Chapter 62
"This is too bad. I didn't expect them to be so ruthless, sealing off the surrounding area with formations." Heihuang said with serious eyes.

Dao patterns are densely covered in the sky, covering the void above the nine heavens layer by layer. Only by opening the Dharma Eye can we see all of this.

"It can cover thousands of miles of land, what kind of formation can have such a powerful force!" Ye Chen couldn't help but marvel.

"I am afraid that such a large amount of money cannot be achieved by a certain force. It should be the joint efforts of many holy places in the Northern Territory and ancient families."

Not to mention the extreme emperor's weapon, even the birth of a saint's weapon will cause a big fight between the holy places.

And the competition of the extreme emperor soldiers can even make them fight with all the background of the Holy Land!

The Holy Land and the Desolate Ancient Aristocratic Family without the Ultimate Emperor Armor will always be inferior to the Emperor Clan, so they do everything they can to get an Emperor Armor; but with the inheritance of the Emperor Armor, they don’t want other forces to rise, and they can’t get it themselves. relationship, but it cannot be obtained by others.

Faced with such formation patterns, the Black Emperor was also helpless, frowning.

Ye Chen was worried about another thing, and that was what happened to Han Tang and the others.

He should be more careful, it is not so easy to be caught by hiding his whereabouts.However, Han Tang and the others are now seriously injured, and they are definitely not opponents of any force.

"Heihuang, after all, you are also a general under the seat of Emperor Wushi. Could it be that you were trapped by this small formation?" Ye Chen looked at Heihuang, provoking it deliberately.

The Black Emperor snorted coldly, "Joke! If I were in my heyday, this kind of formation would be nothing more than a claw! But now I have some problems in my practice, and I can't forcefully break the formation."

Ye Chen said disdainfully: "Don't pretend, I understand that you are more powerful with one mouth. Hey, forget it, I still have to rely on myself. I was so naive before, and I regarded you as the guardian of the inheritance of the Great Emperor Wushi." Taoist."

He knew that the only weakness of the Black Emperor was Emperor Wushi, so he deliberately mentioned the name of Emperor Wushi to stimulate it.

Sure enough, Hei Huang jumped up angrily when he heard these words, "Wang! Ye Chen boy, you are talking nonsense. This emperor's strength is unfathomable. If it is at the peak state, I don't know how many people will kneel down and beg to worship me as a teacher, kicking me!" don't go!"

"Pull it down, you can't even break a mere formation, what kind of wolf with a big tail! You are obviously a dirt dog!"

Hei Huangqi's tail stood up, and he glared at Ye Chen with bared teeth, "Wow! Ye Chen boy, if I can break this formation, what would you say?"

Ye Chen's heart moved, but he pretended not to care and said, "It doesn't matter what you say, how about I steal two fairies for you to sleep with when I go to Yaochi?"

"That's fine for the Fairy Yaochi, if you really come to the Holy Land of Yaochi, just go and get some flat peaches for me." Heihuang didn't look like he was joking.

Ye Chen thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes. I think I don't need to open my mouth as a stunning and beautiful boy, and they will serve the flat peaches as soon as I stop there!"

The Black Emperor rolled his eyes, expressing contempt.

But it knew that Ye Chen did have a way to get flat peaches.After all, he is also Ye Qingtian's parent-child, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi still wants to give him the face.

The Heihuang watched carefully around the formation for a long time, and then took out a piece of Xuanyu platform from his body that was one foot square.This is a treasure that depicts formation patterns, it can be carried with you, and it is extremely mysterious to lay out formations.

The Black Emperor sat on the ground, and while deducing the method of breaking the formation, he began to draw patterns on it with his big claws.

To break the formation, one must find the rules of the "Dao pattern" and "Tianshi" of the formation, and then use the formation that is incompatible with it to break it.The big formation in front of me was jointly arranged by many holy places, ancient families and northern factions, and it was very complicated.Heihuang was immersed in it, and of course his usual hippie smile was gone at this time, and he was focused on breaking the formation.

Ye Chen stood aside with a long sword in his hand, watching the Black Emperor's method of breaking the formation, while guarding against other people passing by to disturb him.

The Black Emperor continued to paint on the Xuanyu Platform for half a day, but it was not so easy to crack such a large formation. The formations on the Xuanyu Platform were densely packed, layer by layer, and the Black Emperor was still not satisfied.In the end, even a big paw wiped out most of it with a wave, and then started again.

Ye Chen's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help asking: "Can you do it? You will attract people from the Holy Land and the Desolate Ancient Family, and we will both die!"

"Wang! You said it lightly! They have set up such a large formation, which covers tens of thousands of miles. It is already the top formation in the world! Although the emperor's cultivation is amazing, it will take some time to crack it! "

Ye Chen didn't really believe what Heihuang said, because in his memory, the dog's formation skills were sometimes effective and sometimes not.Sometimes it is used well, and people are astonished, and sometimes it is not used well, but even my own people are fooled!

But now he has no better way, although Ye Chen has learned the way of formation for five years, he can still set up some formations.But it is still too difficult to break through such a big formation with his level.

He had no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and let the Black Emperor use his methods.

Just when the Heihuang tried his best to break through the formation, a group of monks suddenly flew over from the sky, and rushed over immediately after seeing Ye Chen and the Heihuang.

"Who are you! Why are you staying here?"

Ye Chen supported the bamboo hat and looked up. A group of monks from Taoist palaces and four extreme realms came, wearing uniform Taoist uniforms with the sect imprint of the Eight Diagrams tattooed on them.

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly became cold, "People from Dayan Holy Land!"

Among the three powerful men who chased and killed him, there was a person from Dayan Holy Land.At the beginning, he chased and killed Ye Chen for thousands of miles, and forced him all the way into Zishan, almost killing him!

Ye Chen had already planned in his heart, and when the matter here is over, he must make Dayan Holy Land pay the price for it!Unexpectedly, they met their disciples here.

The disciples of Dayan Holy Land flew here and saw Ye Chen dressed in black and wearing a bamboo hat.He didn't have any signs of the Holy Land or the ancient family on his body, and he was still mysterious, so he suddenly became suspicious.

"Who are you? Report your name quickly!" A middle-aged man in the quadrupole realm asked in a deep voice.

"Kill your people."

Ye Chen didn't talk nonsense, the long sword in his right hand came out of the sheath directly, and the bright sword light flashed in front of his eyes, the man in the quadrupole realm only felt a chill in his body, and then he was split into two evenly from the middle!
The disciples of the Wanchu Holy Land were shocked and angry. They were the Holy Land of the Northern Territory, and no one dared to mess with them in the Northern Territory. How dare this cultivator who was hiding under a bamboo hat in front of him be so rampant!

"Dog thief looking for death!"

A group of people were about to rush forward with surges of divine power, but before they could make a move, there was a sudden blur before their eyes, and then a white sword light flashed across the sky.


Ye Chen appeared behind them, the long sword in his hand was sheathed, and the sword energy burst out from behind him at this time, and he directly chopped more than a dozen disciples of the Holy Land of Wanchu into pieces!
Heihuang glanced at him while he was drawing the pattern, and said with relief: "You are getting more and more proficient in using the Wushi technique."

Beginningless Art is not a Taoist art, but a law of time, which can be integrated into various moves, and the illusion is infinite.

It is precisely because this law is too powerful that the Great Emperor Wushi returned to the basics when he wrote "The Sutra of Wushi", and eliminated all the thousands of Taoism that he had practiced, leaving only Wushishu and Six Paths of Reincarnation Boxing This is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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