One emperor

Chapter 1082 Taixu Shadow Ancestor

Chapter 1082 Taixu Shadow Ancestor
When Ye Dong was 16 years old, his dantian was shattered, and the blood prison fell from the sky. Now he is 21 years old, and he can kill the Demon Emperor in five years. What else is he afraid of?
However, although he himself is not afraid of the revenge of the beast clan, he is worried about the entire blood clan. Dongfang Cang just smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and left a sentence: "Dong'er, let go of your hands and feet to be yours!" Whatever you want to do, the blood race will never fall!"

After Ye Dong stayed with his mother for three days in Xuemang Mountain, he set off for the Dark Night Clan. He said that he had to do two things before leaving the Blood Realm. Now that one has been done, the last one is left.

As for the human race and the royal clan, although the whole clan has reached the point where everyone is in danger, to be honest, after Ye Dong learned about the situation of the beast clan, he didn't want to destroy them any more.

And he also believed that the demise of the orc clan sounded a huge wake-up call for the two clans, making them afraid to have any thoughts about the blood clan for a long period of time.

Even if there is, the blood race is not afraid. The words left by Dongfang Cang are enough to prove that as long as there is no civil strife, the blood race will never be afraid of anyone.

With Ye Dong, of course, there is Gong Ziluo.

Now, apart from Gong Ziluo wanting to take Ye Dong to the Shenmu Realm, in the depths of her heart, there is even a slight thought of not wanting to separate from Ye Dong.

For this idea, Gong Ziluo herself couldn't believe it, but she couldn't get rid of it.

In fact, although Ye Dong's seniority is scary, but no matter his age or appearance, if he stands with Gong Ziluo, anyone will give him a thumbs up and praise "What a pair of people", even when he was in the blood race. Many clansmen who didn't know that Ye Dong was married thought that Gong Ziluo was his wife.

When Ye Dong heard these rumors, he just laughed it off. He already had Mo Linglong in his heart, and it was impossible to accommodate another woman.

Naturally, he would not be aware of the thoughts in Gong Ziluo's heart. He is always much slower than others in terms of feelings. Otherwise, how could Mo Linglong have turned to pursue him back then!
When the two came to the hinterland of the Dark Night Clan, they were immediately connected to the underground world. Ye Chenhan was naturally very happy to see the two of them, but Ye Dong noticed a trace of worry on his face.

When no one was around, Ye Dong stretched out his hand and gently tapped Ye Chenhan's head and said, "Xiaohan, why are you a little unhappy? What happened, tell Uncle Ye."

Ye Chenhan didn't hide it when Ye Dong pointed it out. He grabbed Ye Dong's arm and said, "Uncle Ye, it's not my business, it's your business!"

"What's the matter with me?"

"Uncle Ye, do you have a Taixu Shadow Ancestor?"

"Taixu Shadow Patriarch?"

Ye Dong was stunned, he knew about Taixu Shadow, but this was the first time he heard about Taixu Shadow Ancestor, what is this?
Shadows of the Void can be found in almost every world, and they exist even in the void, but there will only be one batch in each world, and the most powerful one among them will be called the Shadow Ancestor.

After hearing Xiaohan feel the existence of Taixu Shadow Ancestor in his body, Ye Dong frowned tightly, because why didn't he feel it at all?

"Xiao Han, are you joking with your Uncle Ye?"

Originally, Ye Chenhan still had a glimmer of hope that the Taixu Shadow Ancestor was subdued by Ye Dong himself and put it in his body, but Ye Dong didn't even know it existed, so this glimmer of hope was naturally shattered.

"Uncle Ye, how can I joke with you about life-threatening matters!" Ye Chenhan blushed anxiously: "But it's normal for you not to know his existence, because Yingzu is so powerful, and If you practice the shadow combat skill again, he can hide anywhere in your body."

"Being forcibly invaded by Taixu Shadow Ancestor will make you extremely murderous and brutal at certain times, and your personality will become more and more dark. Uncle Ye, think about it carefully. Have you ever become special after someone provoked you?" The idea of ​​wanting to kill him."

Ye Dong laughed and said: "Of course I want to kill someone who provokes me, and since I came to the blood world, I have killed anyone who provoked me..."

Speaking of this, Ye Dong's voice stopped abruptly, because he finally realized that after coming to the blood world, he has indeed become a little different from before.

In the past, there were many people who provoked Ye Dong, but unless they were after the heavens and humans, Ye Dong would not kill them all. However, in the blood world, human race, royal family, and beast race, these people have nothing to do with heaven and humans, but He was mercilessly killed, even exterminated.

Especially the family of the lord of Ziyun City, hundreds of people were killed by Ye Dong overnight. A considerable number of those people don't even know who Ye Dong is, let alone have any hatred. up.

Thinking of this, Ye Dong felt chills all over his body, how could he become so bloodthirsty, could it be that there is really a Taixu Shadow Ancestor in his body?
"Uncle Ye, in fact, it often happens that the shadow of Taixu invades the body of other living beings, but because their existence is not known, no one will pay attention to it. Their purpose is to seize the body, that is, my previous patriarch of the Night Clan The pain of the shadow seizing the body that everyone has to go through, once the body is seized, this person will become a demon, killing and slaughtering everywhere, so all the patriarchs of our clan will kill themselves before being seized."

"Moreover, the previous patriarchs of our clan were only taken away by the shadow of Taixu, and Uncle Ye, you are the ancestor of the shadow of Taixu..."

Ye Chenhan's words made Ye Dong think of the current patriarch of the Dark Night Clan, the one who has always been hiding in the darkness, with a black shadow head on each shoulder, an existence that does not want to see the light!

If he waits until his own head is also occupied by the shadow, it means that he has successfully seized his body. At that time, no one can save him.

The current patriarch just didn't want to die, so when he learned that a person like Ye Dong who also practiced shadow combat skills appeared, he would try his best to win him over, and even threatened him, in order to hope to find a solution from him. Methods.

Ye Dongmeng shook his head and said, "No, I definitely can't be taken away by Shadow Ancestor."

Gong Ziluo on the side turned pale when she heard this. Although she had never seen the state of the leader of the Dark Night Clan, as an envoy of the Zerg Clan, she had naturally heard some secrets about the Night Clan.

"I want to find it out!"

Ye Dong immediately sat down cross-legged, looked inside his body, and wanted to find out that Taixu Shadow Ancestor.

"Taixu Yingzu, where are you, get out of here, get out of here!"

Ye Dong seemed to be crazy, using his spiritual consciousness to mobilize his voice, and roared loudly in his body, so frightened that Xiao Han hid behind Gong Ziluo, with even more worry on his face.

Because now Ye Dong's performance and his usual calmness are completely different, which shows that his mood and character have been influenced by Taixu Yingzu and are changing subtly!

(End of this chapter)

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