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Chapter 169 Refining the Sacred Heart

Chapter 169 Refining the Sacred Heart
Ye Chen looked at the Black Emperor, and saw its big paws pulling a bunch of things in front of him, as if he was afraid that Ye Chen would snatch it.

Those things are shiny, with a ray of extreme imperial power on them, obviously treasures that Emperor Qing cherished during his lifetime.

Ye Chen curled his lips. Could he not be clear about the real good things in Qingdi's tomb?

He inspected carefully in front of the Bronze Hall, and finally reached out to remove the coffin, and sure enough, he found a hidden compartment underneath.

There was only one thing stored in it, and for Emperor Qing, that was the most meaningful existence in his life.

A small piece of green copper.

Ye Chen picked it up and put it in his hand, it looked like an ordinary piece of green copper without any special features.

Even if it pours divine power into it, it will not have a special reaction.

But Ye Chen knew that it had a lot of background.It is a fragment of the Immortal Cauldron, and it was on it that the Qing Emperor took root back then, which transformed him into a monk.

At this time, the Black Emperor was smiling, happy that he had found countless treasures.

But looking at the thing in Ye Chen's hand in a blink of an eye, its eyeballs are straight!
"It turned out to be this thing! Wang, where did you find it?"

It doesn't care about the things in its hands, it jumps over and asks Ye Chen for it.

Ye Chen was a little surprised, "You know this?"

Heihuang glanced at him, "Who is this emperor? He followed Wu Shida back then. He also got this thing, saying it was a fragment of a supreme fairy weapon. But later, he threw it away. .”

Ye Chen couldn't help but be speechless: "Did you throw it away?"

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually very reasonable.

Who is the Great Emperor Wushi?A peerless existence that transforms into a fairy in the world of mortals with meritorious deeds!

His Wushi Bell is a quasi-celestial weapon. If he entered the entrance of the fairy world with him, he would have already become a fairy weapon.It may not be worse than the parent body of the green copper block.

How could he treat a mere piece of green copper as a treasure?
"Boy, show me the Emperor!"

The Black Emperor stretched out his big paw.

Ye Chen thought for a while, smiled and handed it to it.

Heihuang immediately took it over and pondered it carefully for a long time.

However, no matter how you look at it, you can't find the magic in it.

"Huh? Sure enough, there is nothing special about it. But why have so many people regarded it as a treasure since ancient times?"

The Black Emperor was puzzled.

Ye Chen took the green copper back, "Let's study it later when you have time! What good things have you found?"

Ye Chen even showed the green copper to the Black Emperor, but he was too embarrassed to keep it secret, so he showed Ye Chen the treasures he found.

After Ye Chen glanced at it, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha! You really found some good babies!"

It turned out that the utensils that the Heihuang found were not powerful magical weapons, but some women's jewelry, teapots, oil lamps and other utensils.

Obviously, these are Qingdi's favorite things.And the relics of those he loved in his lifetime.

They are not rare treasures, but because Emperor Qing often plays with them, they bear the emperor's prestige.

For others, they don't have much use.But in the eyes of Emperor Qing, their value is even more precious than holy soldiers!

"Let's put it back! We came this time to find the ancient scriptures of the Demon Emperor. These commemorative objects don't mean much to us, so we should leave them to Emperor Qing."

Ye Chen said.

Although those treasures have the aura of the Qing Emperor, they are not magical weapons and are of limited value to them.

Out of respect for a generation of demon emperors, he proposed to stay.

The Black Emperor rolled his eyes, "Let's take a closer look, don't miss anything useful."

Sure enough, after the two checked it out, Ye Chen also found something good from it.

A golden page.

It records the Lunhai Juan of the oldest exercise method "Tao Jing".

The Black Emperor was a little depressed, "I thought it was the ancient scriptures of the Demon Emperor!"

Although the Lunhai Juan in "Tao Jing" is claimed to be the strongest Lunhai Juan technique in the world, it has little meaning to it.

Ye Chen rummaged in the copper coffin for a long time, and sure enough, he found a scripture at the bottom of the small coffin.

What is recorded above is the Qing Emperor's own creation of the supreme ancient scripture of the monster clan, "The Qing Emperor Sutra"!
The Black Emperor was so excited that he almost turned into a wolf with a big tail and howled to the sky!

Ye Chen said: "We can just be here now to comprehend our respective skills and treasures. After leaving the Yangfen, there will definitely be many dangers."

After leaving the Yang Tomb, he couldn't use the dragon veins under the Yang Tomb to activate the Endless Bell.

At that time, the Peacock King will definitely bring the strong men of the Yaozu to block his way together with Yan Tianyi.

The Heihuang's eyes also became serious, "That's right. There will definitely be a shocking battle at that time! We picked up the loopholes of the monster race and let them ruin their thousand-year plan. Now they can't wait to swallow us alive!"

Obtaining the treasures in the Qing Emperor's Clothes Tomb is certainly a joy, but one cannot ignore the dangers of the outside world.

"what's your plan?"

The Black Emperor asked.

After getting along for such a long time, the Black Emperor fully affirmed Ye Chen's wisdom.

After all, since Zishan, he has used his resourcefulness and means to solve one difficult problem after another.

Including the fact that I was able to come to the Qing Emperor's tomb this time, and get so many treasures and the "Qing Emperor Sutra", most of them are due to Ye Chen.

So it no longer treats Ye Chen as a child, but slowly begins to listen to his opinions.

To be honest, the Black Emperor still felt a little guilty about this.

In name, he is Ye Chen's guardian, but after leaving Zishan, Ye Chen has been giving him more help.

Ye Chen took out the sacred heart of the demon emperor that had been sealed by him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with them! In short, let me finish refining this Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor first!"

The Black Emperor nodded, and said clearly: "I understand what you mean. Well, let's practice first."

After it finished speaking, it sat cross-legged in the tomb of the demon emperor's clothes, and began to comprehend the "Blue Emperor Sutra".

And Ye Chen also found a place to refine the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor.

The source of Qingdi's power contains a very terrifying life essence, which cannot be refined in a short time.

Ye Chen was so courageous that he released the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor directly in his sea of ​​wheels.

After being freed, the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor immediately began to beat uncomfortably, trying to devour the essence of Ye Chen Lunhai!

However, the beginningless bell and the green copper block in the sea of ​​wheels will not sit back and watch it make such a mess.

The two holy relics shook slightly, and the sacred heart of the demon emperor shrank to the edge of the sea of ​​wheels as if struck by lightning.

It's a pity that Ye Chen didn't intend to let it go easily.

The green copper block is very mysterious, and Ye Chen can't control it yet.But Wu Shizhong has recognized him and can be driven.

He controlled the Wushi Bell and directly covered the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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