Chapter 197 Attack and Kill
Ye Chen walked all the way, but the steps under his feet were not too fast or slow.

Ahead is the outskirts of the barren ancient forbidden zone. This is an extremely vast primeval forest, and there are many ancient alien species in it.

If you are not careful, you will be buried in their stomachs.

However, before Ye Chen arrived, he had already asked the local villagers about a relatively safe road.

The Black Emperor followed him, and he no longer changed his body shape at this time, but changed back to his original appearance.

"The ancient forbidden zone, I haven't been here for hundreds of thousands of years!"

Heihuang looked at the surrounding mountains and forests and said with emotion.

The ancient trees are towering, and towering giant trees hundreds of feet high abound!Even the sunlight does not reach the ground.

Under the thick fallen leaves, there are many terrible creatures hidden.

A giant python was lying in ambush under the vegetation. When it felt a monk flying over its head, it shot up instantly and killed it!
As soon as the Heihuang stepped on it, the giant python immediately turned into blood mist in the air.

Ye Chen looked into the distance, this place is still quite far away from the nine holy mountains.But here, it is already a forbidden place for ordinary people.

Even some very ordinary creatures grow very huge.

The one just now was not a monster, it was just a very ordinary python, because it absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, it grew into a giant.

"Let's hurry up! There are still thousands of miles to go. If we go so slowly, we may not be able to reach it after dark."

Seeing Ye Chen walking slowly, Hei Huang urged him while admiring the surrounding scenery.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, "There's no rush. I'll wait for a few short-sighted things to come and kill me!"

Hearing the words, the Black Emperor turned his head and looked behind him.

"Are you talking about those disciples of Xiaoyaomen? They dare to kill you?"

"Why not?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly, "If I were them instead, I would dare! After all, in their eyes, I am a fat sheep with a low cultivation but full of treasures!"

The wages of avarice is death.

This is true for mortals, and it is the same for monks.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Those monks from Xiaoyaomen really came after them.

Seeing Ye Chen flying slowly ahead, they were overjoyed, and an excited and cruel smile appeared on the corner of their mouths.

A group of people flew over calmly and shouted: "Ye Shengzi wait a minute, our master knows that you are going to the ancient restricted area, and specially asked me to wait to protect you!"

Ye Chen glanced at them, smiled at Heihuang and said, "Look, did I say so?"

Heihuang grinned wide, revealing his white canine teeth.

"They're here to deliver food!"

Wang Yi and the others flew up to Ye Chen with concerned expressions on their faces.

Wang Yi stepped forward and said to Ye Chen: "Ye Shengzi, we reported your matter to Master. He was very worried about your accident, so he specially asked us to come to protect you!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "No need. The ancient forbidden zone is too dangerous, and life may be in danger at any time. How can I let you take risks with me?"

Wang Yi shook his head righteously, and said seriously: "No! The Holy Land of Waving Light is the overlord of the southern region, and you will be the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Waving Light in the future, the master who rules hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers. So we can't look at you Something happened here!"

As he spoke, he slowly leaned towards Ye Chen, with the upright look on his face.

"It's our honor to be able to guard Ye Shengzi next to him!"

A group of Xiaoyaomen disciples behind them also had strange smiles on their faces, and said, "Yes, yes, you are the holy body and dao embryo who are famous all over the world! In the future, you will be a big man who can prove the Tao and become an emperor! Please let us follow around!"

"Even if we die today, it will be a good story to spread in the future. In the history, there will be a legacy for us."

"Yes, no matter how dangerous the front is, we are not afraid even of death!"

Ye Chen raised the corner of his mouth.

"That's so funny."

Wang Yi leaned over and said affectionately, "You're welcome, after all..."

When he said this, he was less than ten feet away from Ye Chen. Halfway through his words, the smile on his face suddenly faded, and terrifying divine power erupted from the palm of his right hand!

"You will die here first, and then fulfill us!"

After he finished the last half of the sentence, he stabbed at Ye Chen's chest with a whistling hurricane in his right hand!
Within ten feet, even a master of the Ninth Transformation of Dragon Transformation would not be able to block this attack if he was not prepared!
Wang Yi is very confident that this move can at least seriously injure Ye Chen!

Facing Wang Yi's sudden attack, Ye Chen's expression did not change at all, but with a light wave of his left hand, a pure white thunder light formed in his palm.


Ye Chen easily blocked Wang Yi's thunderous strike.

Because, he had expected that Wang Yi would make a move.

You came here to be my guard, do you really think I'm a five-year-old kid?
Hmm... seems to be fine.

Wang Yi's murderous move was cracked by Ye Chen, and the violent hurricane turned into a huge cone and swept away, forming a violent storm in the primeval forest!In an instant, hundreds of miles of primeval forests were completely destroyed, and even the ground was dug out into a terrifying deep pit!

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

The disciples of Xiaoyaomen were stunned. They didn't expect that even the second senior brother of the Ninth Transformation of Hualong's attack was blocked by Ye Chen!
This is a move across the nine realms, and it's a sneak attack!

How did Ye Chen do it?

A disciple of Xiaoyao Sect swallowed his saliva, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Yechen, the holy body Taoist, is it really a monster as the legend says?"

Another person murmured: "From this point of view, it is really possible that the eldest brother died at his hands?"

Ye Chen held Wang Yi's wrist, looked down at him, and asked lightly: "Is this why you came to be my guard? I'm really surprised!"

There was a sharp sneer on the corner of his mouth.

And the general disdain and killing intent in the face of worms.

Seeing that his intentions had been revealed, Wang Yi immediately changed his face, and said sullenly: "You killed our senior brother, this debt must be paid with blood!"

As he said that, he was about to withdraw his hand and attack again!

But with this force, I found that my right hand seemed to be clamped tightly by iron tongs, and I couldn't move at all!

"The most stupid thing in the world is to come and assassinate me!"

Ye Chen firmly held Wang Yi's wrist with his left hand, and a golden light burst out from his right hand, like a golden sun appearing in the sky thousands of feet high!


Ye Chen's right fist hit Wang Yi's head fiercely!

That astonishing power seemed to be able to smash through a world with one punch!
Wang Yi desperately wanted to break free from Ye Chen's left hand, but in terms of strength, no one could compare with the holy body!

Ye Chen punched hard, and a golden beam of light pierced through the void, clearing a huge passage hundreds of miles long in the huge primeval forest!

Wang Yi, the cultivator of the Ninth Form of Dragon Transformation, had his head burned to ashes by the blazing power of his fist.

(End of this chapter)

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