Chapter 86

Ye Chen has sealed himself in the house for more than a month, Ye Qingtian and the elders of Yaoguang Holy Land are not in a hurry.

They often retreat to enlightenment, and it takes a year or two to achieve enlightenment.Because monks have a long lifespan, this kind of thing has long been a habit.

On this day, Ye Qingtian was playing chess with the third elder under the pine tree halfway up the mountain, while Heihuang continued to chat with the upright second elder Ling Jianzi.

After getting along for a long time, everyone's attitude towards the Black Emperor has changed from being in awe at the beginning to becoming casual. Everyone knows that he is an unreliable guy who talks a lot.

Only Ling Jianzi was upright by nature, and could still listen to what the Black Emperor had to say.

"Back then I fought Wuji Juggernaut on the bank of the Luo River for three days and three nights. His special skill Alpha Strike was really amazing! He could even pass through the void, making it impossible for people to lock his position. But I smiled and lurked in the grass Such a good figure, when he appeared, he suddenly jumped behind him..."

Ling Jianzi felt admiration in his heart: "This senior Wuji Sword Master is really powerful. A few days ago, I heard that he is of plateau blood, which is rare in ten thousand years. He has the fastest speed in the world. I wish I could be born in the same era as him, and then we can learn from each other. Skill!"

Under the pine tree, the battle between Ye Qingtian and the three elders also entered a fierce stage.

Ye Qingtian holds the black pieces in his hand, looking at the chessboard with serious eyes, his brows are tightly furrowed, he saw the black pieces and the white characters criss-crossed on the chessboard, intercepting and killing each other, like crouching dragons fighting each other.

Third Elder Situ Shuiyue smiled slightly, "Brother, you have already lost."

He pointed at the chessboard with his left hand, and said calmly: "I already have a three-three formation, no matter which side you block, I can connect five pieces from the other side."

"Not necessarily!"

A sharp light flashed in Ye Qingtian's eyes, and he quickly put Heizi in one place.

Situ Shuiyue looked down, and said helplessly: "Senior brother, it's useless for you to add a son to Miansi to Miansi!"

He stretched out his hand, a white ball completely blocked Ye Qingtian's sunspot.

"No, as long as there is a blank space on the chessboard, I will not give up hope!" Ye Qingtian said deeply, and then continued to add one piece to all Mian [-]s to become Mian [-]s.

The veins on Situ Shuiyue's forehead were all bulging, "So... I don't like playing chess with you!"

At this time, a dazzling red light suddenly burst out in Ye Chen's closed room, and even the whole mountain trembled violently.Ye Qingtian's eyes flashed brightly, and he overturned the chessboard with his backhand!
"Huh? It's Xiaochen's room, what happened?" Ye Qingtian frowned.

When Situ Shuiyue saw that the chessboard was overturned, she immediately rolled up her sleeves angrily, "Holy Master, your chess skills are too bad!"

Ye Qingtian turned his face away, and put on an appearance that the matter had nothing to do with him, "It's none of my business! It's an earthquake, hahaha!"

After a burst of smoke and dust, Ye Chen walked out of the palace.There was a satisfied smile on his face, and he carried a strangely shaped weapon on his shoulder.

"Father, uncles! My weapon is finished!" Ye Chen said proudly.

After spending more than a month, he finally successfully forged his ideal weapon, and engraved the first killing formation as the formation of the driving weapon.

Ye Qingtian and the others surrounded him curiously, stared at Ye Chen's red weapon for a long time, then fell into deep thought.

"This... this should be a crutch! Xiaochen, I don't remember you practicing such an unpopular weapon!" Ye Qingtian asked strangely while holding his chin.

The third elder Situ Shuiyue shook her head, "No, no! In my opinion, this is a short stick! Because a stick is thin at one end and thick at the other end, it's just that your end is too thin, so it's not good. Take it! Did the refining fail?"

Ye Chen laughed "haha", "Guess again!"

The second elder, Ling Jianzi, said seriously: "In my opinion, this should be an unopened sword! The epee has no front, so it doesn't work well. Well, it's still a blunt sword!"

Ye Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with some embarrassment: "Second Martial Uncle, don't you look at everything like a sword!"

Ling Jianzi shook his head, "No, no, for a sword cultivator, the highest level is no sword! No sword means that everything can be a sword!"

He was very satisfied with his statement, and smiled proudly: "Look, as long as you think it is a sword, you can use it as a sword!"

Ye Chen said speechlessly: "Yes, what you said is correct! According to what you said, the Emperor Taihuang in Zhongzhou even made a Taihuang sword specially, which is a waste of rare metals!"

Ling Jianzi was refuted for a moment and had nothing to say, the Taihuang was an extreme master of using the sword, and he did not give up using the sword as a weapon.Then his theory of no sword will be self-defeating!
Ling Jianzi ran to the side, and began to mutter, "There is no sword in your hand, but you have a sword in your heart..." "The epee has no edge, so it's a skill that doesn't work..." Suddenly, he had serious doubts about his sword skills.

At this time, the Black Emperor walked over seriously, took a look at the long weapon from Ye Chen, and threw it back with disdain: "Isn't this just a fire stick! Ye Chen, if you don't know how to refine weapons I can teach you, why waste such a good material!"

Ye Chen "hehe" sneered, and patted the weapon in his hand, "To be honest, this treasure is called a dog-beating stick, and I made it specially for you!"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Black Emperor immediately ran to the side, "Wang! It's obvious that I didn't practice well, so why are you so fierce!"

The Eighth Elder also came over, and comforted Ye Chen with compassion: "It's okay, Xiaochen. Many people are not very satisfactory for the first time, but it will be fine if you practice more. Eighth Uncle is optimistic about you!"

Ye Chen heaved a long sigh, "You are so rare and strange, let me tell you! This is a peerless magic weapon, one of the most powerful! I will try it for you later and you will know."

Just as Ye Chen was about to show off, Zhen Yao just flew over from a distance.Seeing that Ye Chen had left the retreat, the loving mother immediately ran over, "Xiaochen, how did you gain from this retreat?"

Ye Chen handed the stick in his hand to Zhen Yao as if offering a treasure, "Mother, I refined a treasure, guess what it is for!"

Zhen Yao curiously took the long red stick, saw that it was thick at one end and thin at the other end, with smooth and elegant lines, and suddenly fell silent for a long time.

She silently returned the stick to Ye Chen, and said earnestly: "Xiaochen, tell mother, who taught you this kind of thing?"

Ye Chen: "????"

He was speechless to the group of people in front of him. He didn't expect that none of these famous monks in the Eastern Wilderness could guess the magical function of this weapon.

No way, this may be a cultural difference!

"Forget it, let me demonstrate it to you personally!"

Ye Chen skillfully turned the stick in his hand twice, raised the front end with one hand, and pulled the trigger with the other hand.

"Father, please seal off the surrounding area for a hundred miles. There will be more commotion later."

Ye Qingtian didn't know what his son was going to do, but his curiosity still prompted him to do it.

"Okay son, what are you going to do, I'm so curious for my father!"

Ye Chen set up the stick in front of everyone, and pointed at a mountain in the distance.

The surging golden divine power in his body poured into one end of the stick, and the weapon made of yellow blood and red gold was activated by the spiritual power, and a golden phoenix phantom appeared!A circular formation suddenly appeared from one end of the stick, the formation patterns were complicated and mysterious, densely packed like stars in the sky.

The third elder who was most proficient in the formation was stunned after seeing it, and immersed himself in it fascinated.

As the golden divine power covered the formation pattern, an aura that made everyone feel incredible, far surpassing the limit of the four-pole realm, enveloped the surrounding space!


A golden light suddenly burst out from the hollow end of the stick, and it traveled hundreds of miles in an instant, passing straight between more than a dozen mountain peaks!

Ye Chen's body was shaken back slightly by the huge force. Even the Holy Body after Xiaocheng would be a little shaken in front of this force.

Everyone was dumbfounded, because the dozen or so peaks in front of them were pierced by Ye Chen's blow, leaving a hole as thick as a bowl.That amazing speed and strength even surpassed many powerful Taoist magic powers!
"Such speed and strength...I'm afraid I can't even take half a step of power!"

Ling Jianzi said blankly.

After shooting this shot, Ye Chen's body was also a little struggling.But the divine power of the Eucharist itself is much higher than others, and with the magic of "The Sutra of Beginning Without Beginning" that can quickly restore the divine power, this kind of consumption is completely unbearable.

That's right, the weapon Ye Chen created was exactly the high-tech product of his time - a gun!

After the Holy Body Dao Embryo was completed, Ye Chen no longer needed any melee weapons, because his fists were harder than any magic weapon.Therefore, it is best to create a magic weapon that can attack from a distance.

It's a pity that the development of science and technology in this world has been stagnant because of the popularity of practice.When it comes to long-distance attack weapons, at most they are flying swords, flying knives, darts and the like.

But Ye Chen is different from them, he is a traveler with modern high-tech knowledge in his mind.

Therefore, when choosing to build his own weapon, Ye Chen chose to build a spear without hesitation!Moreover, it is a sniper rifle, which is also convenient to use as a stick in close combat, which is the best of both worlds.

With the addition of the phoenix blood red gold and the first killing formation, it is simply unimaginable how powerful his weapon should be.

Ye Qingtian and the others didn't speak for a long time, not knowing what to say about Ye Chen's weapon.Because it's beyond their knowledge.

An ordinary weapon, although made of fairy gold, is not even considered a king's magic weapon.Why can a monk like Ye Chen, who is in the quadrupole realm, launch an attack that can kill half a step of power!

(End of this chapter)

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