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Chapter 9 Ye Chen Down the Mountain

Chapter 9 Ye Chen Down the Mountain
After hearing Ye Chen's words, Ye Qingtian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Son, do you know what double cultivation means?"

"It's just a man and a woman practicing together!" Ye Chen deliberately pretended to be stupid, and looked at Ye Qingtian with innocent eyes, "Daddy, what else?"

Ye Qingtian was a little embarrassed, "Ahem, you are still young and don't understand the mystery. Oh, but Lu Keran's "Bright Dao Code" has achieved some results, and it is a good idea to let her practice with you."

Ye Chen secretly rejoiced, how boring it is to be alone in the Shrine of Light!Facing father, mother, and those nine elders all day long, I don't even have a beautiful young lady!
As soon as he saw Lu Keran, Ye Chen was moved by her appearance and temperament.He even secretly made up his mind that he must catch up with this young lady and warm his bed!
However, Ye Qingtian reminded Ye Chen: "Son, you have to remember one thing. In the Holy Land of Waving Light, the saintess is going to be the wife of the son of the Holy Son. For example, your mother is the saintess of the previous generation. Therefore, If you like Lu Keran very much, you have to work hard to surpass Brother Immortal!"

Ye Chen nodded, his eyes immediately filled with fighting spirit, "Don't worry! Son of Light, I'm sure!"

In the following time, Lu Keran received Ye Qingtian's order to let her enter the Yaoguang Temple to accompany Ye Chen to practice.

Lu Keran was naturally delighted. Even though she was the Holy Maiden of Shaking Light, she could only open up a cave on the mountainside of Guangming Peak to practice.As for the Wave Light Temple, no entry is allowed without the Holy Master's summons.

Now that she has the opportunity to enter it to practice, it will be of great benefit to her to improve her cultivation.

After hearing the news, Jun Immortal's heart became heavier.

"Lu Keran is my future Taoist partner. The Holy Lord actually asked her to accompany Ye Chen in cultivation. What is the purpose of this?"

He regards himself as the son of Yaoguang, although he is aloof, he has long regarded Lu Keran as his woman.

Daoist Zhou Lao said: "Oh, it looks like what we expected, Ye Qingtian intends to train his son to succeed him. We have to make plans early!"


Time flies like a white horse, time flies by, and five years have passed.

Ye Chen practiced in the Yaoguang Temple for five years. In addition to mastering all the first eight volumes of the "Bright Dao Code", he also practiced the unique skills of the Lightning Palm and the Nine Great Elders.

Under the inclination of all the resources of the Yaoguang Holy Land, his own cultivation has also reached the perfection of the Dao Palace.

The five-year-old Dao Palace Consummation Realm powerhouse, if word spreads, the whole world may be shaken!But this is still the result of Ye Chen deliberately suppressing the realm, because Ye Qingtian told him that if the realm is raised too quickly, the foundation will be unstable, which is not conducive to future practice.

Ye Chen is not in a hurry, because if he wants to break through the four extremes now, he can only abandon the holy body, otherwise he will be suppressed by the Dao if he does not have a complete way to practice the holy body.

His stature has also changed rapidly in recent years, perhaps because of the Eucharist, he is only 5 years old, and his height is no less than that of a teenager.

"I have learned all the exercises in the Yaoguang Holy Land except the ninth volume of the "Bright Dao Code". It is meaningless to stay here and practice hard, it's time to go out and make a living!"

Ye Chen had a plan in his mind. In the final analysis, monks still need to support war by fighting. No matter how high the realm is, it is useless to fail to fight.You have to go out to hone your skills, and go through life and death battles one after another to become a real strong man.

"Ding, the system has refreshed the check-in location, please go to Zishan to complete the check-in."

Five years later, this voice sounded in Ye Chen's mind again.

He let out a long breath, with an excited smile all over his face, "Sure enough, you are here! Zishan, the inheritance of Emperor Wushi, I knew you would appear!"

If one wants to break through the realm of the four extremes, one must obtain a complete practice method of the sacred body. As the innate sacred body, Emperor Wushi must have this part in his imperial scriptures!As long as he got the "Sutra of Beginning Without Beginning", Ye Chen doesn't have to worry about being suppressed by Dao when he breaks through!
He stood up long, and the whole body was shrouded in holy light, like a god coming to the dust, and all magic is invincible!This is the embodiment of the holy light technique practiced to a high level in the eighth volume of the "Bright Dao Code".

He left the side hall where he practiced, and came to the main hall to find his father Ye Qingtian.

"Oh, Xiaochen is here!"

Seeing his precious son, Ye Qingtian swallowed his saliva, and greeted him a little nervously.

Why is he so dignified that the Lord Shaking Light is nervous when he sees his own son?

The reason is simple, in the past five years, Ye Chen's amazing cultivation talent has already learned everything he can teach.So when Ye Chen came to ask questions that he didn't understand, Ye Qingtian was often speechless.

As a father and the Lord of Light, this made Ye Qingtian very embarrassed, and could only go to the secret realm of the Holy Land every time to seek advice from those old immortals who practiced in seclusion.

Ye Chen nodded and said with a sweet smile, "Father, I want to go down the mountain!"

When Ye Qingtian heard this, he frowned slightly, "You are a congenital Eucharist, if you were born now, you will be easily targeted by other forces. This is too dangerous!"

Ye Chen retorted: "Which one of the ancient emperors proved the Tao in his infancy? Didn't they all succeed in proving the Tao after stepping on the bones of countless enemies and going through life and death battles again and again? If you don't let me go out to practice, At best, I can only grow into a flower in a greenhouse, so how can I grow up and shake the lintel of the Holy Land?"

What he said made Ye Qingtian speechless, for the first time he regretted letting the Ninth Elder teach him culture.You see, the first thing you do when you are quick-spoken is to scold him!

However, he also had to admit that what Ye Chen said made sense.

If he has been protected, he will not grow.But as a father, he couldn't help but think that his son would leave home at the age of five and go to work in the dangerous world.

Ye Qingtian didn't speak, but closed his eyes and thought carefully for half a day.

Finally, he made a decision.

"Xiaochen, listen. Since you want to leave the Holy Land and go out to practice, my father will give you a chance. As long as you can prove to me that you have enough strength now, I will agree to let you go out!"

"How to prove it?" Ye Chen asked with burning eyes.

"The Holy Land of Shaking Light will hold a ranking battle among disciples every five years to determine their ranking in the Holy Land. The higher the ranking, the more abundant cultivation resources you can get. After a while, the ranking battle will be held again Open, if you can reach the top ten in the ranking battle of the four extremes, I will let you go down the mountain!"

Ye Qingtian's request is not unreasonable, because now Ye Chen is only a monk in the Dao Palace realm, which is a big difference from Siji.

There are millions of disciples in the holy land, and there are thousands of disciples in the four extreme realms, and all of them are talents from the Eastern Desolation and Southern Regions!It is extremely difficult to break into the top ten in such a ranking match!

However, Ye Chen nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"Don't worry, Dad! I will definitely qualify for the top ten!"

As an innate Eucharist, it would be a joke if he couldn't even fight across borders.Moreover, after five years of hard work, he has practiced all the mysterious formulas in the Holy Land, this is his confidence to agree to Ye Qingtian's request!
"I must go down the mountain. Only in this way can I go to Purple Mountain to obtain the inheritance of Emperor Wushi. Just the inheritance of the Holy Land of Shaking Light is not enough for me!" Ye Chen thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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