One emperor

Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163
The master of all beings was suppressed in the sea of ​​demons and could not appear, but he did not hesitate to send his soul out. He even performed the disciple salute to Ye Dong, and claimed to be a member of the Blood Prison Gate. It can be seen that his attitude is extremely pious and respectful.

However, this sudden change made Ye Dong stand on the spot in a daze, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't understand what was going on at all.

How could a Buddhist cultivator, master sentient beings, the number one master, be a disciple of the Blood Prison?
Various thoughts kept rolling in Ye Dong's mind, and a ray of light appeared, dispelling the chaos, and Ye Dong suddenly understood: "That senior Buddhist cultivator is also one of my senior brothers? Brother, you, hurry up Get up!"

Only then did Master Zhongsheng's soul stand up, shook his head with a smile and said, "That senior Buddhist cultivator is not from the blood prison, but my master ancestor is from the blood prison."

Ye Dong became confused again. The master of all beings is a Buddhist practitioner himself, and the ancestor of his teacher is also a Buddhist practitioner. Then why is what he said wrong?
Before Ye Dong could continue to ask, Master Zhongsheng continued to explain: "Actually, I became a monk halfway. Before that, my junior brother Feng Ye and I were both disciples of Tianjimen. The ancestor who founded Tianjimen was named Shensuan Xiangtian." Okay, the old man used to be the Lord of the Blood Prison!"

Now, Ye Dong knows that he has another senior brother, and the fortune is going to the sky!
Xiang Tianxing is a genius in the world of gossip. He existed more than 3 years ago. In addition to his unfathomable strength, he chose a different path from others, which is to study Qimen gossip , Divination of astrology, want to find a way to overthrow the heavens by spying on the secrets of heaven!

It has to be said that all of the Blood Prison sect are amazingly talented and brilliant people. Xiang Tianxing's choice of this road is really close to becoming a god, and he has spied a lot of secrets. However, it is precisely Because of this, it led to his final failure.

Deducing the secrets of the heavens and gleaning the fate of the heavens, that is an act against the heavens that is even greater than cultivation, and will naturally be punished by the Dao. Dismissed the disciples, hid the Tianji Sect, left only the two most talented disciples, and then left the three kits before disappearing, never to appear again.

Since then, the Tianji Sect has established a rule that a school can only accept at most two apprentices, and they must be orphans, because the punishment of the Dao is too terrible.

The reason why two apprentices are needed is because one counts life and the other counts death!

In this way, the Tianji Sect has been passed down from generation to generation to Master Zhongsheng and Mr. Fengye. Master Zhongsheng is the senior brother, who is also the future sect master of Tianji Sect.

Originally, Master Zhongsheng was not a Buddhist cultivator, and because of his sect, he could freely travel through the void and go to other worlds. According to the rules of the sect, if he wanted to become the master of the sect, he had to travel abroad. According to the special ability of the sect of Tianji Doing one hundred good deeds is also to accumulate blessings for oneself, so as to reduce the punishment brought by spying on the secrets of heaven.

Before leaving the Four Symbols Realm, the Master of All Beings gave him a kit left by Xiang Tianxing and told him that he could open it when the time was right.

Master Zhongsheng traveled abroad and did all good deeds. When he was doing the hundredth good deed, he encountered danger and almost died. Fortunately, a Buddhist practitioner passed by and rescued him, but the Buddhist practitioner himself died unfortunately. Before he died, he entrusted Master Zhongsheng with one thing, which was to help him find a suitable Buddhist practitioner, go to the Sea Eye of Sealing Demon in the Beast Demon Realm, and use his own body to suppress the sea of ​​demons!

After finishing speaking, the Buddhist cultivator passed away sadly, and the master of all living beings also had a great enlightenment at this moment, and opened the first kit left by the ancestor Xiang Tianxing.

In the first tip, there is just one sentence, pointing out that the Master of All Beings can enter the Eye of the Sea of ​​Sealing Demons instead of Buddhist practitioners, suppress the sea of ​​demons with his own body, and complete his hundredth good deed!

Since then, Master Zhongsheng changed his name and became a Buddhist cultivator. After returning to the Four Symbols Realm, he opened the second kit.

There are three things in the first tip bag, which are respectively instructing the masters of all beings to set up a shocking array to protect Mangu and help him practice; to help the golden holy soldier tiger soul axe wake up, trap the crocodile, and give him the tiger soul axe ; Go to the Five Elements Continent and negotiate with the alien beasts in the Impassable Sea!

According to the requirements of the kit, the master of sentient beings has done three things one by one!

Afterwards, it happened to be the day when the suppressors of the Demonic Sea would take over, so he came to the Beast Demon Realm more than 5000 years ago, entered the Sea Eye of Sealing Demons, and began to suppress the entire Demonic Sea, completing his hundredth good deed!

As for the nine demon emperors from the Beast Demon Realm joining hands to enter this place, it is precisely because the last eminent monk who suppressed the Demon Sea sat down that day, and the light of Buddha illuminated the entire Beast Demon Realm. , so I came to seize the treasure, but I didn't expect to fall into the sea of ​​magic and die on the spot.

This is the experience of Master Zhongsheng and the reason why he does everything. It turns out that all this is what Shensuan Xiang Tianxing explained before he left.

After listening to it, Ye Dong was filled with emotion. He really didn't expect that there was a secret in the dark to spy on, and what happened to Xiang Tianxing 3 years ago can be counted as 3 years later, which is enough to prove His astonishing magic!
Of course, what was even more surprising was that the master of sentient beings that I was looking for so hard would also be the descendant of the Blood Prison, which was really too unexpected.

However, Ye Dong also admires from the bottom of his heart that the master of all beings can sit here willingly for 5000 years and suppress this sea of ​​demons that had nothing to do with him.

"Brother, although you are the descendant of Senior Brother Shensuan, but we each go our own way, you are still my eldest brother!"

Ye Dong also solemnly made a big gift to the soul of the Master of All Beings.

After accepting his worship with a smile, Master Zhongsheng continued: "For the past 5000 years, I have been trying to deduce the secrets of heaven, including your appearance, and the intricate relationship between you and me. Originally, I also It's a bit strange, logically speaking, I should regard you as my master, but apart from that, there are other relationships between you and me, and today it finally dawned on me that you and I are still sworn brothers!"

"Third brother, the wish that the ancestor failed to realize at the beginning is very likely to be fulfilled by you. Otherwise, the old man would not have deliberately left a kit before leaving. This last kit is intended to be left to you. , but because the kit is too precious, I didn't dare to take it with me, but put it in a place, and you will have the opportunity to take it out in the future."

Ye Dong was not too surprised that senior brother Xiang Tianxing had left a kit for himself, because whether it was Xuanyuan Tianjiao or the Great Holy War Nine Heavens, they had left something for themselves.

"Brother, let's not talk about this. I heard you just now, and you can't hold on any longer. Now that I'm here, is there any way to take you out of here?"

(End of this chapter)

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