Chapter 185 Yu Yihe

Princess Changxin continued to chat with Ye Chen.

She called Ye Chen over alone this time, expressing a kind of attention.

After all, on the attic, she really saw Ye Chen's strength.

Wang Qi, the elder of the White Crane Gate, is also well-known in the Zhou Kingdom as a master of the Ninth Transformation of Dragon Transformation.

But under Ye Chen's hands, he couldn't do two tricks.

As a royal woman, she has an unusual mind.Immediately think that Ye Chen's real identity must be good.

Just talking about his sword moves at that time, even though he couldn't understand them, he always felt a chilling murderous intent, which could not even be compared with the unique secret skills of the Great Zhou royal family.

So she was sure that Ye Chen must also be from a top-notch sect, or even a member of the Holy Land and the ancient family.

The two of them were chatting when suddenly a maid hurried over.

"His Royal Highness! Young Master Yu is here!"

Princess Changxin's gaze narrowed slightly, and she quickly stood up, "Where is Mr. Yu?"

Ye Chen looked up and saw Princess Changxin smiling, with a bit of caution in her eyes.

Therefore, it can be guessed that this so-called Mr. Yu must also be a guy with a lot of background.

"Master Yu has arrived at the vestibule and is on his way."

said the maid.

Princess Changxing took a deep breath, and said apologetically to Ye Chen, "I'm sorry, Mr. Dugu. I still have a guest here, so I have to excuse you first. Please forgive me!"

Ye Chen took a sip of tea and asked curiously, "What kind of distinguished guest?"

This is drinking tea with me, but the owner left halfway through the tea, which is not a polite thing to do.

The maid in Tsing Yi snorted softly, "Young Master Yu is the big disciple of Xiaoyaomen! You don't know about Xiaoyaomen, right? It is the top sect in the Southern Region after the Holy Land and the Desolate Ancient Family!"

Ye Chen remembered, there is indeed such a great teacher.The power is similar to that of the Taixuan Sect, and it can be regarded as a well-known big power in the Southern Region.

I remember that when I became the Son of God, their headmaster went to the Holy Land of Waking Light to congratulate him.

"Xiaoqing, don't be rude!"

Princess Changxin criticized the maid in Tsing Yi, then turned around and said apologetically to Ye Chen: "Xiaoyaomen has a very close relationship with Dazhou, and Mr. Yu also came here on his own initiative to help me enter the ancient forbidden zone to collect herbs. Go entertain me, and treat Mr. Dugu to tea another day!"


Ye Chen said lightly.

Xiaoqing looked at Duguji angrily at this time, how could he talk to his princess like that?What a disrespect!
But Princess Changxin gave her a wink, telling her not to be rude, so Xiaoqing suppressed her anger, but still stared at Ye Chen angrily.

Princess Changxin turned around and was about to walk outside the waterside pavilion.

Unexpectedly, a burst of hearty laughter came: "Hahaha! Princess Changxin, I don't know what kind of distinguished guest you are entertaining, but you still let me wait outside?"

There was a bit of rebelliousness in the words, and a bit of arrogance.

At the end of the corridor, a figure in white appeared.

It was a man as rich as jade, with a face like a crown jade, eyes like stars, wearing a jade belt on his head, and a sword hanging from his waist.

She is dressed in a luxurious white robe, with a little bit of star twinkling, and she steps on the sky and walks on clouds.All of them are extremely precious instruments.

Seeing the person coming, Princess Changxin even bowed slightly to salute, "Young Master Yu is here, I am not far away to welcome you!"

Xiaoyaomen is a big faction in the southern region, and they are much stronger than Zhou Guo.

So when meeting the disciple of Xiaoyaomen, Princess Changxin, the eldest princess of the state of Zhou, she had to be polite.

Seeing this, Mr. Yu quickly walked over, stretched out his hand to hold Princess Changxin's bright wrists, and said with a smile: "Princess Changxin doesn't need to be so polite. The relationship between you and me doesn't need to be so indifferent."

Princess Changxin withdrew her hand calmly.

Young Master Yu was not annoyed, "When I came just now, the servants said that you were seeing a visitor. I don't know who it is, but you can meet him alone?"

As he said, his eyes had already drifted to Ye Chen's body.

Seeing this, Princess Changxin quickly said: "This is Mr. Duguji, he is the person we invited this time to go to the ancient forbidden area to find medicine together."

As she said that, she introduced to Duguji: "This is Yu Yihe, Young Master Yu, the great disciple of Xiaoyao Sect."

She gestured to Duguji with her eyes, asking him to stand up and greet him.

After all, she knows Yu Yihe's temperament very well, she is arrogant and arrogant, and never takes others seriously.

He doesn't have much respect even for the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, let alone ordinary casual cultivators.

Ye Chen glanced at him, then slightly raised the teacup in his hand to signal: "I am Duguji, Mr. Yu is being polite."

The attitude is neither humble nor overbearing, but also in line with etiquette.

However, Yu Yihe frowned deeply.

Because he saw that Ye Chen was sitting when he greeted him, and he didn't get up to bow to him!

"Duguji, right? I heard that you are the number one bounty hunter in the Zhou Kingdom."

The corners of Yu Yihe's mouth raised slightly, and she walked towards him step by step.

Heihuang was lying on one side, with a cup next to his mouth, tasting the tea cultivated by Zhou Guo.

Seeing this, it grinned at the corner of its mouth, it is another one who is not afraid of death!
But Princess Changxin couldn't stand it any longer. This is Zhou Kingdom's palace, and Duguji is her invited guest. How could Yu Yihe make a move here?

She stepped in front of Yu Yihe and said, "Young Master Yu, please give me some noodles."

Yu Yihe lowered her head, looked at the beautiful and noble woman in front of her, and looked at Ye Chen coldly.

He raised the corner of his mouth, "haha" smiled, "Okay, then I'll give you this face."

Princess Changxin breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand and pointed forward: "Today, there is a strange flower in the garden, which can change nine different colors in one day. Let me take you to have a look! "

"Okay, my favorite thing in life is viewing flowers and beauties. Today, I happened to enjoy them together!"

Yu Yihe coldly forgot to take a look at Ye Chen, and left with narrowed eyes.

Ye Chen was still sitting there, drinking tea unhurriedly.

Xiaoqing waited until Princess Changxin and Yu Yihe left, then came over angrily, and grabbed the teapot with her hands.

"Why are you so ignorant! Fortunately, the princess stopped Mr. Yu for you just now, otherwise you would be dead now!"

Ye Chen stood up with a smile: "Really? How can you tell? I have provoked him before, why did you kill me?"

Xiaoqing frowned slightly, "There are some things I can't explain to you. In short, be careful yourself! Mr. Yu is not a magnanimous person. Afterwards, he will also go to the ancient restricted area together. If he is not happy one day, maybe he will I've shot you."

Ye Chen rubbed his nose, he is not blind, of course he can see that Yu Yihe is interested in Princess Changxin.

And looking at her appearance, it seems that she is regarded as a taboo.So when he saw himself appearing here, he instantly had a killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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