One emperor

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060
Ye Dong suddenly remembered something, stretched out his hand and retracted the Void Pagoda, and Dongfang Dai and others who were blocked in it all rushed to Dongfang Cang's side immediately.

At this time, Dongfang Cang had deep bone scars all over his body, but no blood flowed out, and his complexion was as pale as a piece of white paper. Obviously, this war cost him a huge price, of course However, what really hurt him the most was because he forcibly induced the Blood God Sky Rune just now and sent it to Ye Dong's side.

These blood god sky patterns are all carved by his natal blood, and now they are all turned into nothingness, which is equivalent to draining the blood in his body. If it was replaced by other people, his soul would have returned to the dark, and he relied on it. With the blood clan's special blood cultivation technique, it has lasted until now.

Everyone surrounded Dongfang Cang, but no one dared to reach out to help him, because now even the slightest stimulation may cut off Dongfang Cang's last sliver of life.




Apart from being able to call their respective titles, everyone couldn't say a single word, and they were all sobbing. Even Xue Da Xue Er's eyes were red, and his teeth were clenched.

For them, Dongfang Cang is their father, grandfather, patriarch, heaven of the blood clan, and an unfallible mountain of the blood clan.

But now, the sky is about to collapse, the mountain is about to fall!

Dongfang Cang didn't pay attention to the others, his eyes that had almost lost their energy were only staring at Ye Dong at the moment.

"Dong'er, call me Grandpa, call me Grandpa!"

Dongfang Dai choked with sobs and tugged at Ye Dong's hand.

Ye Dong also stared at Dongfang Cang, his lips were tightly pursed, although his face was expressionless, but at this moment his heart was full of mixed feelings.

This old man broke up his parents abruptly back then, so that his family has not been able to reunite until now. Ye Dong really hates him!
But just now, he used his own life as the price, and saved himself without hesitation, which made Ye Dong unable to hate him anymore, not to mention, he is the real grandfather of Ye Dong, who broke the blood that connects the bones and tendons loved ones!
Dongfang Cang raised his hand feebly, waved it and said, "Dong'er, come here."

After Ye Dong hesitated for a moment, he walked over and squatted in front of Dongfang Cang, while Dongfang Cang stared at Ye Dong quietly for a while, with a satisfied smile on his pale face and said: "Dong'er, you You've grown up so much, the last time I saw you, you were still a baby in swaddling clothes."

Speaking of this, Dongfang Cang's chest heaved violently, took a few deep breaths, and continued: "I know you must hate me in your heart and hate me for breaking up your parents. I also admit that I did not do it right. Unfortunately, , There is no regret medicine in this world, but I, I am very happy that you came back today and saved us."

Ye Dong suddenly reached out his hand and took out a few pills from his bosom, flicked them lightly, and put them into Dongfang Cang's mouth. It didn't work at all.

Dongfang Cang himself smiled and said with difficulty: "Dong'er, I can't do it anymore, I sincerely say sorry to you, I don't hope you can forgive me, I just hope you can, can take care of the blood clan, don't let our clan , destroyed in my hands!"

Ye Dong gritted his teeth tightly, his words were kind when he was about to die, facing Dongfang Cang's repentance and apology before he died, how could he say no at this moment, and nodded wordlessly.

At this moment, he really didn't want his grandfather to leave him like this, and the others around him were already crying too much.

Dongfang Cang showed a satisfied expression on his face, and his eyes had already begun to slacken, he turned to the sky, and muttered to himself: "In my life, I have done one wrong thing, one wrong thing, one wrong thing ...!"

Hearing Dongfang Cang's voice gradually weakened, and he was already dying, Ye Dong suddenly looked at all the blood races around him and said, "Is there no way among us blood races to save him?"

The voice was like thunder, shaking everyone awake, but Xue Da opened his eyes wide, and suddenly pointed at Ye Dongdao: "Young master, you, are you a body of ten thousand blood?"

Just now, Ye Dong heard it from Dongfang Cang. He said that he is a body of ten thousand blood, but he doesn't understand what a body of ten thousand blood is. How can we save him?"

"If you are a body of ten thousand blood, your blood is the supreme healing medicine, and you and the patriarch are both blood clans. As long as you put your blood into the patriarch's body, it may be able to revive him."

As soon as Xue Da's voice fell, a blood dragon rushed out of Ye Dong's body, rushing directly into Dongfang Cang's body like a torrent, and forced it to circulate within him.

However, Dongfang Cang didn't react at all, he still looked at the sky with his eyes like a pool of stagnant water, without any vitality.




At this moment, everyone realized that Dongfang Cang had gone, and everyone fell on top of his body crying bitterly. Only Ye Dong's eyes were still red, and the blood all over his body was like raging waves. Dongfang Cang's body surged.

"Dong'er, stop, your grandfather has already left!" Dongfang Dai cried.


Ye Dong's eyes were bloodshot, he clenched his teeth, looked at Dongfang Cang, and said word by word: "Grandpa, you can't die!"

These two words were like a curse, which made Dongfang Cang's lifeless body tremble suddenly, and Ye Dong's face also showed joy. The blood that had rushed into Dongfang Cang's body was like a mud cow entering the sea. But now there is finally a hint of reaction!
Others also discovered this miracle, Dongfang Dai hurriedly said: "Dong'er, keep calling, keep calling grandpa!"

"Grandpa, come alive!"

Ye Dong yelled suddenly, his hair stood upside down, and the sea of ​​blood appeared again. The waves in the sea of ​​blood were turbulent, and the waves rolled up into layers of waves, and the bloody figure in the sky also appeared, but this time His appearance was different from every time before.

The bloody figure was originally just a phantom, at least in Ye Dong's mind, he was just an image left behind by the demon emperor Brahma, but now, he seemed to have his own consciousness, because he was bending down, as if he was staring down. Dongfang Cang.

Suddenly, a bloody figure rose into the sky, turned into a beam of blood, and rushed straight into Dongfang Cang's body!

Dongfang Cang's body trembled violently, and a layer of blood gradually appeared in his eyes.

Is Dongfang Cang alive?

"Ye Dong, people from the three clans are here!"

A woman's voice suddenly came from the air, disturbing everyone's attention.

I saw a rainbow flashing across the sky, it was Gong Ziluo, the sage envoy of the Zerg race, and behind her, forty or fifty figures appeared, all of them were aggressive and murderous.

Ye Dong suddenly stood up, with the same murderous look in his eyes, and roared at the sky: "It's just in time, today, I, Ye Dong, will bloodbath your three clans!"

(End of this chapter)

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