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Chapter 181 You're Dead Before I Use My Strength

Chapter 181 You're Dead Before I Use My Strength

Wang Qi looked at Ye Chen, who was in black and a black hat, with mocking eyes.

"It really is a dark creature, and it doesn't even dare to show its face. People like you are also qualified to be called monks?"

Among the onlookers, there are quite a few casual cultivators like Nangong Lie, but in real terms, their top combat power is not as good as those monks from famous and righteous schools.

That old Taoist is from Tianyi Sect, and he is a strong man who has transformed into a dragon with the eighth transformation!The elder of Weitianyizong is a well-known great monk in the entire Zhou Kingdom.

This time, he was entrusted by the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty and came from Tianyi School.

The old Taoist looked at the two people in the air, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Wang Qi's strength can be counted on the fingers of the fingers of the hand in the realm of transforming dragons. It is enough for a mere casual cultivator to survive thirty rounds in his hands." Proud!"

"Yeah, yeah, what kind of bounty hunters, they're just a bunch of trash who will be dogs to anyone who has money."

The cultivator at the Promise Gate next to him also taunted him.

In their eyes, these bounty hunters have never been valued.

Geng Suiyun frowned deeply, and was also a little worried about Ye Chen's strength.

"Is he okay? Although on the surface, his strength should be a little bit stronger than ours. But Wang Qi's swordsmanship is too strong, he may not be able to stop it!"

Nangong Lie was seriously injured at this time and was sitting on the ground adjusting his breath.

Hearing Geng Suiyun's words, he couldn't help saying: "This Wang Qi's strength is too powerful! I'm afraid he is No. 1 in the Dragon Transformation Realm of the Great Zhou Dynasty! I fought fiercely with him for half a day, and he bluffed me to make me lose Otherwise, with my strength, how could I lose to him?"

"However, I have already consumed [-]% of Wang Qi's strength. I think Dugu Ji can take advantage of it and win easily!"

A group of people rolled their eyes and looked at him, not paying any attention to what he said.

Those who come out to mess around, no matter whether they can fight or not, anyway, they will definitely get their place with their mouth skills.Brag yourself a little bit, so that you can negotiate the price with the boss.

Above the sky, Wang Qi was still humiliating the bounty hunter and casual cultivator with disdain.

Ye Chen was a little bored, and asked, "Hey, are you done yet? I'm starting the fight?"

Wang Qi: "Eh? You are really shameless, I've scolded you like that, are you not angry at all?"

Ye Chen: Nonsense, I'm not really Duguji.You can scold whatever you want!
"Tsk tsk tsk, it's okay to be a human being!"

He raised the Taiji Liangyi Sword in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Well, let me show you what a real monk is!"

A huge Liangyi Taiji Diagram flew out of the Taiji Sword, and a terrifying power of the Ninth Transformation of Dragon Transformation enveloped the entire courtyard.

Wang Qi made a sword formula, and the long sword stabbed at Ye Chen!

His strength is indeed not bad, after all, he is also a monk of the Ninth Transformation of Dragon Transformation!
But in Ye Chen's eyes, the third-rate sect is the third-rate sect after all.No matter how high the realm is, without strong skills and swordsmanship as the foundation, the strength is far behind the disciples of the Holy Land.

If it was in the Holy Land of Light, I am afraid that any disciple of the fourth to fifth transformation of the dragon can defeat him.

Ye Chen held the green gold sword in his left hand, and with a flick of his thumb, the long sword came out of its sheath with a sound of "Zheng!".

"Zhu Xian!"

Ye Chen read these two words in his mouth.

When he was in the Northern Territory, he fought against the former number one genius of the Eastern Wasteland, He Tianlan, and witnessed his miraculous six moves of the Heavenly Sword.

The peerless swordsmanship from Zhantian Zhundi who is close to enlightenment is absolutely no less than any emperor-level swordsmanship.

There are only six sword moves, but each move has unpredictable power!

After Ye Chen returned, he had evolved this kind of supreme swordsmanship with the holy method of fighting.After a long period of pondering, he finally evolved the first move!

As soon as Zhu Xian's sword style came out, the world paled in an instant!

A dazzling golden sword glowed across the sky, with a terrifying killing intent, the void trembled wherever it passed, if it was not in the palace, this sword could tear the void!
Wang Qi's Tai Chi sword was intended to be in front of Zhu Xian's sword style, it was as fragile as a piece of paper, it was torn and swallowed up in an instant!

The golden sword glow flitted across the void in the blink of an eye.

Everyone stared at the sky dumbfounded.

That sword became an indelible and terrifying light and shadow in everyone's mind!
Wang Qi stood in the air, and the moment the golden sword glow struck, all the power in his body was torn apart.

That sword light was so terrifying that neither his sword nor his people reacted.


Blood splashed out from his chest cavity. At this time, his body had been split in two, and the lower half quickly fell to the ground.

Before Wang Qi could scream, a light flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

It was as if two bright lamps were lit between his two pupils, and two invisible long knives flew out of them, sinking into Wang Qi's forehead in an instant, obliterating his primordial spirit.


Wang Qi's two bodies fell to the ground one after another, looking bloody and violent.

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Ye Chen to be so vicious!

"My God! He actually killed Wang Qi, the elder of Baihemen! Isn't the sky pierced now?"

A monk shouted in shock.

"White Crane Gate is a well-known sect in the southern region, and there is a half-step powerful head in the gate! He Duguji is looking for death!"

Even those few bounty hunters were dumbfounded.

Nangong Lie, who had spoken earlier, looked embarrassed, but fortunately he was injured at this time, so he was able to hide the change in his face.

Wang Qi, who had beaten him into a mess just now, was instantly crushed in front of Ye Chen!

The strength gap is too big!
"Is this the strength of Duguji, the number one bounty hunter in Dazhou?"

Those well-known and righteous monks are also very afraid.

Ye Chen landed on the ground, glanced at the monks in front of him, and asked coldly: "Is there anyone who is not convinced? You can go together!"

The monks of these small sects in front of him are like ants in his eyes, and their lives are worthless.If you kill it, you will kill it, without any feeling.

When your strength can control the life and death of others at will, you will despise the lives of those weak.

The monks in front of them showed embarrassment.

Wang Qi is already the top player among them, even he was instantly killed by Ye Chen, who else would dare to go up?

However, the old Taoist priest of Wujimen still said sullenly: "Duguji, you and Wang Qi are just having a verbal dispute, so there's no need to kill people, right?"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

He said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I really didn't want to kill him. Who knew he would kill him with two hits!"

It really wasn't him, Ye Chen, who was pretending!The opponent he faced before had to be the top heir of the holy land and the ancient family.

Now that he has changed to a monk of a small sect, he is still not used to it.As a result, he was trampled to death before he realized it.

(End of this chapter)

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