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Chapter 188 Going to the Ancient Forbidden Area

Chapter 188 Going to the Ancient Forbidden Area
The ancient restricted area has been lonely for too long, and no monk has dared to trespass into it for many years.

Even if someone dares to go there, they can't go deep at all.Before he could get close to the nine holy mountains where the magic medicine grew, he was killed by the ancient beasts outside the restricted area.

Therefore, it gradually became a legend.

No matter how terrifying the legend is, it is not as vigilant as the bloody reality.

All the monks who came here in front of them, including Princess Changxin and the imperial guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty, underestimated the horror of the ancient forbidden zone.

Otherwise, they would definitely not have the courage to form a group to die.

Ye Chen reminded them that he told Princess Changxin about the danger there from the very beginning.

But with her vision, she couldn't see how deep the danger was.

Anyway, Ye Chen wanted to use them as a shield, so he didn't have the mood to be a bad guy, just let them go.

Not long after, Princess Changxin came out from the city gate. She was riding a bronze chariot, as beautiful as a goddess.

Behind her are two powerful masters, both of whom are close to half a step of great power!
From the beginning to the end, no half-step power or power appeared.

Because after the cultivation base reaches the realm of Xiantai, even the royal family of Zhou Kingdom is not qualified to order them.

A mere piece of feathered lapis lazuli would not allow them to risk their lives for it.

Princess Changxin glanced at the monk in front of her.

There were 100 elite imperial guards from Dazhou, plus casual cultivators such as Zongmen monks and bounty hunters, totaling more than [-] people.

Her gaze stayed on Ye Chen for a while longer, and she nodded slightly at him.

Ye Chen also nodded slightly.

However, after searching the crowd, she did not see Yu Yihe, which made her frown slightly.

"Has anyone seen Mr. Yu Yihe from Xiaoyaomen?"

The two made an appointment, and today Yu Yihe will go to the ancient restricted area with her.

But now it was almost the same time, and there was still no sign of him.

None of the monks in front of them saw Yu Yihe.

If I did see it, I'm afraid I also saw his ghost.

You know, Yu Yihe died under Ye Chen's killing array three nights ago, and now only his ashes are left.

The maid Xiaoqing said: "Your Highness, please wait a little longer! Mr. Yu is powerful, with him accompanying us, we will be more confident in picking the holy medicine."

Princess Changxin nodded, "Please wait a moment, everyone."

This time, nearly an hour passed.

The big guys are getting a little impatient.

"His Royal Highness! This Yu Yihe must be afraid, right? He is a dignified disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, so there is no reason to take risks in the ancient forbidden zone!"

someone shouted.

"Yeah, not like us, but wholeheartedly contributing to the Great Zhou royal family."

Princess Changxin felt a little strange in her heart.

Although she doesn't like Yu Yihe very much, she also knows that he is extremely conceited.I promised myself, even if I want to go back on my word, I will not fail to show up.

Unless, he encountered something very important and couldn't come here.

At this time, Ye Chen yawned, and said impatiently: "It's time to go! Princess Changxin. You can't make hundreds of us wait here for Yu Yihe, can you?"

When Princess Changxin heard Ye Chen speak, she always felt a little strange in her heart.

In fact, she had a bold idea, but she didn't dare to go into it in detail.

Yu Yi's crane eyes are higher than the top, and he never allows others to offend his majesty.

When he was in the palace back then, he had already had killing intent towards Ye Chen.

Princess Changxin even thought that Yu Yihe would definitely take revenge on Ye Chen.

But now Ye Chen is standing here, but Yu Yihe has disappeared.

Could it be...

She no longer dared to think deeply.

Because she thinks too deeply, she will also be implicated.The best way is to pretend you don't know anything.

Perhaps, Yu Yihe was really unable to come temporarily because of something in Xiaoyaomen!
She took a deep breath, waved her long sleeves and said, "Okay, since that's the case, let's go!"

She looked at the commander of the forbidden army and said, "General Han, please lead the way ahead!"

General Han bowed his hands and saluted: "The last general takes orders!"

He pressed the sword in his hand, glanced at the imperial army under him and the monks in front of him, and shouted: "Everyone, please come with me!"

As soon as the words fell, his legs clamped the horse under the seat, and he rose into the air.

Fifty imperial guards turned into a battle formation and rushed to the sky.

Under the protection of the two masters, Princess Changxin also flew up, and the positions of the imperial guards just happened to protect her firmly.

The veteran Taoist of Tianyi Sect took the lead to follow behind with a few disciples after seeing the scene.

And the group of casual cultivators and bounty hunters followed Ye Chen closely behind him.

Zhou Guoguo is more than 3000 miles away from the barren and ancient forbidden zone, and there will be a small country Yanguo on the way.

For mortals, it would take months to get there, even by horse-drawn carriage.

But for monks, it takes less than half a day to reach the edge of the ancient forbidden zone.

The Ancient Forbidden Zone is located in the southern part of the Southern Territory, at the junction of the three major continents of Donghuang, Zhongzhou and Nanling.

The core area is the Nine Great Sacred Mountains.With this as the center, it extends outward for thousands of miles.

Because of its unique ability to devour the life essence of monks, as long as it enters it, it will be affected.Throughout the ages, it is unknown how many monks were buried in it.

Therefore, it is called one of the seven life forbidden zones in the Eastern Desolation.

However, it also has romance.That is the sacred fruit in the restricted area that can prolong life.

If you pick one, even if you have lived for thousands of years, a great monk who is near the end of his lifespan can live another thousand years.

Ye Chen mixed with the monks of Dazhou and came to the edge of the ancient restricted area.

They did not enter in a hurry, but stopped at the edge of the restricted area first, preparing to find out the surrounding situation before entering.

Although many people know that this is a Jedi, but if they have more information, they can always give themselves a little more hope of survival.

Everyone has been on the road for half a day, so Princess Changxin asked everyone to rest here and ask the surrounding residents for information.

Ye Chen looked at the mysterious land in the air.

I saw the towering ancient trees inside, and they were often big trees that had grown for thousands of years, firmly covering the entire restricted area.

There were roars of beasts inside, and I don't know how many terrible ancient alien species are hidden.

And in the extreme distance, nine tall magic mountains loomed.

"Desolate Ancient Forbidden Zone! Nine Wonderful Elixirs!"

Ye Chen quietly clenched his fist.

He is bound to get the Nine Wonderful Elixirs!
The elixir of immortality has the effect of prolonging life.If one can get nine kinds of elixir, even the emperor can live one more life.

However, in addition to prolonging life, they all have their own unique effects.

For example, the ancient tea of ​​enlightenment can help people realize the Tao, and the flat peach can help people improve their cultivation and break the shackles.

And the nine wonderful elixir possesses nine mysterious and unpredictable powers.

Rejuvenation, strengthening the soul, tempering the body...etc have different functions.

What Ye Chen wanted was the golden fruit to temper his primordial spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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