One emperor

Chapter 104 The Aura of the Sea

Chapter 104 The Aura of the Sea
Although this was just Ye Dong's whim, he decided to give it a try, and immediately began to take off his shoes and socks. Wang Chong, who was on the fishing boat, saw Ye Dong's actions and didn't stop him, just smiled. Loudly said: "Brother Ye, after going into the sea, don't go too far."

From Wang Chong's point of view, Ye Dong was just like other people who saw the sea for the first time, and wanted to have a close contact with the sea. How could he have thought that Ye Dong's purpose in going to the sea was to cultivate.

Ye Dong nodded with a smile, jumped onto a rock with his bare feet, and then slowly stood in the sea.

The sea water was icy cold, but with the strength of Ye Dong's ten-fold spiritual seal, this coldness had no effect on him at all, so he didn't care at all, but focused on bringing his spiritual consciousness into contact with the sea water through his body, slowly Spread towards the surrounding sea water.

Just like the purple flame dragon fire and dragon fibrous root and other plants seen under his spiritual consciousness, a blue world appeared in front of Ye Dong's eyes.

It was a pure blue without any other colors, which looked pleasing to the eye.

The area of ​​the blue world is really too large, completely endless, and one can only see the dense blue lines forming an endless network, extending towards the endless distance.

This is naturally the interior of the seawater, and those lines are the meridians of the seawater, the life composition of the seawater!
Looking at the inner world of the sea water, Ye Dong felt infinite reverence in his heart, and at the same time felt his own insignificance more and more.

"Sure enough, it's exactly as I imagined. Whether it's the purple flame dragon fire, or various plants, or even the endless sea water, they should all have their own lives. It's just that this kind of life is me now, or in other words, is Many creatures can't understand and perceive it."

"However, the life force of sea water is far stronger than that of other substances."

Life force is also a word that Ye Dong created on the spur of the moment, and what it describes is the beating of the sea water's veins.

The dense blue lines are like the human heart, beating extremely powerfully, and this beating is not just the part that Ye Dong can see, but all the lines, extending out infinitely across the entire sheet. The big net far away is beating equally powerfully, so Ye Dong feels that the life force of the sea water is really extremely powerful.

"Hey, what is this?"

Suddenly, Ye Dong noticed that when these "veins" were beating, there were also streams of gas-like things, but because these things were also blue, if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice them at all. .

After observing carefully for a while, Ye Dong couldn't help being surprised and said, "This is aura!"

Spiritual energy is everywhere. It is not surprising that there is spiritual energy in the seawater, but what shocked Ye Dong was that the spiritual energy in the seawater is just like the spiritual seal of a practitioner, it is caused by the beating of its tendons. produced.

The spiritual energy in the sea water does not come from between the heaven and the earth, but is produced independently.

This discovery made Ye Dong think more deeply about a question, that is, where does the aura of heaven and earth come from?

Although even ordinary people know that the aura of heaven and earth is everywhere, few people pay attention to how they are produced. Now that Ye Dong has discovered that sea water can produce aura, he has further realized that the aura of heaven and earth is The spiritual energy that seems to never disappear in the world actually comes from every thing that exists in the world, whether it is life or matter, when they absorb spiritual energy, they will also produce spiritual energy.

This is a continuous cycle process, so the spiritual energy will be endless and endless.

Ye Dong thinks his thinking should be right, but he just thinks about it, such a profound question is not what he needs to think about now.

"Since there is spiritual energy in the sea water, then I simply let my body absorb the spiritual energy from the sea water, and then use this spiritual energy to try to open up the Yongquan point!"

As soon as he thought about it, Ye Dong didn't even have time to make clothes, so he dived into the sea like this, and the seven acupuncture points he had opened up, together with his dantian, immediately began to continuously absorb the spiritual energy in the sea water.

In fact, although the aura of sea water is produced by itself, just like the aura absorbed by all practitioners, it also contains a lot of impurities, but it is impossible to see it with the naked eye, and gave up absorbing the pure aura in the blood sea, and changed In order to absorb the aura in the seawater, for Ye Dong, because of the additional purification process, he slowed down the speed of cultivation instead.

However, when these seemingly moist sea spirits entered Ye Dong's body, and under his conscious drive, slowly began to stimulate the Yongquan acupoint, Ye Dong clearly felt that the sea water under his feet was like It is as if it is connected with the sea spiritual energy, and it also surges up with the stimulation of the spiritual energy. It is really like a spring, constantly stimulating the Yongquan acupoint.

There is the stimulation of sea spiritual energy inside and the spring of sea water outside. Although Ye Dong can't feel any effect for the time being, he has a hunch in his heart that this sudden whim of his should be able to quickly get through the two springs. spring cave.

After diving in the sea for a while, Ye Dong had to bring his head out of the water to take a breath. After all, he couldn't stop breathing completely, but he held his breath for a longer time than ordinary people.

Not far away, Wang Chong was always paying attention to Ye Dong, and he couldn't understand his strange behavior, but he kept Wang Jinqiao's advice in mind, no matter what Ye Dong wanted to do, he didn't want to stop him, so he just able to watch.

For a day, Ye Dong spent the time soaking in the sea water. If Wang Chong hadn't pulled him back, he wouldn't have wanted to leave, but he had already decided that from tonight onwards, he would come to the sea water practice.

During dinner, Ye Dong specifically asked if the group of robbers who went hunting at sea would land from the pier they went to during the day if they came back. After getting an affirmative answer, Ye Dong became more determined. plan.

Practicing in the sea not only helps to open up the Yongquan acupoint early, but also can find the traces of the robbers in the first place, killing two birds with one stone.

So that night, like a civet cat, Ye Dong quietly left the palace of the Wang family, and came to the seashore with ease. Soaked in sea water to practice, and released the four of Yao Shan.

When the four of Yao Shan saw Ye Dong's weird way of cultivation, although they were a little shocked, they quickly accepted it calmly, because they are now referring to what Yao Shan said back then. Look at it by the standards of ordinary people, so no matter what happens to him, there is nothing surprising!

(End of this chapter)

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