Chapter 73 Heavenly Sword Six Styles
He Tianlan walked towards Ye Chen step by step. His white clothes fluttered and he was spotless, like a god who came down to the world.But the blood-colored sword glow was murderous, and even turned into substance, making people feel like their bodies were about to collapse from a distance of thousands of feet!

"Heavenly sword!" The eyes of the elder Jiang's parents burst into a brilliant light, "Zhan Tianzhun's unique skill, when he entered the Tao with the sword, he created the six styles of the heavenly sword, which spanned nine heavens and ten places! Even the unenlightened Emperor Qing was almost killed He defeated. Unexpectedly, He Tianlan's sword energy has been so fierce before he has drawn his sword!"

Immortal Jiang's gaze also became sharper. Even though she came from a remote ancient family, she has never seen such a sharp and domineering sword energy!

Not only her, but the handsome young man next to him, the holy sons of Dayan Holy Land and Wanchu Holy Land all stared at He Tianlan.The phoenix blood red golden sword in his hand has not yet been cut out, and the sword energy that fills the sky alone makes people feel tremendous pressure. It is hard to guess how terrifying this young sword repairer who was famous in the Eastern Wilderness before their birth was!
Ye Chen, who was facing He Tianlan directly, was undoubtedly under the greatest pressure at this time.'s not that big.Although this level of sword energy is terrifying, it still can't make the holy body feel threatened.

He Tianlan walked towards Ye Chen step by step without haste, and his sword power became more and more fierce.

Ye Chen has studied swordsmanship with the Second Elder Ling Jianzi for five years, and he knows that swordsmanship is all about aura, and he is invincible and invincible!The more you fight, the more courageous you become, the more you fight, the stronger you become. If the sword power is stacked, the strength of the sword cultivator will also double accordingly.

He Tianlan seemed to be strolling in the courtyard, but in fact, he wanted to raise his sword power to the peak, and also hoped to use this method to bring Ye Chen huge psychological pressure and make him show his flaws.

It's a pity that Ye Chen looks only five years old, but the soul inside this body is already an old fritters!Play tricks with him, let's dream!

Therefore, of course Ye Chen would not give He Tianlan such an opportunity.He was not frightened by He Tianlan's pretentious appearance. The vision behind him changed, and the Immortal King turned into a strong man holding a huge bow. His upper body was naked, his lower body was surrounded by a piece of ancient animal skin, and his bronze-colored muscles were full of blood. Explosive power!There are nine golden crows hovering above the head, and the blazing sun shines on the earth!

When Hou Yi shot the sun, Ye Chen and the vision merged into one, turning into the ancient god Yi.His body burst out with the power of the Holy Body, and the golden light was even more dazzling than the Golden Crow above his head!
A golden crow screamed, turned into a flame and fell into the longbow, turning into a blazing flaming arrow!

Ye Chen stretched out his arms and pulled the sun-shooting bow into a full moon. The arrow pointed at He Tianlan who was coming step by step with the endless vortex of sword energy!

He Tianlan's footsteps did not stop, but he slowed down because he felt the pressure brought by Ye Chen's vision, and a sharp sword light appeared in his cynical eyes.


Ye Chen's long arrow shot out, and the golden crow's arrow pierced through the space, leaving a blazing afterimage of flames in the air and shooting towards He Tianlan!
The flames burst into flames, this is the real fire of the sun from the divine bird Golden Crow, which contains the ultimate power of the sun!Create all living beings, but also destroy the world!

Facing the incomparably hot and terrifying Golden Crow Arrow, He Tianlan waved his sleeve gracefully, and countless blood-colored sword glows gathered around one place, turning into a huge vortex of sword energy, flying up against the sky!

The golden crow's long arrow collided with the vortex of blood-colored sword energy. In an instant, the ground shook, the blood-colored sword energy shattered, and the flames filled the sky, falling in all directions like a volcanic eruption.

This is the real fire of the sun, and its power is terrifying!The elders of the Holy Land and the ancient family had to use their divine power to block the attack of the flame.

After the violent explosion ended, He Tianlan's sword vortex had been shattered by the Golden Crow's long arrow.Ye Chen stood on a desolate rocky mountain, his body combined with the vision of Dayi, really like the distant ancestor of the human race who shot and killed the Golden Crow in ancient times!
The vortex of sword energy was broken, but the smile on He Tianlan's face was still undiminished, "There is a way to break through my sword energy. However, that's all!"

The sword energy is just the "momentum" naturally produced by his cultivation of the Heavenly Sword, but it cannot be regarded as his real attack.

Ye Chen smiled, but didn't talk much, but continued to draw the bow and set the arrow, and another Golden Crow turned into a rocket and landed on the sun-shooting bow. As soon as Ye Chen let go of it, it shot towards He Tianlan!

The huangxuechi golden sword in He Tianlan's hand finally moved. He flipped his right wrist, and the huangxuechi golden sword lightly swept upwards, as easily as brushing off dust.

But with this sword, there is a dazzling sword glow slanting from one corner of the sky to the other, cutting across the sky and the earth!

"Zhu Xian!"

The bloody sword light was cut out, and the Golden Crow Divine Arrow was chopped into pieces in an instant, and it couldn't even dim the bloody sword light a little bit!
"Zhan Tianzhun Emperor's Heavenly Sword Six Forms!" said the elder Jiang's family with burning eyes.

With the Six Styles of Heavenly Sword, Emperor Zhan Tianzhun relied on this unique skill to compete with Emperor Qing, and even almost succeeded, which shows how terrifying the power of his sword moves is!
The blood-colored sword light straddled the sky and the earth, and it slashed towards Ye Chen, as if it wanted to split him and the phantom of the big Yi obliquely in half!
Ye Chen calmly pointed his left hand towards the sky, and the three Golden Crows fell down at the same time, turning into three arrows in his hand!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

Sansheng let out a sharp cry piercing the sky, and three golden crow arrows slammed into the bloody sword light.The dazzling real fire of the sun burst out, and the golden sun's rays blinded all the onlookers even for a moment!
He Tianlan's bloody sword light was weakened a bit, and it began to become dim.

Ye Chen continued to fully draw the sun-shooting bow, and shot nine arrows in a row, before finally blasting the Zhuxian sword into the air!
The golden Sunfire and the bloody Jade Immortal Sword glow disappeared into the air, and He Tianlan's eyes showed a look of surprise.I didn't expect Ye Chen to be able to block his own sword when he first entered the four-pole realm!
"The vision of the Holy Body Dao Embryo is really terrifying, it can even block He Tianlan's Heavenly Sword!" The eyes of the elders of the Wanchu Holy Land were filled with disbelief.However, he quickly shook his head, "But it's impossible to beat He Tianlan. He Tianlan has already mastered the six moves of the Heavenly Sword, and he is a monk who has stepped into the realm of dragon transformation with half a foot. The gap is too big!"

Immortal Jiang frowned, "Although he can block He Tianlan's sword, it is obviously more difficult for Ye Xiaoyao. The difference in strength is obvious!"

She didn't want Ye Chen to lose, because she wanted to avenge herself.But after seeing He Tianlan make a move, she didn't think Ye Chen could win.

The power of the Heavenly Sword made her, who is a flying fairy, feel great pressure!Maybe... only the boy next to her can fight.

Jiang Banxian looked at his brother next to him, and he was also watching the battle between the two seriously.

Ye Chen looked at He Tianlan with great interest, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"It's a little tricky! It's a pity that I'm not too familiar with this vision. It seems that I have to study it carefully after I go back!"

The vision is transformed by the Supreme Dao, which contains endless mysteries and shocking power.Even the great power of the ancients needs painstaking research before it can exert the full power of the vision.

"You can block my random sword with all nine arrows, so how should you block my next sword move?" He Tianlan walked step by step with the Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold Sword in his hand, with a smile on his face.For him, there was no suspense about the outcome of this battle, he just wanted to see what kind of miraculous features the Eucharist Dao Embryo had.

(End of this chapter)

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