Chapter 272 Ending
Nine-tailed fox is very powerful, even an ordinary half-step power may not be her opponent.

But no matter what kind of powerful Taoism and magical powers she used, no matter how fierce the swordsmanship she used, she couldn't hurt Ye Chen even the slightest bit.

Finally, she used her most powerful strength and awakened the ancient divine blood in her body.

Facing Nine-Tailed Fox's fatal blow, Ye Chen also showed the Dao fruit he had cultivated in these years.

"Time is not how much you have, but how you use it."

He looked forward slowly, and at this moment, the power of the God Refining Art and the Beginningless Art were deployed together.

The frontal bone glowed with golden light, as if he had opened his celestial eye, and layers of golden ripples swept around as his celestial eye opened.

The entire chrysanthemum terrace was shrouded, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

People outside the barrier can clearly see that the space inside the Chrysanthemum Terrace is in a nearly static state, and even the dust in the air is no longer floating.

"This is... the law of time!"

An old king of the human race said tremblingly, he couldn't believe what he saw.

"How is this possible! He has only cultivated for so many years, how could he touch such a field? Even a saint may not be able to reach this step!"

"This is the terrifying thing about the beginningless technique! The law is condensed into the supernatural powers of the technique, as long as you understand this technique, you will master time and space!"

Someone said in a deep voice: "The Wushi technique is so powerful that no one has used it since the death of the Great Emperor Wushi. In the world, only the holy body can practice this kind of heaven-defying technique!"

On the chrysanthemum platform, the nine-tailed fox finally revealed a look of horror in its eyes.

She was still conscious, but her body couldn't move.It's not that it can't move at all, but its movements are thousands of times slower than that of a tortoise, almost static!

In the endless golden light, she watched Ye Chen walking towards her step by step, the golden light shrouded his body like an immortal god!

Ye Chen's movements were not fast, but compared to this space, they were extremely fast. People saw him walking in front of Hu Yue'er step by step, and then slowly stretched out his right hand.


The fox patriarch of Tianyao Pavilion turned pale with fright, and almost couldn't help wanting to stop it!
Hu Yue'er is the once-in-a-lifetime hope of the Fox Clan, and she must not perish here!

Ye Xiao and Mu Taoist immediately stopped her, "Now I can only choose to trust Yue'er! We can't interfere."

They looked at the people in the Yaoguang Holy Land not far away and King Jinpeng, knowing very well that they would stop them if they made a move at this time.

Moreover, Ye Qingtian has been eyeing them for a long time, and there is a terrifying aura permeating his body.

"He might have brought the dragon pattern black gold tripod over, we can't beat it."

Ye Xiao said in a low voice.

Even if it is a power that is also at the level of the Holy Land, it is also a key factor whether there has been a great emperor or not.In a real life-and-death struggle, a single extreme emperor soldier can destroy a holy land!
The fox patriarch gritted his teeth and could only stare at the chrysanthemum platform, hoping that Hu Yue'er could break through this method.

However, that is really too difficult!

The law of time has gone beyond the understanding of ordinary monks, and only a few Gaiden masters have been able to comprehend it throughout the ages.

And the only one who can integrate the laws into Taoism and supernatural powers is Wu Shi Dadi.

Ye Chen has comprehended the power of the law of time without beginning, and even his power is far behind him in this area!

Hu Yue'er desperately wanted to struggle, but under the Wushi technique, all her efforts were in vain, her divine power flowed slowly and she couldn't perform Taoism, and she couldn't move her body, so she could only watch Ye Chen take a step forward. step closer.

The onlookers didn't dare to take a breath, they just watched Ye Chen walk up to Hu Yue'er, and then slowly stretched out his right hand towards her.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised, and that palm contained a powerful force that could collapse the space, and it approached Hu Yue'er's head.

Just when Hu Yue'er was almost desperate, she suddenly felt her cheeks heat up.

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Chen didn't smash her head, but touched her face with his hands.


The domain of Wushishu was shattered, and Ye Chen looked at her with a smile: "You have already lost."

The deadly silence of the scene was finally broken, and many people let out a long breath.

"The Eucharist Dao Embryo is already invincible!"

"The law of time, that is the field that only the emperor can touch, who in the world can compete with him?"

The three pavilion masters of Tianyao Pavilion also let out a long breath, "That's great!"

Although Hu Yue'er was defeated, they didn't expect Ye Chen not to make a move.It seems that this legendary young demon king who killed and killed decisively also has his own tender side.

Hu Yue'er stared blankly at Ye Chen, this feeling of waking up from despair gave her a special feeling for the terrifyingly powerful man in front of her.

She smiled and said, "Indeed. You are really strong!"

Ye Chen didn't let go of his hand, and asked with a smile, "Would you like to follow me on my road to success in the future?"

Suddenly there was another wolf howl among the crowd.

This is blatant teasing!
Unexpectedly, Ye Chen was young, and he had a lot of messy intestines.

"As expected of Ye Qingtian's son!"

King Jinpeng said with some taste.

"However, he is also my godson! Promising."

Just thinking about it made him happy.

"Promise him! Promise him! Promise him!"

Some people started booing.

There was a look of jealousy in the eyes of Lu Keran and Lin Xian'er.

"Xiao Chen is really, she's playing tricks again!"

Yan Tianyi, who had been waiting for Hu Yueer to avenge her, was dumbfounded, and yelled crazily: "Ye Chen, Hu Yueer is my fiancee! You must not be rude!"

Ye Chen glanced at Yan Tianyi, and asked Hu Yueer, "Is what he said true?"

Hu Yue'er smiled slightly, "Is there such a thing? I don't seem to remember."

Ye Chen shrugged, "Then it doesn't matter!"

Yan Tian was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, he yelled at the three pavilion masters of Tianyao Pavilion: "Three pavilion masters, can you still count on the agreement you made with my father?"

The three pavilion masters looked at each other and quickly made a decision in their hearts.

Therefore, the ancestor fox said to Yan Tianyi with a smile: "But in [-] we were old-fashioned and decided to help the younger generation without authorization. But now that the child is grown up and has his own ideas, we still want to respect her own opinion!"

"Ye Chen is talented and looks like a great emperor. It's a good thing to follow him. Mr. Yan, why don't you be beautiful like an adult?"

Yan Tian spat out a mouthful of old blood in anger, and fainted instantly.

Ye Chen didn't have the heart to pay attention to this defeated dog, he took Hu Yue'er's soft little hand, and left the Chrysanthemum Terrace gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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