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Chapter 135 Cutting Heaven Sword Art

Chapter 135 Cutting Heaven Sword Art
As soon as the Wushi technique came out, Jun Immortal's Taoism was completely wiped out, even that kind of mysterious footwork was difficult to use.

"It's impossible! I don't believe you can break all my laws!"

Jun Immortal's black hair fluttered all over his head, and he folded his palms together to cast supreme mana.

Behind the candle dragon covering the sun, the candle dragon suddenly opened his eyes, and a beam of original light shot at Ye Chen.

This is the strongest blow of his vision!
Ye Chen swept across the air with his right hand, and the Wushi technique came out, turning that divine light into nothingness.

"Stop wasting your efforts in vain!"

Ye Chen threw himself to kill Jun Immortal.

"No matter what magical powers you use, you will be beaten back to your original shape by me!"

Jun Immortal did not expect that Ye Chen has only been inherited from the Great Emperor Wushi for a few months, but he has already mastered it to this point!

And the Taoism of the legendary Emperor Wushi is really so terrible!
No Beginning Technique is not invincible in the world.

But there is only one way to crack this supreme holy art, and that is to surpass Ye Chen in understanding the Tao!

But obviously, Jun Immortal can't do it yet.

"Emperor Wushi is certainly powerful, but Emperor Ruthless's Taoism is not weaker than yours!"

Jun Immortal's eyes widened with anger, and he unleashed his Immortal Kungfu, turning into nine huge black holes in the void, blocking Ye Chen's face!
The nine huge black holes were only the size of a washbasin at first, and then gradually became as huge as a hill!Hit Ye Chen head-on!

Ye Chen played Wushishu, Wushishu against Immortal Heavenly Skill, the collision between the two top skills in the world was very fierce.

Immortal Heavenly Art can devour everything, including divine power and Taoism; Beginningless Art can return everything to its original state.

The two are tit for tat!
In the end, seven of the nine black holes were melted away by Ye Chen, and the remaining two were blasted by him with the Six Dao Reincarnation Fist!

"It's not that Emperor Ruthless's inheritance is weaker than Emperor Wushi's, but that you are weaker than me!"

Ye Chen told the truth.

There is no distinction between strength and weakness in Taoism, but there are strengths and weaknesses in those who use Taoism.

Jun Immortal is the gift of heaven, but compared to him who is the sacramental body, he is still one earth and one heaven!

Six golden rays of light rose from behind Ye Chen. This is Liuhe Tianguang, the unique technique of Kaiyang Holy Land that he evolved with the holy method of fighting.It contains the power of the five elements of yin and yang, and the four elements of heaven and earth.

As soon as the heavenly light came out, it turned into a heavenly sword and slashed at Jun Immortal!
"I'm weaker than you? It's ridiculous, do you really think that the only way of the ruthless emperor is this?"

Jun Immortal took a deep breath, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

He put his hands on his chest, and slowly condensed a black clay pot the size of a human head.

The jar is not big and looks very rough, and there is a grimace painted on the body of the jar, half smiling, half crying.

"Devouring the world!"

Jun Immortal held a black pottery pot and pointed it at Liuhe Tianguang, and a black awn came out of the pot, and even took all the six skylights into it.

"This is... Swallowing the Devil Pot!"

Ye Chen looked at the jar, and immediately thought of the legendary ruthless Emperor Soldiers.

"I didn't expect you to know it!"

Jun Immortal was also taken aback.

But he was very fast, aiming the mouth of the can at Ye Chen.

Of course, this is not a real extreme emperor soldier, but a Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar evolved from a treasure technique of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art.

However, it also contains amazing power!

After being illuminated by the black light, Ye Chen suddenly felt his body stiffen, unable to move!

He quickly fought back with the No Beginning Technique, which dispelled Wu Guang's power.

Taking advantage of the movement of his body, Ye Chen quickly flew towards Jun Immortal.

Seeing that this move could not restrain Ye Chen, Jun Immortal frowned. At this time, Ye Chen had already come close!
"Ye Chen is too frightening! The understanding of the Holy Body Dao Embryo is unparalleled in the world. Although he has only studied Wushi for a short time, he has already grasped the essence of it."

The skinny Fluctlight senior said.

The former Holy Master nodded, "On the level of Taoism, the two are evenly matched. But in fact, Jun Immortal is already at a disadvantage!"

His meaning is very clear, Ye Chen is only in the four-pole realm now, and Jun Immortal is already in the dragon transformation realm.

After a big realm, he actually had a difficult fight in Taoism, which actually meant that Jun Immortal lost!
Hearing this, the ruthless senior Yaoguang frowned and said: "You can't say that! The power of Immortal Heavenly Art lies in swallowing! Swallowing up the physiques of all the kings in the world, forming a supreme chaotic body. So It also gets stronger in the later stage! If you let the current Jun Immortal beat Ye Chen, who is a small-successful Eucharist, you will suffer!"

The former Holy Master said leisurely: "Hehe, uncle. How can there be any fairness in the monk's world? Strong is strong, weak is weak!"

Another Supreme Elder stroked his beard and said with great interest: "Holy Body and Dao Embryo are unparalleled in the world. In this world, I am afraid that only the Chaos Body can compare! Jun Immortal cannot suppress Ye Chen with realm and Taoism, Then I am afraid there is no chance of winning in close combat!"

The ruthless senior glanced at him and said lightly, "Not necessarily!"

At this time, Ye Chen has already narrowed the distance with Jun Immortal.

He evolved an Eternal Furnace with the sacred method of fighting, and the blazing nine-color fairy fire burned, and he smashed it towards Jun Immortal!

The whole body of the Daohua Hengyu Furnace is crimson red, as huge as a hill, and the whole body is entwined with nine Suzakus!

This blow was terrifying, even a cultivator in the realm of transforming dragons could hardly resist it!
Jun Immortal's eyes were cold, and when the Eternal Furnace approached his body, a shocking sword light suddenly shot up, splitting the Eternal Furnace in half!
That sword pierced through the world, fierce and domineering, containing the power to kill all living beings!
Jun Immortal is dressed in white, with black hair fluttering all over his head, and a long blue-gold sword in his hand is shining faintly, which makes people shudder.

"The world only knows that the Ruthless Emperor's magic skills are unparalleled in the world, but they don't know that she is good at using swords!"

The green sword in Jun Immortal's hand pointed at Ye Chen, "Ye Chen, you are the first person to let me use this set of sword skills in all these years! You are proud of yourself!"

The green-gold long sword is faint, and there are wisps of divine light overflowing, obviously it is not an ordinary weapon.

After the Heihuang saw it from a distance, he stuck out his big tongue excitedly.

"Good guy, it turned out to be a sword mixed with part of feathered green gold! Although the weight is not much, it can also improve the quality of this sword by several grades!"

Although the character of this black dog cannot be guaranteed, but he has followed Wushi Great Emperor for many years, and his vision is still vicious.You can see through the magic of Jun Immortal's sword at a glance!

The ruthless senior nodded lightly, "Jietian swordsmanship, the gods break Yi! The emperor also wiped out powerful enemies from all directions with his sword back then."

From that sword, Ye Chen felt a sharp edge that made him afraid.

He recalled one incident.

Back then, Donghuang used to have more than seven restricted areas of life, and there was another restricted area called Tianduan Mountains, inhabited by the Emperor Fire Spirit.

And that forbidden area of ​​life was wiped out by the ruthless emperor with a sword!
(End of this chapter)

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