Chapter 267 Background
Ye Chen fought all the way to Tianfeng City, blood flowed everywhere he passed, and countless young people who wanted to attack him were all beheaded.

However, due to the signing of the treaty by the major forces in the Eastern Wilderness on the human side, and the intervention of Jinpeng Fort and Tianyao Pavilion on the Yaozu side, no one dared to take action against him.

The most powerful cultivator I have ever met is a casual cultivator of the half-step power level.

Unfortunately, for the current Ye Chen, his strength can only be regarded as a high-level training partner.In the end, Ye Chen forcibly played him to death with many emperor-level treasures!

"Xiaochen, do you have confidence in the fight against the Nine-Tailed Fox?"

Everyone gathered in Yaoguang Holy Land, a group of high-level people sat around Ye Chen, and the core disciples beside him could only stand behind.

Facing the Great Elder's question, Ye Chen just smiled lightly.

"Uncle, even if she has stepped into the realm of Xiantai now, I can still beat her completely!"

After hearing the words, the core disciples of Yaoguang Holy Land had strange expressions.

Although I have seen Ye Chen's extraordinary strength, the monks at the Saint Child level are all geniuses. Even if not everyone can step into the realm of forbidden gods, they can still reach the level of five or even seven or eight bans.

There is a huge gap between the realm of Xiantai and Hualong. After entering the realm of Xiantai, the saint son level figures are even more powerful than their peers.

Ye Chen is now the third transformation of the dragon, and he really dares to say that he can defeat the saint child in the realm of Xiantai?

Even the high-level people in the Holy Land of Shaking Light felt that Ye Chen was a bit overbearing after hearing about it.

"It's a good thing that you have confidence. We also know that your current strength is advancing rapidly, and you have made great progress compared to when you left the Holy Land. But you must not underestimate the enemy!"

The Great Elder warned: "Although the Nine-Tailed Fox was born for the first time, we have long heard that she is the blood descendant of the ancient beast Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, and now she has returned to her ancestors. She has cultivated to the extreme, comparable to an ancient god! Now she , it is said that he is not weaker than the Young Emperor!"

"so what?"

Ye Chen said lightly.

"The young emperor is just a rhetoric. Even those ancient emperors had opponents with different strengths when they were young. But in the end, there is only one person who proves to be the emperor."

"She wants to step on my head to preach, then I will slam her to the ground!"

Ye Chen's tone was a bit fierce.

At this time, the Ninth Elder inadvertently mentioned a book on his pillow: "It is said that all the girls of the fox tribe are unparalleled in beauty, especially this nine-tailed fox, who is even more charming, known as the number one beauty of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan!"

Ye Chen immediately changed his words: "If she wants to step on my head to prove the truth, then I will slam her onto the bed!"

Everyone: "..."

While talking, there was a burst of laughter outside the door.

"Hahaha! Alright, as expected of Ye Qingtian, the son of a prodigal son, he is indeed romantic enough!"

Hearing this voice, Ye Qingtian's expression changed slightly.

Zhen Yao laughed, "An old friend is here!"

A middle-aged man dressed in black and gold clothes walked in from outside the gate. His hair was black with half golden yellow mixed in, and even his eyebrows and beard were dark yellow.The moment you step into the door, it gives people a feeling of walking like a dragon and a tiger, looking down on the world.

When Ye Chen saw that person's eyes, he felt that he was seen through in an instant.

The Second Elder, Ling Jianzi, was beside him, also looking at Ye Chen with joy.

"Great Jinpeng King!"

Great Elder Dugu Ji stroked his beard and said.

It turned out that the person who came was the giant of the monster race, the owner of Jinpeng Castle, King Jinpeng!

Ye Chen looked at this person with a strange look in his eyes, because this person once pursued his mother, but then lost to his father Ye Qingtian.

"Hahaha! Ye Qingtian, Zhen Yao, we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years!"

King Jinpeng laughed out loud, full of heroism.

He looked at Ye Chen again, and nodded appreciatively: "This is my godson Ye Chen, right? He is young, but he is courageous. I once told you about your deeds. Enough man!"

Ye Qingtian and Zhen Yao came forward, bringing Ye Chen along.

"Xiaochen, this is Uncle Jinpeng Wang. Mother told you about it! Back then we were best friends, and we agreed that when we had children, we would recognize each other as adopted sons and daughters. Therefore, you have to call He called godfather!"

Ye Chen was also very sensible, he bowed his hands and said, "Godfather!"

King Jinpeng was very happy and reached out to help him up.

"Hey, good! I have thirteen children, and none of them are decent. Compared with you, they look like useless little demons!"

Ye Qingtian was very proud, "That is, although I only have this one son, but this is the essence! Look, how good my son is!"

King Jinpeng snorted coldly, "He is also my godson!"

When the two met, they couldn't help bickering, so Zhen Yao had no choice but to smooth things over, "Okay, okay, long time no see, let's have a good chat!"

Ye Qingtian asked: "What are you doing here? Could it be because of the decisive battle between Ye Chen and Nine-Tailed Fox?"

King Jinpeng smiled slightly: "There is indeed a reason for this."

At this time, Ling Jianzi behind him came out and spoke: "Among the monster clan, there are many forces that are hostile to Xiaochen. Many big monster clans want to intercept and kill Xiaochen. So I invite King Jinpeng to kill Xiaochen this time. Come here, take advantage of the gathering of the demon clan, and solve this problem."

King Jinpeng smiled and said: "Of course, I also want to see how powerful the young man who has been the most popular in the past two years is!"

Ye Qingtian and the others frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Yes, the conflict between Ye Chen and the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan is indeed a problem.

Although they are not afraid of any opponents in the Yaoguang Holy Land, it is impossible for Ye Chen to hide in the Holy Land all the time and always have to travel the world.

If the people of the Yaozu have been thinking about it, it is tantamount to planting a huge hidden danger.

"What can you do to solve it?"

Ye Qingtian asked Da Jinpeng the kingly way.

King Jinpeng smiled with a "hehe" and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

"The cause of the matter lies in Ye Chen and Yan Tianyi, the descendant of Emperor Qing! This time, Yan Tianyi also came to Tianfeng City. If you want to solve this problem once and for all, you must go to see him and tell him face to face. Make things clear!"

He stood with his hands behind his back, like a king.

"They still have to give me my face!"

Mentioning Yan Tianyi, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

He was not killed in Lingxu back then because of the protection of the demon emperor's holy soldiers.Now that he still dares to appear in front of his eyes, what is the difference between this and courting death?
However, with that guy's courage, he must have the Peacock King with him if he dares to come here!

Ye Chen was afraid of him at the beginning, but not now.

Taking a look at his biological father and godfather, there are two top Dao slashing kings in the world, and the mere Peacock King has become worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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