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Chapter 129 Desire to Go to the Ancient Forbidden Land

Chapter 129 Desire to Go to the Ancient Forbidden Land
Killer, a profession that has existed since the beginning of human history.

Collect bounties and hunt your targets.

Ye Chen didn't expect that he would become one of their targets so soon.

But when he thought about it carefully, it was understandable that he would become the target of the killer.

The people of the Five Poison Sect and Dayan Holy Land regard themselves as thorns in the side and thorns in the flesh, wishing to kill them quickly.

Even if it is not them, there are still many people from holy lands and remote ancient families who are worried about the growth of the Eucharistic Embryo.

Therefore, everyone can be the employer of the killers.

"Murderers, people will always kill them!"

Ye Chen's eyes are full of murderous intent, he will never show mercy to those who want to murder his own life!

However, those killers seemed to have mastered some kind of secret technique of concealment, which made it impossible for Ye Chen to find them for a while.

Ye Chen held his breath and focused, once the holy light technique was activated, all magic was invulnerable, and the three-foot holy light surrounded him to protect him.

Within this three-foot space is his domain, even if those killers appear, they will definitely not be able to hide from his attention.

The sudden appearance of a killer has attracted the attention of many people.

In Beidou, there have been three killer gods from ancient times, all of them have extremely terrifying orthodoxy, and even the Holy Land and the ancient family dare not provoke them at will.

The three killer gods are heaven, hell and the world.

However, among the three great dynasties, the strongest heaven was eradicated by many holy places and ancient families in the early years, and now only hell and the world are left.


The void twisted again, this time it was Ye Chen's back that was attacked, and the cold sword pointed directly at the back of Ye Chen's head!
The killers of the Killer God Dynasty are fierce and fierce, aiming to kill with one blow, so when they strike, they will aim at the place of the Yuanshen.

It's a pity that Ye Chen took precautions this time, and the sword's edge was within three feet of Ye Chen, which immediately aroused his vigilance.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist blasted directly behind him!

The huge power contained Ye Chen's full blow, and immediately blasted a black figure out of the void, a lot of blood splashed, and the killer's arm holding the sword was blasted to pieces!

The assassin's figure was illusory for a while, and he wanted to escape into the void again, but Ye Chen had already discovered his existence, so why would he let him escape?

As soon as the beginningless technique was activated, it immediately broke his concealment method and dragged him out of the void!

Ye Chen swept across and cut off his head with a knife in his right palm.

He intends to catch this killer and force him to find out who wants to take his life!

But what he didn't expect was that the killer was very ruthless, knowing that he couldn't survive, he directly chose to blew himself up, and his head turned into a cloud of blood mist in Ye Chen's hands.

"This killer should be from the Hell God Dynasty. Only their attack and killing methods are so vicious, even at the expense of their lives."

"The strength of this killer is not weak, and I am afraid that he is also a high-ranking sequence in the Hell God Dynasty. But unfortunately, it is still far away from assassinating the Eucharist."

The monks next to them discussed.

Ye Chen picked up the killer's body and searched it carefully.Some magic weapons and poisons used in the assassination were found from his wheel sea and Taoist palace.

In addition, there is a list of rewards.

Seeing this, some holy sons and god sons came over curiously, wanting to know who is on this list.

Ye Chen unfolded the list and saw that all of them were young men of the younger generation.Obviously, this list is not complete. With the strength of that killer, he is only qualified to kill the younger generation of monks.

"He Tianlan, offer a reward of 200 million Baileys... oh no, 200 million Baileys."

"Son of the Four Elephants, a reward of 120 million catties is offered."

"Ye Chen, offer a reward of 250 million catties!"

All of them are famous young talents from Donghuang, and the rewards are all massive origin stones.And because of Ye Chen's recent series of victories, he actually topped the list of rewards for kills!

Uh... But this bounty made Ye Chen a little concerned.

"Hehehe, two hundred and five, what an auspicious number!"

A female monk couldn't help giggling after seeing the reward.

"Hey, I didn't expect that my son of Tianshu would be ranked No. 13 on the list. It's a shame!"

The Holy Son of Tianshu let out a long sigh. He ranked No. 13 on the killing list, with a bounty of 80 catties of origin stones.

Shengzi Yuheng couldn't help but glanced at him, feeling annoyed.Because he himself was not named on the list, he always felt that the Son of Tianshu was actually showing off.

"Hmph, what's there to be proud of? Being on the killer list of God of Killers, it can only be said that you have done too many bad things and were killed by others."

"Hey, you are naked jealousy! Hey, it's a pity that the dignified Son of Yuheng is not even qualified to be on the list!"

People always have a problem, as long as it is about rankings, they will be particularly enthusiastic.

Even if this is the killing list used by the Killer God Dynasty to chase down the target, some people will use this to compare their performance.

However, some people showed worried looks.

"Is the Assassin Dynasty going to launch? Back then, they rampaged across the land, causing panic in countless holy places and desolate families. They were cleaned up many times by various forces, but they have not been eradicated. After many years, they have made a comeback!"

"The Halloween Conference has just ended, and the successors of the major forces in the world will also walk around the world, fighting for the situation in the Eastern Wasteland in the next few hundred years. The Killer Dynasty was born at this time, and it seems that they want to use the descendants of the major forces to fight for the future. Liwei!"

"If that's the case, that's fine, they will also send out their own younger generation of killers, not the old ones."

Everyone has their own ideas in their minds, and being targeted by the Killer God Dynasty means that there are people coveting your life all the time.

Ye Chen had already seen the killer of the Hell God Dynasty, and even he was caught off guard and almost fell for it.

This is still a killer from hell, but if it were a killer from the human world, one day when you are walking on the road and meet a three-year-old child, they may stab you suddenly.

"Come on! I want to see how terrifying the killers of the Assassin Dynasty can be!"

Ye Chen's eyes are sharp. Now that he has embarked on the road of cultivation, he must be prepared to face any danger.

However, in order to deal with these weird killers, he felt that it was time to increase the strength of his primordial spirit.

When he fought He Tianlan back then, he almost suffered the loss of Yuanshen.

"The nine magical medicines in the ancient restricted area can strengthen the primordial spirit, it seems that we have to go there!"

His Taoism and physical skills are now unparalleled in the world, and only his soul is a defect.

Therefore, he set his sights on the Nine Wonders of the Ancient Forbidden Area.

The medicine of immortality that used to be the God Silkworm Clan back then fell into the hands of the Ruthless Emperor and was divided into nine trees and planted on the nine holy mountains in the ancient forbidden zone.

However, the first owner of the ancient forbidden zone was actually a Dacheng holy body.Therefore, the holy body has a certain ability to resist the passage of time in the ancient forbidden zone.

Now that Ye Chen's Saint Body and Dao Embryo have been completed, he can try to pick the magic medicine to strengthen his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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