another terrifying hazy energy body in that battlefield, and its breath is no less than the previous terrifying energy body.

Finally, the ten-color light collided with the black sword.

In an instant, the sea shook and the sky shook.

The eyes of thousands of experts from different time and space were suddenly filled with white awns.

The sound of the explosion that could penetrate the long river of time and frighten their hearts and souls disappeared in an instant, followed by a deathly silence.

This feeling makes them feel as if their vision and hearing have been deprived at the same time, it's too scary!
In the dead silence, the vision of those strong players in the different time and space battlefields who were closer to each other gradually became clearer.

When they saw the scene on the battlefield again, all of them changed their faces in disbelief, even though they were stronger than them, it was difficult to keep calm.

Looking around, the boundary sea below the battlefield was directly empty, like an isolated endless black hole, just looking at it, you will lose your heart and soul, and feel palpitations inexplicably.

The ten colored lights disappeared, replaced by the man in the green robe.The Taiji diagram under his feet disappeared, the devil fruit tree, bodhi tree, and enlightenment tree behind him disappeared, and the golden bowl above his head that released the power of faith disappeared...

At this moment, he is like an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary, just hovering quietly above the endless black hole, staring ahead, his expression is the same as before the battle, it seems that there has been no change from the beginning to the end.

On the other side of the endless black hole, the black sword disappeared, and changed back to the appearance of Hongjun's demon body.

His body was fading and dissipating, and the rain of light was swallowed by the mysterious threaded fruit above his head.

Different from the threaded fruit that appeared before, this threaded fruit has ten colors, among which burning fruit, flashing fruit, metal fruit, thundering fruit, shaking fruit, gravity fruit, rustling fruit, frozen fruit, violent fruit, and Buddha Fruit ups and downs.

"An emperor has withered!"

After a long time, the supreme powerhouses in the nearby different time and space battlefield recovered from the shock, and looked at the dissipated Hongjun demon body one by one, with an indescribable loneliness on their faces.

They don't know these two people, but they know the hardships of the journey of cultivation!

Those who can reach this realm are all the most outstanding people of that era, and after millions or even tens of millions of years of practice, I am afraid that they have reached that realm.

However, just now, they witnessed the fight between two emperors, and the defeat of one emperor!
"Is this the end... The first emperor has lost!"

On the battlefield in the northwest, seven people including the eight-winged creature and the blond man looked at each other in dismay. In their sight, they could see two groups of terrifying energy bodies, but the light emitted by one of the energy bodies was gradually fading. disappearing at a visible rate.

As for Ye Fan, his body was trembling, his eyes were fixed on the victorious energy body, his lips moved slightly, as if confirming the identity of the other party, tears of excitement rose from his bloodshot eyes.

"Master..." There was a soft call, filled with deep thoughts.

"Defeated! Patriarch Hongjun lost!"

Tens of thousands of monks and the top experts of the Three Religions looked at the battlefield in the boundary sea in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Master Tongtian and Laojun Taishang looked at each other, their primordial spirits became more and more dim, and their expressions became dazed.No matter what, they couldn't believe that the head of the Wu sect had become so powerful!
What confuses them even more is that the strength of the head of the Wu family is the end!
300 years ago, when the opponent fought the Jade Emperor, the aura fluctuations displayed did not even reach the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Daxian.

However, when he returned after 300 years, he first released the breath of the fourth level, and then climbed to the eighth level.When Hongjun's demon body was revived, he unexpectedly showed the strength of a celestial being again!
It's all just incredible!
Looking at Wu Fang's back, unconsciously, Master Tongtian's soul trembled slightly, and he thought of a sentence that the other party had said to him many times.

"Sometimes, what you see is not necessarily all."


(End of this chapter)

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