One emperor

Chapter 114 Meeting the Robber

Chapter 114 Meeting the Robber
There is no distinction between young and old among practitioners, only the difference in realm. When you meet someone who is stronger than yourself, even if you are much older than the other person, you still have to respect him. The reason why Wang Jinqiao always calls Ye Dong's The name is because he relies on his brother relationship with Ye Yuanjun, but now, he doesn't have the courage to call Ye Dong's name directly anymore.

Wang Jinqiao was a little embarrassed, he really didn't know what to call Ye Dong, but Ye Dong hurriedly said: "Grandpa Wang, you should call me by my name directly!"

"Okay, Ye Dong, let's save Cheng Peng's life for now, in case the antidote can't be found..."

When Ye Dong heard Wang Jinqiao's words, he could clearly feel the fear and cautiousness in his tone, which made him a little unaccustomed, but he also knew that this was the realm of dust body and spirit seal. The difference between them, for practitioners in the Lingyin realm, and for a master in the dust realm, that is a superior existence!
Nodding his head, Ye Dong said: "I see. Although his legs are crippled, he is not dead yet. You can ask someone to lift him down, lock him up first, and ask for the antidote after we finish solving the other robbers." thing!"

"it is good!"

If Wang Jinqiao still discussed with Ye Dong two days ago, then he completely obeyed Ye Dong's words now, and immediately found someone to carry Cheng Peng and the others who had passed out.

At this time, Wang Chong just walked in, and saw that there were only Ye Dong and Wang Jinqiao in the hall, and he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the four robbers, but Wang Jinqiao had already said to him, "Is the boat ready? "

"Ready, when are you leaving?"

Wang Jinqiao looked at Ye Dong, obviously asking for his opinion, Wang Chong was naturally even more surprised, and Ye Dong smiled and said: "Then let's go now."

"Okay, Chonger, let's go!"

With Ye Dong around, Wang Jinqiao didn't plan to take anyone else with him. He just brought some strong clansmen to serve as boatmen, and then there were only three of them left. Ye Dong didn't have any objection to this.

So the group came to the seaside, the boat was ready, it was a big passenger boat, although Ye Dong had seen a boat before, but he had never been on a boat before, so he couldn't help being a little curious at this time.

Probably because seeing Ye Dong's strength made Wang Jinqiao completely relieved, so he felt a lot more relaxed, and said to Ye Dong with a smile: "Ye Dong, you have never been on a boat, this is the first time you have been on a boat. It might be a little seasick, but it shouldn't be a big deal."

Wang Jinqiao's words made Ye Dong feel a little uneasy. What is the concept of seasickness?
The members of the royal family set sail in an orderly manner, and the ship gradually began to move away from the shore, sailing towards the depths of the endless sea.

Standing on the bow of the ship, letting the sea breeze blow on his face, like a gentle palm caressing, made Ye Dong feel very comfortable, and most importantly, the ship has been sailing for half an hour , he still didn't feel seasick.

After Wang Jinqiao arranged everything, he came to Ye Dong's side and said with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"It's okay, I didn't expect that last night there was a huge wave here, and the power of the terrifying tide seemed to swallow the land, but today it turned out to be calm again, as if nothing had happened. The sea is really amazing!"

Ye Dong expressed his feelings sincerely, and Wang Jinqiao laughed and said: "The sea is like this, unpredictable, like a shy little girl when it's gentle, but when it gets angry, it becomes a violent giant, but in fact To put it bluntly, this is the power of nature, this is the way of heaven, no matter how strong manpower is, it can't compete with the power of nature, it can't fight against the way of heaven!"

These words made Ye Dong thoughtful, and with a thought, he looked at his dantian, where there was also a calm blue sea, stretching as far as the eye could see.

If one day, the sea becomes angry, will it also turn into a berserk giant? Under such circumstances, what kind of changes will happen to the master himself, and how powerful will he unleash?

Just stepped into the world of dust, Ye Dong is still very unfamiliar with everything in the world of dust, but he is not in a hurry, because the goal he has set for himself has been achieved, so he has plenty of time to explore slowly.

At the same time, he also began to plan what to do after leaving Linhai Town. First, he would go to the Zhang family in Moyang City to see the dust tools he needed, and then go home and destroy the Lin family, which was always like a thorn in the flesh. If you have time, go to Huangquan Road to find your father. If you don't have time, then go to Tianxinzong to participate in their selection and fulfill your grandfather's wish.

In short, Ye Dong knows that his future life will be spent in a busy life, but this kind of busyness is what he wants, because he doesn't want to be a frog at the bottom of the well anymore, he wants to jump out of the well and see a wider world. For him, there are countless possibilities waiting for him to discover and explore!

After the ship sailed steadily for more than two hours, Wang Jinqiao's complexion became serious, pointing to a faint black shadow looming on the sea level in the distance, he said: "That is the island where they temporarily took refuge."

Ye Dong looked at the distant island and asked, "How many people are there?"

"There should be more than 40 people, but except for the three most powerful people, the others are not to be feared."

After pondering for a moment, Ye Dong continued: "Then why don't we do it on the island, so as not to take them back again."

"it is good!"

Wang Jinqiao actually thought so too, the sooner he rescued his two sons, the better.

"However, the people I brought this time are all proficient in water. In addition to Chong'er, there are also two clansmen with seven spiritual seals. Will there be insufficient manpower?"

Ye Dong smiled and shook his head, "Grandpa Wang, you and I are enough!"

Fighting against more than 40 robbers with the strength of two people, including a master of ten-level spiritual response, if these words are said from the mouths of spiritual seal realm practitioners, it is not only arrogant, but also courting death, but since it comes from Ye Dongzhi mouth, but it seems so normal and logical, even Wang Jinqiao thinks it should be so.

"Ye Dong, after the boat docks in a while, you and I will go down first, and then I will let the boat leave temporarily, and let the boat come to pick us up after we have dealt with the robbers, okay?"

Wang Jinqiao's suggestion was naturally for the sake of the members of the Wang family. If the ship was not close to the island, it would be impossible for the robbers to threaten the people on board.

Ye Dong also agreed with this suggestion.

Finally, the island gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and they could already see that there were indeed many people on the island, and they also found the big boat, telling each other and waving desperately.

When there were still about ten meters away from the island, Ye Dong suddenly asked, "Grandpa Wang, which two are the uncles of the Wang family?"

Wang Jinqiao hastily pointed at the two middle-aged men in ragged clothes with a tired look behind him, and said, "Those are the two!"

"Okay!" Ye Dong nodded and said, "I see, I'll go down first."

In a blink of an eye, the boat arrived at the shore and stopped, but the planks of the boat did not come down. Ye Dong jumped off the boat and fell into the water. His clothes below the waist and legs were all soaked, but he seemed like Not finding anything, he walked slowly to the shore and stood surrounded by robbers.

(End of this chapter)

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