Chapter 94 Stunning Shots

Dayan Shengzi's eyes were full of humiliation, unwillingness and overwhelming anger.

"Ye Chen, how dare you fight me!"

Lord Dayan quickly said: "Nonsense, you are not his opponent, step back quickly!"

Ye Chen had already beheaded two Holy Sons and God Sons, and the Lord Dayan didn't want to see his own Holy Son also fall in front of the city of God.

Ye Chen also sneered: "That's right, you trash fish are also worthy of fighting with me? Get lost!"

Dayan Shengzi's eyes were blood red, and his fists were pierced by nails, dripping blood.

The young geniuses in Dayan Holy Land roared angrily.

"Ye Chen, even if I die today, I will splash your blood all over!"

"If I don't kill you, I, Zhou Billy, will never be a human being!"

Ye Chen picked his ears, and smiled disdainfully, "That's good. Anyway, I'm quite free today, so I'll take you to spend the cloudy day. To prove that the people in Dayan Holy Land are useless. I fight alone. One hundred of you! If I lose, we will leave on the spot, not even a single Origin Stone!"

"Arrogance! Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Young people are arrogant and domineering, but they have won a few young masters, and they are defiant. Do you think you are a young emperor?"

"When the time comes, I'll let you kneel down and beg for mercy, let's see if you can still say such things!"

The young monk in Dayan Holy Land felt that he had been greatly insulted, and angrily said.

But the eyes of the Holy Master Dayan and the elders of the Dayan Holy Land lit up, and they secretly discussed with each other through sound transmission.

"Although Ye Chen is tyrannical, no matter how strong a single person is, it is impossible to defeat our [-] strongest disciples. This battle can be fought!"

"Originally, it would take at least 500 million catties of origin to send them away. Now it is possible that you don't have to give even a single source stone. Why not do it?"

After the senior officials of Dayan Holy Land made up their minds, the Lord Dayan came forward and asked Ye Chen, "Is this true?"

"Of course, just relying on these trash from Dayan Holy Land, it is impossible to pose any threat to me." Ye Chen still said arrogantly.

After hearing these words, Holy Lord Dayan was very angry on the surface, but he was happy in his heart.

At this time, the Heihuang rolled his eyes and shouted at Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, you are so confused! Although your strength is extraordinary now, it is impossible for one person to beat a hundred of them!"

Ye Qingtian and the others were standing at the back watching the play, while applauding Ye Chen's superb acting skills in their hearts.After seeing Heihuang's reaction, he immediately understood and started to shout.

Ye Qingtian: "Xiaochen, don't underestimate the enemy! People in Dayan Holy Land are not that weak."

Situ Shuiyue: "Xiaochen, we can at least get 500 million catties, if you do this, you will get nothing!"

Zhen Yao wanted to cry: "Son, you can't beat so many people!"

Ling Jianzi also wanted to speak, but the black emperor's big paw directly blocked his mouth: "Ling Jianzi, you should stop talking!"

Ling Jianzi has always been upright, who knows what he will say!
The people from Dayan Holy Land saw it, and immediately laughed triumphantly.It was just that Ye Chen was too conceited, so he boasted about Haikou.

"Hahaha! Ye Chen, you are the innate sacramental body, and you are the descendant of Emperor Wushi, so you are the future emperor! You won't keep your promises, will you?"

"Hey, it's okay if you go back on your word. But if you spread the word, I'm afraid everyone in the world will look down on you!"

"Forget it, he's just talking about it. One person hits a hundred? Are you kidding me? I said he can't even beat us Dayan Shengzi!"

A group of people deliberately used these words to provoke Ye Chen.

Sure enough, Ye Chen was furious: "Shut up! You ants and rubbish, I, Ye Chen, said that if I kill 100 of you, I will kill 100 of you! But what if you lose?"

The Holy Lord of Dayan had a happy expression on his face, and he said leisurely: "If you can really win a hundred disciples in my Dayan Holy Land with one against a hundred, I will give you 1000 million catties! Take ten more divine weapons of the king!"

Anyway, it's a must-win game, so the Lord Dayan deliberately said it in a more generous way.

Ye Chen's face suddenly became calm, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Hmph, it's a deal!"

Ye Chen turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Ye Qingtian and the others.

Ye Qingtian took a deep breath, and silently stretched out his thumb to praise Ye Chen.

Two words, take it!What is acting?This is called acting!

Lord Dayan looked at Ye Qingtian: "Holy Lord Yaoguang, what do you think of this matter?"

Although the Lord Dayan and Ye Chen had already made an appointment, Ye Qingtian had to make a final decision before he could settle down.

Ye Qingtian coughed twice, "Ahem, since my son has already said so, then this matter is settled!"

"That's good! But we have to make it clear first that we are not allowed to use weapons beyond our own realm!"

Lord Dayan stared at the Wushi Bell above Ye Chen's head, always feeling panicked.

Ye Chen put away the Wushi Bell casually, and said tauntingly: "Don't worry, there is no need to use extreme emperor soldiers to deal with these disciples of Dayan Holy Land."

Ye Chen flew to the distant plain, stood in the wilderness and looked at the monks in the Dayan Holy Land. He hooked his fingers: "Come and die! Trash!"

The young monks in Dayan Holy Land had long been gnashing their teeth at Ye Chen, wishing they could beat him to a pulp.After hearing Ye Chen's words, a group of people couldn't bear it any longer, roaring and rushed out of Dayan God City!
"Ye Chen, you are courting death!"

"Today we want to let you know that the prestige of Dayan Holy Land cannot be insulted!"

Although they were extremely resentful towards Ye Chen, they knew that Ye Chen was very powerful.Because the monks who shot this time are all strong, they are the most outstanding hundred disciples in the contemporary Dayan Holy Land!

They turned into divine rainbows and fell into the plain, waves of anger and divine power swept over, trying to drown Ye Chen!
The Saint Son of Dayan took the lead. Holding a simple and simple sword, he displayed the unique skills of the Holy Sword of Dayan. In an instant, the world turned pale, and a terrifying sense of extinction spread out!

"Ye Chen, today you have to pay for the wild words you said!"

The Saint Son of Dayan pointed his sword at Ye Chen, and hundreds of geniuses from the Holy Land of Dayan stood around him, wanting to attack Ye Chen around the Saint Son of Dayan.

Dayan Shengzi waved the big sword in his hand, slowly stirring yin and yang, and evolving the universe.His sword intent is so strong that the contemporary Chinese who look at the four extremes are definitely at the top level!
And what is Ye Chen doing at this time?He's picking earwax!

"Recently, I have been in retreat for a long time, and I haven't had time to take a bath! There is a bit too much earwax." Ye Chen frowned and said very distressed.

In his eyes, there was no shadow of the young monks in the Holy Land of Dayan at all, allowing the Son of Dayan to slowly gather his sword power.

There was a killing intent in the eyes of Dayan Shengzi.

Dayan Holy Land, that is the pride in his heart that cannot be desecrated!He is the Holy Son, and will be the Holy Lord of Dayan in the future!
But today, Dayan Divine City was breached, and Elder Da Neng was killed.From the Holy Master to the disciples, they all suffered great humiliation.

And the cause of all this is the boy in front of him!
"Ye Chen, what are you? A monk in the four-pole realm dares to insult the Holy Lord Dayan in public. I will kill you today to wash away the shame of the Holy Land of Dayan! One-on-one I may not be your opponent. But if one of a hundred people beats you, I don't believe you can still win!"

His sword power is getting stronger and stronger. Although it is far inferior to a powerful elder like Gu Yitian, the scene of the universe opening behind him and the collapse of the galaxy has begun to take shape, which contains terrifying power!

"Ye Chen! This sword is given back to you for the ancient elders who died in the battle of Dayan Holy Land!"

Shengzi Dayan yelled angrily, and raised the big sword in his hand high. The dazzling sword light burst out from the plain, like thunder descending into the world, the white sword light made people unable to open their eyes!


Ye Chen watched Dayan Shengzi playing with his sword for a long time, and said impatiently.He shook his small hand, as if he had taken something out of his ear, the God Killing Spear made of phoenix blood and red gold appeared in his hand.


Ye Chen spat out a word, and a round image of the first kill suddenly appeared around the God Killing Spear!The golden divine power filled the killing formation in an instant, and a terrifying coercion seemed to come across endless years. The first killing formation that was said to be able to kill immortals reappeared in the world!
The power of the first killing formation was transformed into a gun light by Ye Chen, the power was condensed, and there was no scary scene.It's just that a very thin and long golden light shot out from the muzzle of the God Killing Spear, penetrating hundreds of miles of void in an instant.

The great sword in the hands of Dayan Shengzi never had a chance to fall, he stood there in astonishment, a hole appeared on his forehead, and the Yuanshen had been completely destroyed!
Dayan Shengzi's eyes dimmed, and his body slowly collapsed to the ground.

Son of Dayan, he is dead.

Lord Dayan's countenance suddenly changed, "Ask the sky!!!"

His heart was cut like a knife, and he was deeply saddened by the death of Dayan Shengzi Gu Wentian.Everyone only knows that Gu Wentian is his most beloved apprentice, but only a few people know that Gu Wentian is his biological son!
Why does Gu Changming know that his son is not his but dare not say anything?That's why.

The monks in the Dayan Holy Land wailed unceasingly. The Holy Son is the future Holy Master of the Holy Land and the most talented person in the Holy Land.His death was an incomparably huge loss to Dayan Holy Land!

"What kind of weapon is that? The power is so terrifying that the Holy Son has no power to resist!"

"Not to mention the Holy Son, even a monk in the realm of transforming a dragon may not be able to stop it. Even a half-step mighty man can't deal with it!"

"Cheat, those who shake the Light Holy Land cheat!" the monks of Dayan Holy Land shouted angrily.

"Ye Qingtian, you didn't abide by the agreement and said that you are not allowed to use weapons beyond your own realm!" The Holy Master Dayan roared angrily.His son died, and his anger had overwhelmed him.

Ye Qingtian sneered, "Look carefully, is that weapon a king's weapon or a holy weapon?"

The Holy Lord of Dayan and the elders of Dayan Holy Land took a closer look, and sure enough, the God-killing Spear in Ye Chen's hand did not have any fluctuations of King's Divine Weapon or Divine Weapon.Even before the birth of the weapon spirit, it is not considered a connected spirit weapon.

" is this possible!!!" Holy Master Dayan couldn't believe his eyes.Because it makes no sense!

"It's a formation." An elder of Dayan Holy Land said with a bitter face: "That weapon is actually the foundation of a formation. Although it has no power itself, there is a terrifying killing formation on it."

Ye Qingtian looked at Holy Master Dayan indifferently: "My son's formation technique is superb, isn't it cheating?"

Holy Lord Dayan's face was livid, and he was both shocked and angry, but the formation technique was originally a kind of practice.So Ye Qingtian used formation to kill Gu Wentian, it is reasonable!

(End of this chapter)

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