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Chapter 116 Let me help you challenge yourself once

Chapter 116 Let me help you challenge yourself

Gu Nian looked at Ye Chen, always feeling that something was not quite right.But thinking about it again, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

Ye Chen had no grievances with him in the past, nor has he had any grudges in recent days, and there is absolutely no reason to harm him.

Thinking of this in his heart, he relaxed, took out his guqin with a smile and sat down under the pine tree.

"Well, today I will come and talk to Brother Ye about the way of the piano!"

Ye Chen nodded, "Well, but the way of piano skills I want to understand today is not music theory."

Gu Nian looked up in surprise, "Brother Ye, what do you mean?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "The old man Tianyin entered the Tao with the qin, and he can use the sound of the qin to perform the great art of killing. I am yearning for it, so I want to compete with Brother Gu to see how powerful the so-called Tianyin is! Don't worry, This is my place of retreat, surrounded by formation protection, people outside will not come in to disturb. Of course, you can't get out either!"

Gu Nian's complexion suddenly changed, "This...Brother Ye, I have no intention of fighting with you. The Eucharist is unparalleled in the world, so don't embarrass me, a little monk!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, "Hey~ Brother Gu, you don't have to be too modest, how could the successor of Taixuanmen be a little monk? I have made such a sincere request, can't you satisfy my wish?"

"That's not the case, I just don't want to fight Brother Ye."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, I don't care if you like it or not, if you come here today, you have to listen to me!
"Brother Gu, don't worry, we will finish as soon as we order. Please enlighten me!"

As Ye Chen said, he took a step forward, and when he took this step, endless holy light swept towards Gu Nian centered on him!

The holy light surged and flooded the front in an instant.

With the completion of Ye Chen's sacred body, his strength has undergone a qualitative change, and both his physique and the power of Taoism have been greatly improved.

So at this time, when the holy light technique is used, the power is also extremely amazing, directly causing the situation to change color, and the sea of ​​clouds in a radius of hundreds of miles is rolled back.

Formation patterns emerged on the ground, guarding one side of the land.

This is the mountain guard formation of Yaochi Holy Land, which can withstand the attacks of monks, so Ye Chen doesn't need to worry about breaking the mountains and rivers.

However, Gu Nian was not so lucky to face this kind of attack, the rolling holy light made him feel like his body was about to split open.

"Brother Ye, don't do this!"

Even though he was yelling, Gu Nian's hands were not slow at all. He sat cross-legged under the pine tree, and quickly moved his hands on the guqin.

Suddenly, the sound of the clang and the zither sounded between the heaven and the earth, like the sound of the avenue of heaven, which coincides with the way of heaven, and there is a sense of killing in it!
The Tianyin Killing Technique is very beautiful, but people can feel the horror in it. If people with insufficient cultivation level hear this song, their liver and gallbladder will burst and they will die immediately.

The sound of the zither formed a domain of its own, blocking Ye Chen's holy light attack.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry either, he didn't want to kill Gu Nian today, but just wanted to force him to use the Tao and Dharma of Emperor Wushi to confirm his inner guess.

The ruthless emperor lineage is also ruthless, not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to himself.Gu Nian would never have exposed his inheritance if he hadn't been pushed step by step to a desperate situation.

"Brother Ye, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. I am not your opponent, why not admit defeat?"

Gu Nian turned her face down and begged for mercy directly.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth curled up, "Brother Gu's words are wrong, you are also the pride of the day, how can you give up so easily? Come on, let's continue!"

As he spoke, he continued to take a step forward. With this step, lotus flowers bloomed all over the sky, and countless flying fairies emerged in the air. It was really like a nine-day fairy descending from the mortal world, holy and beautiful, making people feel like a dream.

But Gu Nian's scalp was numb, because there was a terrifying murderous intent in the Feixian Seal!
Facing endless fairies flying towards him holding lotus leaves and stepping on lotus flowers, Gu Nian frowned, and the tune in his hand suddenly changed.

The sound of the zither is clanging, and the meaning of killing is stronger, as if there are thousands of troops fighting, the sound of the zither is like the sound of knives and guns.

Gu Nian's ten fingers are as white as jade, almost like a woman's fingers, when he plucks the strings, there are sounds of phoenix cries.

In an instant, the nine-headed phoenix rushed out from the guqin. The scene was extremely beautiful, but it contained infinite murderous intent!
All the flying immortals were annihilated when they encountered the nine phoenixes, and the nine phoenixes also turned into endless flames during the collision and disappeared into the sky.

Gu Nian's body trembled, he suffered some losses from the collision of Taoism, and he was no match for the Holy Body Taoist Embryo.

This is the power of the Holy Body Dao Embryo. After Xiaocheng, Taoism is unparalleled, and the Holy Body is invincible.No matter close combat or Taoist attack, they are far superior to ordinary monks, and there is no flaw at all!

"Nine Phoenix Killing Song!"

When Ye Chen saw Gu Nian using this move, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After seeing this move, he already knew in his heart that Gu Nian is Jun Immortal's magic fetus!

Gu Nian was still arguing: "Brother Ye, I am really no match for your strength, please be merciful! I won't be able to hold on any longer."

Ye Chen dismissed Gu Nian's words, and instead scolded him: "Brother Gu, how can you say such bastard words! As a monk, you should do it knowing that you can't do it, and face the difficulties! Otherwise, how can you prove the Supreme Dao!"

This time, Ye Chen didn't restrain himself when he made a move.

As soon as the Jiufeng Killing song came out, the fact that Gu Nian was passed on from person to person was already confirmed in his heart.

Then increase your strength and force him to use the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art!
He embraced his hands in front of him, as if embracing the heaven and the earth, and performed the battle holy method, and a huge black gold tripod with dragon patterns slowly emerged.The three legs and two ears suppressed the heaven and the earth, wisps of chaotic energy hung down from the tripod body, and a trace of extreme imperial power made the void tremble.

Ye Chen practiced in the Yaoguang Temple of Guangming Peak for five years, never leaving home, and practiced with the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron every day, so he was most perfect when he evolved the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron.

Gu Nian's complexion has already turned pale, and there are ten thousand MMP words in his heart that he doesn't know whether to say or not.

At the beginning, the Saint Son of the Five Poison Sect was instantly killed by Ye Chen's one move of the holy method of fighting. This move contains the power of the Nine Secrets and Ye Chen's own Taoism perception, and its power is not inferior to the ancient art of the Emperor's Classics!
Ye Chen, are you a lunatic?I have no grievances with you, you are trying to kill me!
"Ye Chen, you..." Gu Nian was so shocked that the hairs all over his body almost exploded!
Ye Chen walked over step by step with a dragon-patterned black gold tripod in his hand, deliberately slowing down his pace, and said leisurely: "Brother Gu, we monks should have an upward heart, and we must challenge ourselves. Challenges are impossible. Come, let me help you!" !"

While he was speaking, the dragon pattern black gold tripod in his hand had already evolved completely, the difference from the real dragon pattern black gold tripod could hardly be seen with naked eyes.

The holy law of fighting can evolve the laws and Taoism of the heavens and the world, and the more you evolve, the closer the power will be.

This blow can easily kill a cultivator at the peak of the four poles in seconds!

(End of this chapter)

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