Chapter 39

After being found by Ye Chen, Jiang Xianxian frowned.

"No wonder everyone says that the innate holy body is powerful. You really have some tricks. I underestimated you before!"

"Do you know how powerful I am? Come and warm my bed obediently!"

Ye Chen had already forced Immortal Jiang to come out, so naturally he wouldn't talk nonsense to her anymore, and killed her with a pair of golden fists!
Immortal Jiang snorted softly, "Do you think you have a chance to win? You are so naive!"

She raised her slender hand, and the Great Emperor's Law recorded in the "Hengyu Jing" came to attack and kill Ye Chen.

Nanyang's Lihuo covered the sky and covered the sun, turning into golden crow and red bird. The divine birds transformed with the power of flying immortals made the earth scorched, and half of the sky was dyed blood red!
"Use whatever tricks you have, and watch me break through all tricks!"

No matter what Taoism Jiang Banxian uses, Ye Chen will not dodge or evade, relying on his invincible Holy Body and Lightning Palm to charge forward head-on!

He punched it, and the Golden Crow shattered on the spot. Suzaku was pulled by his jaws with both hands, and it was split in two from the middle, blood staining the sky!

The fighting method of the holy body is so simple and rude, a pair of iron fists can smash the heavens and the world!
"It's like a barbarian!" The elders of the Jiang family exclaimed in surprise.

Immortal Jiang kept backing away, feeling the pressure from Ye Chen's pair of fists.

She kept pinching the seal formula with both hands, each move was an unworldly secret technique recorded in the imperial scriptures, and it was enough to make the world pale after being played.

But Ye Chen didn't care about it, just a trick that was eaten all over the world, no matter how Jiang Xianxian used his spells, he couldn't break through his defense!

The more Taoism mastered does not mean the stronger. The emperor-level secret technique in Ye Chen's hand is only one lightning palm, but it can perfectly fit with his sacred body.The Leiguang bodyguard turned into a flood dragon, and the combination of offense and defense was almost invincible!
"Pick me up!"

Ye Chen shattered countless Taoism of Immortal Jiang, and finally launched a counterattack. The lightning condensed in his palm and turned into an unstable ball of lightning. When he pushed towards Immortal Jiang, it pierced into Immortal Jiang like a white long sword piercing through the void. In front of the fairy body!

Lei Guang's speed was the fastest in the world, Immortal Jiang couldn't dodge in time, he was hit hard on the shoulder, blood flowed out!

The elders of the Jiang family were shocked.

"The Banished Immortal is injured!"

"Since she was born, she has fought hundreds of battles, even monsters in the dragon transformation stage, but she has never shed a drop of blood! She was broken by Ye Chen..."

"People always want to have a first time, don't make a fuss."

Seeing that he was gradually falling into a disadvantage, Immortal Jiang showed unwillingness in his eyes, and finally took out his magic weapon - a red sword all over.The sword body is blood red, and it seems that there is divine blood flowing on it, which looks a bit strange and mysterious.

"go with!"

Immortal Jiang drove the sword and shot at Ye Chen, Nanming Lihuo was burning fiercely, and the sword cut through the void with a palpitating tremor!
Ye Chen was not afraid, and directly punched the sword. The golden fist and the red sword collided, and there was an endless wave of flames surging from the sword, covering the sky and covering Ye Chen!
However, Ye Chen quickly flew out of the flame wave, covered in holy light, intact.

That sword also fell into the hands of Immortal Jiang. She held the sword and slashed through the void. The unparalleled sharp red sword light cut through the sky and slashed towards Ye Chen's body!
Ye Chen stared at the sword with a strange look in his eyes.Because just now when he stiffened the bloody sword with his fist, he actually felt a little pain!
His body is comparable to a psychic weapon, and there are really not many weapons that can hurt him!It seems that the sword is extraordinary!
Immortal Jiang stood upright in the void, and said lightly: "I thought you were young and wanted you to be more serious, but now it seems that you are qualified to make me serious!"

Elder Liu saw Immortal Jiang's blood-colored long sword, and immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "Goddess of the Jiang family, this is not fair! Your magic weapon is trained in the four-pole realm, how can you take it out and use it!"

Immortal Jiang glanced at him and said with a smile: "This is the magic weapon of my original sacrifice, and it is one with me! Why can't I use it? I only said to suppress my own cultivation to the realm of the Dao Palace, but I didn't say that I don't need the magic weapon of my life .If Ye Chen has one, you can take it out!"

Ye Chen: "..."

After all, women always have the right to be unreasonable.Seeing that he was gradually unable to suppress Ye Chen, Jiang Xianxian was also a little anxious.After all, it's about a bet, she doesn't want to warm Ye Chen's bed after losing.

Immortal Jiang looked down at Ye Chen, "Come on, little brother! Let me show you my swordsmanship!"

Ye Chen looked up at her with a helpless smile on his lips.

"This is what you forced me to do!"

"Hmph, what skills do you have!" Jiang Yanxian said proudly.

With a wave of the bloody long sword in her hand, countless flaming sword shadows transformed into the void and flew towards Ye Chen!

"Dao Chong Wuji!"

Ye Chen slapped lightning palms with both hands to shatter countless sword shadows, and then retreated instead of advancing, widening the distance from Immortal Jiang.

People do not understand the significance of what he did.

"The Eucharist does not advance but retreats. Isn't this to bury your greatest advantage?"

"Perhaps I'm afraid of the swordsmanship of the Banished Immortal!"

Seeing Ye Chen retreating, Immortal Jiang showed a bit of complacency on his face, "Do you finally know how to be afraid now?"

Ye Chen glanced at her, and suddenly opened his arms.His Lunhai was so golden that it flew out one magic weapon after another like beans falling from a bamboo tube!

There are hundreds of magic weapons, each of which is a top-quality psychic weapon!Shining divine light, hovering behind Ye Chen.

Immortal Jiang smiled, "What are you doing with so many weapons?"

Controlling so many magic tools at the same time, not to mention the consumption of mental power, may not be able to support the divine power.Except for Lu Tianyuan's method of forming an array with weapons, normal monks would only sacrifice one or a few natal magic weapons.

Ye Chen thought of Lu Tianyuan and sighed lightly.

As the confidant of the Nine Great Elders and the darling of the Holy Land of Shaking Light, Ye Chen actually knows everything the disciples know.

Formation Dao is also a kind of Heavenly Dao, which uses Dao patterns and spiritual objects to arouse the general trend of heaven and earth.As the fetus of the holy body, Ye Chen has learned formations at a rapid pace. He has mastered no less than a thousand formations in the past five years, and he has already become a small master who has learned a lot.

"Kill the formation, get up!"

Ye Chen pinched the formula with his right hand, and immediately, hundreds of psychic weapons changed and combined in the void, and strands of dao patterns emerged on the weapons.These are all weapons that have been carved with patterns, just to be used as the foundation of the formation!

This time, not only the members of Jiang's family were dumbfounded, but even the people of Yaoguang Holy Land didn't expect it.

In the last Holy Land Ranking Tournament, Ye Chen did not use formations at all to verify his combat power.Now it was Jiang Jixian who played tricks on him first, so he can't be blamed!
Hundreds of psychic weapons themselves contained charm, and they already had a hazy consciousness. Under Ye Chen's control, they turned into a huge killing array and strangled Xian Jiang!

The storm surged, thunder and lightning blared, and hundreds of psychic weapons surrounded Jiang Banxian, and a hazy yellow mist rose around him.With the light of the dao pattern, the world in front of Immortal Jiang's eyes has completely changed.Only the yellow storm swept around her, and the power of thunder, yin fire and weak water disappeared in the storm.

Holding the blood-colored sword in his hand, Immortal Jiang Ji rushed forward, trying to break through the formation and get out!

However, the formations practiced by Ye Chen consisted of hundreds of psychic weapons alone. Not to mention the power of a small Immortal Jiang, even a half-step power can be trapped for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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