One emperor

Chapter 1161 Falling into the Demon Sea

Chapter 1161 Falling into the Demon Sea
The sudden old voice made Ye Dong's heart skip a beat, but even with all his eyesight he couldn't see where the speaker was.

However, what the other party said was a feeling, as if he was waiting for him here!
"Excuse me, are you the master of all beings?"

Ye Dong asked loudly.

After a moment of silence, the voice said: "I am, you should be the new owner of the Blood Prison!"

When he learned that his imagination had become a reality, and that the master of all beings was actually in the eyes of the demon sea, Ye Dong's mood suddenly became extremely excited.

As for Master Zhongsheng's ability to reveal his identity as the Lord of the Blood Prison, Ye Dong didn't take it seriously. After all, even Mr. Fengye is the junior of Master Zhongsheng, so as a senior, he must be able to calculate these through divination.

"Yes!" Ye Dong nodded vigorously and said, "Master of All Beings, I am Ye Dong. I am the new owner of Blood Prison and Man Gu's third brother, and you are our eldest brother!"

"Man Gu, second brother, third brother!"

There was also a trace of excitement in Master Zhongsheng's voice, and he laughed loudly: "Third brother, okay, what a third brother, it turns out that there is such a relationship between you and me!"

"Brother, where are you, can you come out and meet me?"

They have already heard the voice of the master of all beings, but they can't see his real face, which really makes Ye Dong anxious.

"It's not that I don't want to see you, it's that you can't see me, I'm in the ocean, I can't leave!"

Ye Dong was slightly taken aback, and looked down at the black ocean below the egg.

The master of all beings is actually under this vast ocean.

Although Ye Dong had a lot of doubts to ask Master Zhongsheng, but at this moment he didn't know where to ask, Master Zhongsheng spoke again and took the initiative to ask: "Third brother, why did you come here?"

Ye Dong hurriedly said anxiously: "Red Wolf, big brother, have you seen my good brother Red Wolf? He is a monster. Some people saw him drifting into this area and entering the Sea Eye of Sealing Demon."

"I saw it, no wonder, no wonder when he fell into the sea of ​​magic, there were two violent auras. It turns out that he is a monster!"

Magic Sea!

Ye Dong looked at the tumbling black ocean below. It turned out that it was called the Demon Sea, and the red wolf just fell into the Demon Sea. Suddenly, something flashed through Ye Dong's mind, but he had no time to go. Catch it, but care more about the safety of the red wolf.

"Brother, is the red wolf still alive after falling into the magic sea?"

Master Zhongsheng suddenly fell silent, and Ye Dong's heart immediately rose to his throat. He was really afraid of hearing an ominous answer, but he didn't dare to rush, so he could only wait patiently.

After a while, the voice of the master of all beings sounded again: "When he entered here, there was only a trace of soul consciousness left. As for now, I don't know whether he is dead or alive."

This answer was beyond Ye Dong's expectation. He didn't expect that even Master Zhongsheng didn't know the life and death of the red wolf.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Dong said, "Brother, I want to go to the Demon Sea to find him. I want to see people when I live, and I want to see corpses when I die!"


Master Zhongsheng suddenly refused: "There is no life in the demonic sea, and it contains monstrous resentment. More than 5000 years ago, the nine-tailed demon emperor of the beast and demon world entered together and fell directly into the demonic sea. Fragment, you must not go in!"

Originally, Ye Dong thought that the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor was killed by him after he knew that there was a Master of All Beings living in the eyes of Feng Yaohai, but now he realized that they were only because they fell into the demon sea.

"But, big brother, haven't you been staying in the sea of ​​magic all this time, and you are safe and sound?"

"I use my body as a seal to suppress the sea of ​​demons. I don't count as falling into it. I'm naturally fine, but I can't last long. Fortunately, you finally came!"

What he said is that Ye Dong is covered by clouds, why does the master of all beings want to suppress this sea of ​​magic?Moreover, he seems to have been waiting for his arrival, what is he going to do now that he is here?
"Hey!" Master Zhongsheng sighed faintly: "I know you are very confused now, so I will tell you from the beginning, the existence of this sea of ​​demons and sea eyes of sealing monsters dates back to endless years, then At that time, the Beast World was completely different from what it is today..."

A long time ago, the world of beasts and monsters was the destination of beasts, and there were incomparably powerful beasts living there, including holy beasts, monsters, and demons.

However, one day, a great battle broke out between the holy beast and the magical beast, so that all the beasts were involved.

In the end, with the help of the heavens, the holy beast won the victory, and exiled all the monsters and other beast races that had helped the monsters to another world, and they were not allowed to leave forever, that is the red wolf The birthplace of the Prisoner Demon Realm!

The tragedy of that battle cannot be described in words, and the number of beasts that died reached a horrifying number of hundreds of millions!

Blood flowed like rivers in the Beast and Monster Realm, and the corpses were like mountains, a scene of tragedy.

Later, with the help of the heavenly beings, the holy beasts began to clean up the battlefield and restore the world, and the biggest problem they faced was how to deal with the corpses of so many dead beasts!

According to the original intention of the holy beasts, they wanted to clean up the corpses of the holy beasts. However, because the war was so fierce that most of the corpses were mixed together, it was impossible to tell which parts belonged to monsters. Which parts are sacred to the beast.

In desperation, the holy beast could only prepare to burn all the corpses to ashes, but at this time, the heavenly man appeared, stopped the behavior of the holy beasts, showed great supernatural powers, and took away all the corpses.

Hearing this, Ye Dong finally grasped what flashed in his mind just now, and blurted out: "Heavenly Man threw all the corpses here!"

"Yes, it is in this sea of ​​magic that hundreds of millions of monsters and holy beasts are buried!"

Ye Dong couldn't help but gasped. Although there were still corpses and mass graves everywhere in the Dead Soul Mountain, not only the number couldn't compare with the Demon Sea, but the number of dead creatures was also vastly different.

In Dead Soul Mountain, Ye Dong once experienced the experience of dead creatures one by one. Most of them were ordinary human beings. It is shrouded and becomes a forbidden place for life.

But in today's Demon Sea, all the holy beasts and monsters are buried. Before they were alive, each of them was extremely powerful, including a big demon, a demon king, and even a demon emperor.

When they died, they must also be full of unwillingness and anger, so the amount of resentment their corpses can generate is really unimaginable, and can only be described as horror.

"When you didn't enter here just now, the cries you heard and the phantom monsters you saw were actually the result of their soaring resentment, and it will never dissipate!"

(End of this chapter)

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