One emperor

Chapter 1048 Really Big Loss

Chapter 1048 Really Big Loss
Because Gong Ziluo had already left the Dark Night Clan before Ye Dong retreated, she didn't know the many strange phenomena and all kinds of amazing momentum that appeared during Ye Dong's retreat, but along the way, listening to Ye Chenhan's dancing Telling, she couldn't help but wonder if Xiaohan was lying to herself.

When Gong Ziluo and Xiaohan came to Ye Dong's retreat, they saw Dongfang Dai anxiously wandering around from afar. During these days of Ye Dong's retreat, she has been waiting here, never leaving a single step, waiting in fear His son is out.

When the two of them stepped forward, even Gong Ziluo greeted Dongfang Dai with a little respect. After all, Dongfang Dai was Ye Dong's mother, and she didn't dare to be as casual as she was when facing Ye Dong.

Dongfang Dai nodded at the two of them, with a lingering worry on her face, she said: "You are here to find Dong'er, he has been in retreat for 20 days, he was originally very powerful, but now there is no movement at all." No, nothing happened to him, right?"

Even Dongfang Dai said that the momentum was huge, and Gong Ziluo believed that Xiaohan hadn't lied to herself.

"Auntie, don't worry. It's a common thing to retreat, not to mention dozens of days, even decades. As long as you don't go crazy, basically nothing will happen."

"I know this too. It's just that in a few days it will be the day when my family's family meeting will be held. I have to rush back in these few days to inform my father so that he can make preparations."

The safety of her son and the safety of her family were like two big mountains, weighing on Dongfang Dai almost suffocating.

When Gong Ziluo heard this sentence, she felt a "thump" in her heart.

Although she knows the details of these things, if Ye Dong really hasn't left before the blood clan meeting is held, then all the previous plans will be in vain, and the blood clan will still be suppressed by other clans and exterminated It's also possible.

Xiaohan said sensiblely: "Grandma, don't worry, our Dark Night Clan has the gate of space, we can reach the vicinity of Xuemang Mountain, and we will definitely be able to make it in time."

He called Ye Dong uncle, but Dongfang Dai could only be called grandma...

Dongfang Dai nodded helplessly, and didn't say anything else, and Ye Chenhan and Gong Ziluo also accompanied her, standing here, waiting for Ye Dong to leave the customs.

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye, Ye Dong still did not move at all, and now Dongfang Dai couldn't wait any longer, the day after tomorrow was the day of the family meeting, she had to go back and inform her father to make him ready.

"Xiao Han, can you send me away from the Night Clan now?"

Xiaohan nodded and said, "Yes, you can leave anytime."

Gong Ziluo also knew that Dongfang Dai couldn't be left no matter what now, and she really needed to make the blood races ready, but she was also worried about Dongfang Dai's safety: "Auntie, then I'll send you back!"

"No need, Miss Gong, you can stay here and wait for Dong'er. You are very powerful. If Dong'er encounters any danger in retreat, I can rest assured that you are here. Besides, entering Xuemang Mountain is the sphere of influence of the blood clan." , there is a strong restriction there, and it is impossible for non-clan people to enter unless they forcefully break through, and I also have a way to save my life."

After some discussion, Gong Ziluo had no choice but to agree to let Dongfang Dai go back alone. She and Xiaohan stayed here, and when Ye Dong left the customs, they immediately rushed to Xuemang Mountain.

So Dongfang Dai was hurriedly taken away by Xiaohan. Before leaving, she still looked at Ye Dong's retreat room full of reluctance.

If she could enter the room at this moment, she would see that Ye Dong's appearance and body were changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Full of vitality, the skin exposed outside the clothes has also faded away from the bumps and wrinkles.

Ye Dong is recovering his original appearance!
Dongfang Dai is gone, Gong Ziluo seems to be liberated, she has long wanted to see what Ye Dong's state is now, after all, listening to Xiaohan and Dongfang Dai both talking about Ye Dong's earth-shattering retreat, filled her with excitement. Curious, but Dongfang Dai has been standing here, she is too embarrassed to break in.

Gong Ziluo turned her head and looked around, and after making sure that no one was paying attention to her, she rushed towards Ye Dong's room like a ghost.

Because this was originally Dongfang Dai's residence, and it was also the territory of the Dark Night Clan, so Ye Dong didn't add any defensive restrictions at all before retreating. It was completely undefended, and anyone could enter at will.

Gong Ziluo tiptoed open the closed door and entered in a flash. After closing the door, she let out a sigh of relief and turned to look at Ye Dong.

Seeing this, Gong Ziluo's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets!
In front of him, this young man with a face like a crown jade, handsome appearance, black hair fluttering, purple, golden, and blood coiled all over his body, like a god descending from the earth, could it be that ugly ghost Ye Dong?

Gong Ziluo couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her eyes vigorously, wondering if she was dazzled or just saw a ghost!

If Ye Dong had conjured up his appearance on purpose before, then she would be able to see it with her half-human strength, but she can swear by her half-human identity that she had seen Ye Dong herself the first time she saw him. , that is definitely Ye Dong's real appearance.

But now, this is also Ye Dong's real appearance, without any pretense, what's going on?

Of course, Gong Ziluo didn't know, whether it was ugly or his current appearance, they were all Ye Dong's real appearance, but his body and appearance had degenerated due to the serious damage to his energy before, and now his realm has improved. , and the cultivation of the blood-boiling combat skill replenished Ye Dong's energy and restored his body and appearance!
At this moment, the door opened slightly with a "squeak", and Gong Ziluo almost immediately wanted to make a move, but after seeing clearly that the person sneaking in was Ye Chenhan, she naturally restrained her aura.

Ye Chenhan had already sent Dongfang Dai away, and when he came back, he found that Gong Ziluo was no longer there, so he immediately guessed that she must have slipped in, and he was also curious, so he naturally followed in.

After sticking out his tongue at Gong Ziluo, Ye Chenhan also looked at Ye Dong, and then his expression was the same as that of Gong Ziluo, almost staring his eyes out of their sockets.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Ye Chenhan whispered: "Sister Gong, what's going on, is this Uncle Ye?"

Gong Ziluo smiled wryly and shook her head, "I don't know what's going on, but it must be him, let's go out and talk about it."

After the two left the room, Gong Ziluo was still thinking hard about what was going on, but Ye Chenhan blinked, but suddenly put his head in front of Gong Ziluo, and said triumphantly: " Sister Gong, you have really suffered a big loss now!"

(End of this chapter)

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