One emperor

Chapter 109 The Body of Spiritual Dust

Chapter 109 The Body of Spiritual Dust
If Ye Dong could have asked the dust body masters about the process of condensing the dust body and stepping into the dust body earlier, he would know that the situation he is facing now is exactly what countless spiritual seal practitioners dream of. That is the process of condensing the dust body!

Dust body, also known as the body of spiritual dust, because it is condensed from spiritual dust, and spiritual dust is the fly ash-like things in Ye Dong's dantian now!

Spiritual dust is a very wonderful thing, some people say it is the product of the soul, some say it is the product of spiritual energy, but no one can prove that their statement is correct.

But every practitioner in the dust body knows that the spirit dust is formed after the spirit seal explodes!
Why is it said that condensing the dust body is equal to understanding, strength and opportunity?

Leaving aside savvy and strength, just talking about the chance, it is actually the chance to let the spirit seal explode!
Ordinary people, who would think of exploding the spirit seal that they have condensed through untold hardships?Even if you think of it, who can do it?

This requires chance, under the action of an external force, and under the perception of the unity of nature and man, such a chance can appear.

Ye Dong was very lucky. He first possessed the peak strength of ten spiritual seals, and then his understanding of the way of heaven in the confrontation with the huge waves just now, entered a state of comprehension with no joy, no sorrow, no one and no self, Finally, a crucial opportunity came.

Because he was in the ocean and had absorbed too much sea aura, and when he released the sea aura outward, under the influence of the power of the tide that still existed and the attraction of the sea water that seemed to have life, not only Absorb all the spiritual energy in his body, and even further absorb his spiritual seal!

It was impossible for the spirit seal to be absorbed, so under the suction force, it exploded abruptly!
After the ten spirit seals explode completely, they become spirit dust!

Don't break, don't stand, break and stand!
In fact, the process of condensing the dust body can be completely summed up in these eight words!
Only when all the most precious spiritual seals for practitioners in the spiritual seal realm are exploded, can a more important dust body be condensed like a phoenix nirvana!

After all, Ye Dong's brain was much smarter than before, so when he realized that these fly ash might be the key to condense the dust body, his nervous mood finally relaxed a little.

It's just that he doesn't know how these fly ash, which has no rules to follow, can condense the dust body!

But soon he knew the answer, because he suddenly felt a surge of majestic heaven and earth spiritual energy rushing towards his body, the amount was frighteningly large!

These auras are not only sea auras, but also some auras from heaven and earth, and even some auras that Ye Dong doesn't know where they came from.

In short, the amount of aura is so much that the aura of heaven and earth actually formed a thick mist, like a layer of hazy mist, quickly filling Ye Dongben's already dry body.

There is the most spiritual energy in the dantian, and under the cover of these spiritual energy, the flying ash spirit dust gradually no longer flies all over the sky, but gathers towards the very center.

Ye Dong's heart tightened, this should be condensed into dust.

The types of dust body cover all things, all kinds of strange things, all-encompassing, naturally there are good and bad, and what kind of dust body is condensed, for practitioners, some directly affect their life situation.

However, what kind of dust body can be condensed is not affected by the person at all, it is completely formed by the natural way, so this process, anyone can only wait.

Ye Dong couldn't help getting excited, and his thoughts were spinning quickly: "What kind of dust body will I condense? Weapons? Beasts, or natural products?"

"For weapons, it's best to have a sword. If it's really not good, a knife is fine. For beasts, of course, the holy beast dragon is the best, but that's unlikely, lower the grade, tigers and lions, and even wolves like Fang Yi. Well, if it’s a natural product, I don’t need flames, it would be best if it can be condensed into lightning.”

While Ye Dong was waiting with great anticipation, under the action of this surge of aura, countless spiritual dusts quickly gathered in the center of his dantian and began to gather gradually. The spiritual energy poured in, so soon after the spiritual energy in the dantian gathered more and more, a thick mist rose up, completely covering the situation in the dantian.

No matter how hard Ye Dong tries, how he strengthens his spiritual consciousness, he still cannot see even a single speck of the situation. That is to say, Ye Dong will not know what kind of dust he has condensed until the dust body is condensed and the fog dissipates by itself. body!

Unable to see what was going on in his dantian, Ye Dong could only turn his attention to his own body.

The aura that continuously entered his body forcefully stretched his body a little bit apart. As a result, the skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, and all organs on his body were all under this force. Subtle changes took place under the impact of the majestic aura.

The original suction from the sea has long since disappeared, and the pain caused by the exploding spirit seal has also disappeared. Now Ye Dong feels extremely comfortable.

Under the effect of spiritual energy, Ye Dong's body was undergoing earth-shaking changes quietly. Not only his physical strength had been unbelievably improved, but his lifespan was also increasing in an unknown way.

Practitioners in the Spirit Seal Realm can live no longer than two hundred years, while practitioners in the Dust Body Realm can extend their lifespan to five hundred years!
In addition, the crazy influx of aura also doubled all the veins in Ye Dong's body. If the aura could only pass through the width of one finger before, it can now pass through the width of two fingers.

In short, all the changes in his body represent that Ye Dong is moving towards the realm of the dust body, all he needs to do now is to wait, wait for the dust body to take shape!

I don't know how long it took, Ye Dong suddenly felt that the speed of the spiritual energy pouring into his body began to slow down, and the amount began to decrease, which made him very happy. Concentrated in the dantian, looking at the mist that is gradually dissipating, I am full of excitement and curiosity, wondering what my dust body will be!
Finally, the mist in the dantian dissipated completely, and the situation in the dantian also appeared in front of Ye Dong's eyes. Ye Dong's dusty body had successfully condensed!
However, when Ye Dong saw his dust body clearly, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, and he froze instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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