Chapter 195
Ye Chen was about to leave without saying goodbye, leaving the team and entering the ancient restricted area.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's speed of action is not slow at all.

He and the Heihuang left the small town and set off towards the ancient forbidden zone. Just after they entered the forest hundreds of miles away, a group of disciples dressed in the costumes of the Xiaoyaomen sect chased after them.

"Dugu Ji, stop!"

A disciple shouted sharply.

When Ye Chen heard this, he really stopped and looked back at those disciples, "What's the matter?"

A dozen Xiaoyaomen disciples descended and surrounded Ye Chen and Heihuang.

A disciple wearing a jasper crown came forward and asked, "Three days ago, did you meet my elder brother Yu Yihe in the capital of Zhou Kingdom?"

This person is the second disciple of the Mountain Lord Yu Yihe of the Xiaoyao Sect, and he is also a powerful Ninth Transformation Dragon Transformer.

He and Yu Yihe can be regarded as the monks of the generation before Ye Chen.Now he is over a hundred years old, but he looks younger.

Facing the siege of Xiaoyaomen disciples, Ye Chen remained calm.

"So what?"

The second disciple of Xiaoyaomen took a step forward, and the aura of the Ninth Transformation of Hualong was fully released, "Tell me, how did my elder brother die?"

Ye Chen smiled, "I just met him, how do I know how he died?"

At this time, Qingzhou, who had searched for Princess Changxin's soul, came over.

"Don't quibble. My elder brother's death must have something to do with you! If you make it clear as soon as possible, maybe you can be punished lightly. Otherwise, you will definitely be executed!"

He looked at Ye Chen with an air of superiority.

In the Southern Region, their Xiaoyaomen is second only to the Holy Land and the Desolate Ancient Family.

Especially in this area, only the Holy Land of Fluctlight can overwhelm them.

So monks like other small sects, or more humble casual cultivators, are not taken seriously by them at all.

If you don't like it, you can kill it by raising your hand!

"Oh, then why do you say that I killed him?"

Ye Chen asked lightly.

The second disciple of Xiaoyaomen and Qing Zhou didn't want to answer Ye Chen's question.

The reason why he was so sure that this matter had something to do with Ye Chen was because he knew his elder brother's temper too well.

Yu Yihe is a very cautious person, and also a womanizer.There are eight hundred women around if not one thousand.

This is related to the kung fu he practiced, which can harvest yin and nourish yang, and treat women as a cauldron for his own cultivation.

Anyone who dares to touch his woman will be targeted mercilessly by him.Even disciples of Xiaoyaomen dare not commit this taboo.

Therefore, when Ye Chen drank tea with Yu Yihe's forbidden princess Changxin and was seen by Yu Yihe, Yu Yihe definitely couldn't let him go.

But now Ye Chen looks fine, but Yu Yihe is dead.Why do you say this?
The second disciple of Xiaoyaomen also knew the reason, but some things were really hard to say.

Yu Yihe is dead, so there is no need to flog the corpse.

"Our Xiaoyaomen said you did it, so you did it! Do you still have any opinions on our Xiaoyaomen?"

The second disciple of Xiaoyaomen said with a sneer.

"Recruit early! Who else is your accomplice?"

They didn't believe that Ye Chen killed Yu Yihe himself.In their view, no matter how high the cultivation base of this casual cultivator is, its strength is like a tofu project, with a weak foundation and a lot of strength.

Even if he is also the Ninth Transformation of Dragon Transformation, Yu Yihe can easily kill him instantly.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "I said, I didn't kill the person. I still have something to do, so I'll excuse you first!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

This action angered the Xiaoyaomen disciples.


A female disciple drew a long sword from its sheath at her waist, and a sharp sword energy slashed towards Ye Chen's legs!
But before the sword energy approached Ye Chen, it disappeared invisible in the air.

The female disciple was a little surprised, she was also a cultivator with perfect four poles, she didn't expect her attack to be defused in such an understatement!
Ye Chen turned his head and glanced at the female disciple.

"It seems that you are not going to let me go?"

The female disciple raised her chin and snorted coldly: "You still want to leave? You didn't explain clearly the death of my elder brother, let alone leave, we won't agree to you even if you want to die!"

"That's good! I'll kill you all today, let's see who can stop me!"

Ye Chen said coldly.

A group of Xiaoyaomen disciples all burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! You are simply a lunatic, who do you think you are? Is it a holy son of a certain holy place?"

"Inferior monks are so blind and conceited that they don't know when their death is imminent."

A disciple of the Seven Transformations of Dragon Transformation stepped forward and said to the brothers: "Let me deal with this person!"

The second disciple of Xiaoyao Sect nodded, "Alright then, Junior Brother Sicheng, you can make a quick decision. Just save his life and search for his soul."

Zhang Sicheng smiled confidently, "Don't worry, it's just dealing with this casual cultivator. I can easily defeat him!"

He opened his left hand, and a huge blue lotus slowly bloomed in his palm.This is his magic weapon, a psychic weapon of the level of transforming dragons.


Zhang Sicheng yelled softly, and the huge blue lotus rose into the sky, hovered above Ye Chen's head, dropped countless divine chains of order, and shot towards him overwhelmingly!
Ye Chen stood where he was, and raised the sword with his left thumb, and instantly a sword intent that made people feel cold rose up into the sky!

The disciples of Xiaoyaomen originally had a happy smile on their faces, but when Ye Chen's three-foot long sword was unsheathed half an inch, everyone felt their necks were cold.

It was as if a peerless sword had been pressed against his forehead!
The sword intent soared into the sky, turning into a terrifying golden divine light!

All the chains of order were like mud, and fell apart in an instant.


The blue lotus flower was penetrated by the sword light and exploded in the air!

Chen Sicheng paled, "How is this possible! That is a magic weapon that I have practiced for hundreds of years!"

Only then did the disciples of Xiaoyaomen realize that Ye Chen's strength may be stronger than they imagined.

The second disciple of Xiaoyaomen asked in a deep voice: "You can't be some kind of bounty hunter Duguji, who are you?"

Now that things have happened, Ye Chen doesn't want to hide his identity anymore.

Because as long as you do your best, your identity will definitely be exposed.

He slowly took off the hat on his head, revealing a handsome and indifferent face.

"Son of Shaking Light, Ye Chen!"

After seeing Ye Chen's face, the expressions of everyone in Xiaoyaomen suddenly changed, and even a few disciples took a few steps back in horror.

The Holy Land of Shaking Light is the overlord of the Southern Territory!
Although their Xiaoyaomen is a super faction in the southern region, if they are compared with the Yaoguang Holy Land, the gap is nothing short of cloud and mud!I can't afford to offend you at all!

Even if they met an ordinary disciple of the Holy Land of Wailing Light, they would not dare to neglect them.

Not to mention the one in front of him, but the master of the future.

(End of this chapter)

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