One emperor

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354

When Ye Dong's words fell, the old man Dongfang's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, his lips moved, and his eyes revealed disbelief.

"you you you……"

The heart was so excited that the old man couldn't finish his sentence at all. Xiao Ni hurried over, stretched out her little hand, and gently rubbed on Grandpa's chest, and Ye Dong also walked over to help the old man to sit on the chair, and continued Said: "I'm also a half-blood. I passed by here by accident today. My blood suddenly boiled, which made me feel curious, so I walked in. I left just now to get rid of those Fang family members."

Ye Dong simply explained the reason for his appearance, and the old man's emotions gradually calmed down. Looking at Ye Dong, his face was full of emotions: "I never thought that I would still see me in my lifetime." tribe."

"What happened to you? Why do people from Tiandi Palace come to trouble you so often?"

Ye Dong was equally excited, because the old man was really his relative, but now he needed to understand the old man's experience, so as to think of a solution.

After all, he just killed five Fang family members. I believe that this matter will soon or already be known by the Fang family members. They will definitely send someone to check, and the situation of the old man will be even more dangerous by then.

"My name is Dongfang Xiao, and I am the seventh patriarch of Blood Race No.60. I have been in Huoxiaotian for 3000 years..."

Dongfang Xiao began to tell about his experience, and he turned out to be Ye Dong's grandfather's grandfather, that is, Ye Dong's grandfather, and the relationship was really close.

Following Dongfang Xiao's narration, Ye Dong's fists gradually clenched, and a terrifying killing intent slowly filled his face.

There are many talents in the blood clan, and every generation has people who will enter Huo Xiaotian, but now, except for Dongfang Xiao and Dongfang Cang whose whereabouts are unknown, the other blood clan members have all died.

They were killed by the people of Tiandi Palace. The reason for being killed is very simple, because Tiandi Palace, or in other words, the heavens of Jiuxiao have a great fear of the blood clan people. This fear naturally comes from the appearance of the two supreme beings .

One is the blood emperor Dongfang Qing, and the other is the devil emperor Brahma, who is also the seventh patriarch Dongfang Tian of blood clan No. 20.

Therefore, once a blood clansman enters Huo Xiaotian, no matter which area he appears in, as long as he reveals his identity, he will immediately start being hunted down until he dies.

This is why Dongfang Cang told Ye Dong back then that many seniors of the blood race entered Huo Xiaotian, but no one had ever had contact with the clansmen in the mortal world.

Dongfang Xiao is also a generation of wizards. Although he is not as powerful as the two supreme beings of his clan, after coming to Huo Xiaotian, he accidentally awakened some memories in his blood that originated from the Blood Emperor, and mastered some secret techniques, which made his strength stronger. Greatly improved, tenaciously survived the constant pursuit.

It's a pity that in the end Yunlong Envoy appeared and abolished all his cultivation bases, turning him into an ordinary person.

Ye Dong is no stranger to the title of Yunlong Envoy, because he has heard it from Bai Fei, the leader of the second blood prison, who belongs to one of the six great ministers of the Heavenly Emperor.

It is said that very few people will see the Emperor of Heaven, and the envoy of Yunlong who is responsible for passing on the orders of the Emperor of Heaven is the envoy of Yunlong.

Dongfang Xiao stopped at this point, and Ye Dong couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, why didn't they kill you?"

Dongfang Xiao smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Ni's head, which was always obediently nestling on her lap, and said, "Xiao Ni, go get grandpa a glass of water, grandpa is thirsty."

"it is good!"

Xiao Ni stood up obediently and rushed to the kitchen. After she left, Dongfang Xiao lowered her voice and said, "Because of Xiao Ni!"

"Xiao Ni?"

Although Ye Dong also felt that Xiao Ni was weird because she could see through his two faces, but he really couldn't understand why the people of Tiandi Palace would let their grandfather go because of Xiao Ni?
"Xiao Ni is not my granddaughter, but a child I picked up many years ago..."

"Wait!" Ye Dong immediately sensed something was wrong, and interrupted: "Many years ago? How old is Xiaoni this year?"

For Ye Dong's quick response, Dongfang Xiao nodded in satisfaction and said, "If you count from the year I picked up Xiaoni, Xiaoni should be over 100 years old this year!"

Ye Dong immediately stood up, and at this moment Xiao Ni came in with a glass of water: "Grandpa, the water is here, drink it quickly."

Seeing Xiaoni carefully holding the water glass, her eyes fixed on the water in the glass, as if she was afraid of spilling the water, Ye Dong couldn't believe that this little girl, who was only five or six years old, was already over 100 years old. Years old!

"Xiao Ni is good! Grandpa and uncle are talking, can you go and play with Xiaotu?"

Dongfang Xiao took the cup and said with a smile.

"Oh!" Xiaoni turned her head and showed Ye Dong a cute smile, "Uncle, I'm going to play."

"Uh, let's go!" Ye Dong recovered from the shock, and watched Xiao Ni bounce away.

"Grandfather, what is going on?"

"I don't know either!" Dongfang Xiao shook her head and said, "However, since I adopted Xiaoni until now, she has always maintained this appearance. At first I thought she was sick, and I asked many people to see her, but It is said that although she is a bit weak, she has no physical problems at all."

"Time doesn't seem to have any effect on her!"

Even the grandfather didn't know what was going on, Ye Dong naturally couldn't figure it out, he could only scratch his head and continued to ask: "Then the people of Tiandi Palace let you go because they knew Xiaoni was unusual? "

At this time, Dongfang Xiao's eyes showed a trace of confusion, staring in one direction and pondering for a long time, said: "The fact is like this, but I don't know the specific reason."

Dongfang Xiao clearly remembers that on that day more than 100 years ago, he took Xiaoni and met Yunlong Envoy. He ran out of the cave crying and shouting. When the envoy Yunlong saw Xiaoni, he suddenly changed his mind. Instead of killing himself, he just abolished his whole body cultivation, then turned and left.

From then on, the people from Tiandi Palace never came to trouble him again, and although his life was saved, he was seriously injured, and with Xiaoni, he wandered in Huoxiaotian for a long time in a daze.

It wasn't until decades ago that I came to this small town, opened a tavern, and settled down. They didn't appear again, but they didn't do anything to themselves. They came once a month, found trouble for themselves, and then left.

"They should be monitoring Xiaoni!"

This was the only possible reason Dongfang knew.

(End of this chapter)

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