One emperor

Chapter 134 He is Ye Dong

Chapter 134 He is Ye Dong

The sudden howling and howling of wolves seemed to be like thunder piercing the sky, making everyone's ears buzzing.

Everyone's complexion also changed, even Yang Du, who was always sitting on the ground and watching the excitement with a smile on his face, couldn't help but stand up at this moment, and like everyone else, looked into the distance and watched the sound coming. Looking at the direction they came from, looking at those two shadows, they were rushing towards the Ye family like meteor lightning!
In the Ye family, except for Ye Yuanjun, everyone was poisoned, those with low cultivation had already died, and those with slightly stronger cultivation almost fell into a deep coma, unconscious, but the two voices that sounded at the same time seemed like Like a heavy drum, it hit everyone hard, making them grit their teeth, pull up the last bit of strength in their bodies, and raise their heads hard, looking at the two shadows that are becoming clearer.

Among all the people, Lin Feng was the first to come back to his senses, his complexion changed drastically, and he roared suddenly: "It's Ye Dong, it's Ye Dong, he wasn't at Ye's house, he's back!"

After confirming that the person who came was Ye Dong, an inexplicable trembling and fear suddenly surged in Lin Feng's heart. Shouting, to vent this feeling a little bit.

Unfortunately, it's useless, it's useless at all!
As the figure got closer, the feeling that made him terrified to the point of suffocation became stronger and stronger.

Finally, two shadows appeared in front of everyone, a man and a wolf!

People, of course, are Ye Dong who ran wildly all the way, and finally rushed back to the Ye family at the last moment!
The wolf, that is, to repay Ye Dong's life-saving grace, has been following Ye Dong since the beginning of the forest. The mutant spirit beast, the earth spirit wolf demon.

The moment Ye Dong fell, he had a panoramic view of all the situation, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness instantly covered the whole audience.

There are hundreds of people in the Ye family, at least a dozen people have died, and all the living except Ye Yuanjun have only one breath left. Although Ye Yuanjun is not dead, but the desolate face and the two drops hanging from the corners of his eyes The muddy old tears hurt Ye Dong's heart deeply.

The wine old man sat on the ground, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ye Dong in shock.

The Li family brothers' faces were ashen, foaming at the mouth, although they might still be sane, but they were not far from death.

Ever since he was in Haiyun Pavilion, Ye Dong suddenly began to miss home, and the closer he was to Ye's house, the stronger the impatience and uneasiness in his heart. Now, he finally knew why he had this feeling. up.

This is the family affection that blood is thicker than water, and Ye Dong's call gave him a feeling that was almost predictable.

A wave of endless anger and killing intent gradually surged up along the soles of his feet until he burst into anger, and the spiritual energy in his body naturally transformed into invisible pressure along with his anger and killing intent, covering the audience!
Even with the strength of Elder Hu, when he felt the pressure, his face changed slightly, and he took two steps back slightly at the same time.

However, even though the killing intent and anger were so great, Ye Dong's expression was calm and terrifying. His eyes were like those of ancient beasts, and he quietly swept over everyone present until he fell on the ground. on the face of Elder Hu.

Indian orcs!

Through the white tiger who became timid after seeing the earth spirit wolf demon, Ye Dong easily deduced the identity of the elder tiger, and he also understood the reason why the elder tiger appeared here, because Lin Ran He really died by his hands.

But Ye Dong has a clear conscience, because if Lin Ran hadn't driven the iron-armed gray ape to kill him first, he would not have killed Lin Ran.

Although Elder Hu was amazed at Ye Dong's display of strength, but after looking at Ye Dong, his eyes quickly fell on the earth spirit wolf monster!

He has already recognized it, this red wolf turned out to be the legendary voice-changing spirit beast, the earth spirit wolf demon!

As a member of the Indian beast tribe, I have a special feeling for beasts, let alone mutant spirit beasts!

But the earth spirit wolf demon didn't have a good look at him, but responded to him with bloodthirsty and cruel eyes, as if in its eyes, Elder Hu was already a dead man.

The earth spirit wolf monster is a spirit beast, and its IQ may even be higher than that of humans. Seeing this situation and Ye Dong's emotions, he naturally understands that these standing people are Ye Dong's enemies.

Now that the earth spirit wolf monster recognizes Ye Dong as its master, Ye Dong's enemy is naturally its enemy. Now, as long as Ye Dong gives an order, it will rush forward without hesitation and use its sharp claws and teeth, tearing everyone to shreds.

Ye Dong's figure flickered, and finally moved, but none of the people present, including Elder Hu and Yang Du, saw how he moved, only saw that he bypassed Elder Hu like a ghost , appearing directly beside Ye Yuanjun.

The earth spirit wolf demon moved its limbs slowly, and while watching Elder Hu and the others with cold eyes, slowly walked to Ye Dong's side.

Ye Dong carefully stretched out his hand to support Ye Yuanjun, and said in a deep voice, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Ye Yuanjun took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "Dong'er, you shouldn't have come back!"

The Ye family has become what it is now, but at least there is still one hope in Ye Yuanjun's heart, that is, Ye Dong, the genius of the Ye family, is still alive, but now, Ye Dong has come back, so today, the Ye family may really want to kill everyone. The army was wiped out, and the whole family was wiped out!

How could Ye Dong not understand what grandpa was thinking, and said with a unemotional smile on his face, "Grandpa, I'm back, and I won't let the Ye family have any more accidents. You should sit down and rest for a while."

Hearing Ye Dong's words, and thinking of Ye Dong's earth-shattering roar just now, Ye Yuanjun blinked and suddenly understood something.

However, even if he understood, Ye Yuanjun's heart was no longer excited, because everyone in the Ye family was dying except himself and Ye Dong.

And they were not in their hands, but were poisoned. No matter how powerful Ye Dong was, could he still force out the antidote from Yang Du, a master of the world?
At this time, Elder Hu suddenly spoke, he turned his head to look at Lin Feng and said, "Is he Ye Dong?"

Lin Feng suddenly came back to his senses, nodded hastily and said, "He is Ye Dong!"

Elder Hu's eyes were bright and he said: "It turns out that he is Ye Dong, but he is not a nine-fold ten-fold spiritual seal, but a master of the world!"

This sentence, like a thunderbolt, exploded heavily in everyone's ears. Even Ye Yuanjun, who had vaguely understood just now, couldn't help but look up at Ye Dong again when he heard this sentence.

As for the others, no matter if it was the Ye family or the Lin family, they couldn't believe their ears. They couldn't believe that Ye Dong, who was still in the spirit seal realm half a month ago, was now a master of the dust body realm.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible, Senior Hu, you, have you read it wrong?" Lin Feng's eyes were blank, he shook his ears desperately, and muttered to himself almost unconsciously.

If Lin Feng had known that Ye Dong was a master of the dusty realm, he would never have the guts to ask Elder Hu to kill Ye Dong. People in the Lingyin realm actually wanted to deal with a family with a dusty realm master. Life is a joke, even more so with the lives of all my relatives and friends!
In Lin Feng's heart, for the first time in his life, he had regrets!
(End of this chapter)

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