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Chapter 103 Halloween Conference

Chapter 103 Halloween Conference
Looking at the former sons of these two holy places, Ye Chen sighed a long way, feeling a little lost.

When he first heard their legends, Ye Chen was proud of being able to look directly at Lin Xian'er's face.Now it seems that it is actually because these two people have problems.

Sima Chaoqun hit the ground angrily, "Damn it, Ye Chen! Even if I lose today, I won't hand over Xiao Xian'er to you! Petite and lovely Xian'er will be protected by me!"

According to common sense, Ye Chen should be very angry, and then beat this guy up.

But for some reason, Ye Chen not only didn't want to beat him, but also felt sorry for him.

"Petite and cute?"

Lin Xian'er is now slim and tall, with a height of 1.8 meters. She was a standard international supermodel figure in her day, half a head taller than him.So, it's hard to imagine her having anything to do with the adjective "petite."

Poor Sima Chaoqun has been living in the memory of that year, thinking that Lin Xian'er was a fairy boy who would never grow up.

Nangong Yi whispered: "I heard that Lolicon seems to have this kind of delusional disorder. I think cute children will never grow up!"

Sima Chaoqun protested again: "I'm not a lolicon, I'm just a feminist!"

Ye Chen heaved a long sigh, "No wonder when I asked the female disciples of Yaochi Holy Land just now, when I mentioned you two, their expressions suddenly changed. How many female disciples of Yaochi Holy Land have you killed?"

Nangong Yi hurriedly sweated and said, "Well, I'm just lustful. It shouldn't have anything to do with the word pervert, right? It's that... You see, we are all men. You should understand this kind of emotion."

Ye Chen glanced at Nangong Yi, "Tell me the truth, have you ever used that gossip mirror to peek at Lin Xian'er taking a bath?"

Nangong Yi shook his head again and again, "We don't dare to kill us, she seems to practice a secret method, which can be discovered once she is spied on. So these years we don't even know what she looks like, otherwise why do you think he is now This look?"

Ye Chen nodded clearly.

Thank you for not daring, otherwise I would have to beat you to death!
When he opened his Tianyan to spy, the saint of Yaochi was keenly aware of it.Presumably it must be the secret method specially researched by the ancestors of Yaochi to target Master Yuan Tian.

Tsk tsk tsk, once bitten by a snake for ten years, afraid of well ropes!So what can it be, isn't the contemporary Yaochi saintess still completely seen by him?
At this moment, a bell rang suddenly from the mountain gate of Yaoguang Holy Land, wave after wave spread across the entire Holy Land, and could be heard clearly even from a long distance away.

As soon as the bell rang, dozens of divine rainbows flew out of the sky above the Light Shaking Holy Land, heading towards the mountain gate.

"This voice means that someone at the Holy Master level has arrived!" Nangong Yi said.

He's been at the Fluctlight Shrine for 13 years, and he's familiar with these things.

"And the sound is continuous and louder than the previous few times. It seems that it is not just a holy master."

Ye Chen knew why these people came, the Halloween Conference was about to be held, and the holy masters from all over the Eastern Wilderness also arrived at the Holy Land of Yaochi one after another.However, this level of conference has nothing to do with him.

Even if the sacramental body and dao womb are against the sky, they are still juniors after all, and are not qualified to participate in the gatherings among the top monks in the Eastern Wasteland.

"But...but you can go and see those big figures in the Eastern Wilderness."

Ye Chen was curious and wanted to meet the rulers of the Eastern Wasteland.

Thinking of this, he picked up Sima Chaoqun with one hand, "Let's go, I want you to meet someone too!"

This perverted lolicon went to Yaochi Holy Land to be an idiot for 13 years just because of that glance from the crowd 13 years ago, Ye Chen couldn't bear it.

Therefore, he must face the reality and see clearly that Lin Xian'er is already a slim girl, so as to dispel his thoughts.

Ye Chen glanced at Nangong Yi again, he took two steps back, and waved his hands again and again: "I'll just let it go! There may be my enemies coming to this holy meeting, and it's not good to see them."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Everyone in the world knows that you are in the Holy Land of Yaochi, are you safe hiding here?"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Nangong Yi's face became very complicated. He thought for a long time, stared at Ye Chen, and then said: "Okay, I will go with you! But if I have trouble at that time, you I need help a little bit!"

Ye Chen thought about it, and said vaguely: "It depends on the situation!"

After the three of them finished speaking, Yuhong flew towards the gate of the holy land of Yaochi.

Today, Yaochi Holy Land is very lively. Xi Wang's mother welcomes everyone at the mountain gate. Ancient chariots come crushing through the void, and mounts with the blood of divine beasts are flying in the air, and their four hooves are shining with colorful lights.

A quaint Taoist temple flew from a distance, and a white-haired old Taoist priest sat cross-legged in the middle, as if he was integrated with the heaven and the earth, and his body was in harmony with the Tao.

A royal chariot pulled by a Nine Dragons sniper flew over, and a majestic and majestic middle-aged man sat among them, shrouded in a hundred and eight circles of light.

It is difficult to see these famous people in the Eastern Wildlands on weekdays, but today there are dozens of them.

The Queen Mother of the West stepped on the nine-pin lotus platform to ride the wind, and pink petals fell from the sky, and the breeze blew her clothes, like Chang'e going to the moon, like a mysterious girl coming down to earth.

"Queen Mother of the West, I haven't seen her in a hundred years, and she still looks the same!" said the old Taoist priest, the Holy Master of Dao Yi Holy Land.

"Holy Lord Daoyi is too well-respected, please come in and take a seat from afar! People from other holy places and families will come later."

The Holy Master of the Ji family also greeted cordially: "The last farewell was 30 years ago, and the Queen Mother of the West is still as cordial as the Daolian back then."

The relationship between the two is obviously unusual, so there is a hint of intimacy in the tone of the Holy Master of the Ji family.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled slightly. When she was not the Queen Mother of the West in the past, she also traveled to the Eastern Wasteland and wandered around.He had a deep friendship with the Holy Master of the Ji Family.

"The holy son of the Ji family traveled across the Eastern Wilderness back then, and now he has become a holy master with undiminished prestige. Go and sit inside! I have prepared your favorite nectar and jade dew."

The Halloween Conference is held in Yaotai, and only saint-level figures are allowed to enter.The clansmen who followed were outside, and Lin Xianer was in charge of receiving them.

Lin Xian'er, the Saintess of Yaochi, is known as the number one beauty in the Eastern Wasteland.In other words, even though she was wearing a veil, she was more beautiful than any woman in the Eastern Wasteland.

Therefore, the monks who came here would pay extra attention to her.

The Halloween Convention is a rare event in the Eastern Wilderness in a thousand years.This meeting must be held for a major event that affects the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Therefore, the elites of the younger generation in various holy places also followed the elders.One is to increase knowledge, but also to make friends with the leaders of the major forces on the land of the Eastern Wilderness in the future.

Among them, the saint sons and saintesses of the Holy Land and the god sons and goddesses of the remote ancient family are undoubtedly the most eye-catching stars.

(End of this chapter)

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