One emperor

Chapter 140 Redemption for Father

Chapter 140 Redemption for Father

Everyone didn't understand why the good man in black would say these words, and immediately after the man in black's figure flashed, he had already come to Ye Dong's side and stared at him, Ye Dong also raised his head , looking at him with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Ye Yuanjun suddenly screamed, "Dong'er, you..."

A layer of black air appeared faintly on Ye Dong's face, which was clearly a sign of poisoning!

And seeing Ye Dong's fingers on Li Mingyong's arm all the time, everyone understood that now Ye Dong was actually absorbing the poisonous gas from Li Mingyong's body into his own body!

Ye Dong can't detoxify now, but it's too easy to poison himself.

And the reason why he did this was naturally to force the man in black to make a move!
Although he didn't know the origin of the man in black, Ye Dong knew that the other party must be extremely proficient in the art of poison, otherwise it would be impossible to absorb the poison gas with the power of the blood prison.

In addition, the man in black also said that he would not obey Ye Dong's orders, but he did not want Ye Dong to die, because that would make him wonder when he would be released again, so Ye Dong simply said At the cost of sacrificing your own life, force the man in black to take action!

Sure enough, after the man in black discovered this situation, he couldn't sit still anymore!

After the two of them looked at each other for a long time, the man in black shook his head and said, "Why do I feel like I'm going to be eaten by you, his grandma, depressed!"

After finishing speaking, the man in black raised his foot, kicked the two Li family brothers who were completely unconscious, and then went to all the Ye family members who were still poisoned, kicked them one by one, and finally again Back under the big tree, I sat down again and closed my eyes, without saying a word!

As soon as he finished speaking, the two brothers of the Li family suddenly groaned one after another, slowly opened their eyes, and turned over and sat up.

Although their faces were a little pale, the poison in their bodies had been detoxified!
Immediately afterwards, those Ye family members who were poisoned and unconscious also groaned one by one, and got up from the ground one after another!

Everyone was surprised and happy to see this scene. The happy one was that everyone was fine, and the surprised one was that the man in black was so powerful that he kicked the blood in everyone's body casually. The poison has been removed!

Compared with the man in black, Yang Poison, which has turned into a puddle of black water, is almost like a baby in the way of using poison.

As for Ye Dong, a sly look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and a few drops of black water silently dripped from the five fingers of his right hand, seeping into the ground, and in an instant, the poisonous gas in his body was expelled.

Although Ye Dong couldn't detoxify, he practiced special skills and opened acupuncture points, but he was not afraid of poison anymore.

Just after the poisonous gas in Ye Dong's body was released, the man in black let out a cold snort from his nostrils. Obviously he had discovered this, and couldn't help but said again: "Sure enough, I guessed it right, you are not afraid of poison at all, hum, Next time I will see how you can force me to take action!"

In fact, Ye Dong had secretly forced him once just now, but the man in black had just appeared at that time, and he was completely immersed in the wonderful feeling of being a newborn, so naturally he didn't notice it.

Ye Dong doesn't have time to pay attention to the man in black now, as long as he doesn't cause trouble anyway, he nodded at the Li family brothers and said, "Both, thank you very much!"

After speaking, he hurriedly got up and walked towards the Ye family, and Ye Yuanjun also stood up. Although most of the Ye family members were fine, there were still more than ten people who were poisoned and died. This naturally made everyone unable to be really happy. Everyone His face was covered with a heavy look.

At this time, Ye Dong finally looked at the Lin family who had been neglected all along, but none of them dared to escape.

Seeing Lin Feng, the real culprit, Ye Dong gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Feng, after today, Qiuye Town, no, there will be no more of your Lin family in this world!"

Suddenly, Lin Mo rushed out from the crowd, knelt down in front of Ye Dong with a "plop", and said, "Ye Dong, I planned what happened today, and I brought Elder Hu back from Southern Xinjiang too." , I did all the things and have nothing to do with them, I am willing to die to apologize and repay what I owe to your Ye family, but please hold your hands high and let the rest of my Lin family go."

Originally, Lin Feng was like a dead body, his face and eyes had lost the slightest brilliance, but now seeing his son's actions, he finally regained a little breath of life, but he still didn't speak, just staring blankly at him. Looking at Lin Mo who was kneeling on the ground.

Ye Dong sneered and said, "Do you think I will believe your words? You think that you can make up for the loss of my Ye family by apologizing with death. Let me tell you, killing everyone in your Lin family will not relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Lin Mo suddenly turned his wrist, and a sharp dagger appeared in his hand. He gritted his teeth and swung it down towards his arm.

With the blood splattering everywhere, Lin Mo's arm separated from his body and fell to the ground.

Ye Dong watched Lin Mo's actions coldly, neither opening nor stopping, and the Lin family were all dumbfounded, standing there in a daze, and no one could react.

Lin Mo simply ignored his bleeding wound, tremblingly raised his arm on the ground, and placed it at the foot in front of Ye Dong: "This is what I made up for Ye Yuntian."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo raised his hand again, and the dagger plunged into his body fiercely. He pulled it out and inserted it again. With two incomparably quick knives, blood arrows shot out from his mouth and body.

"This is what I made up for Ye Ming and Ye Ling."

Lin Mo pressed the dagger to his heart, and suddenly thrust it in hard.

Raising his head, Lin Mo looked at Ye Dong calmly and said: "In the end, I am the one who made up for your Ye family, Ye Dong, I know what my Lin family has done, even ten thousand deaths are not enough to make up for your Ye family, but I I sincerely hope that you can spare their lives and let them live their lives as ordinary people."


Lin Feng finally came back to his senses, rushed to Lin Mo's side like crazy, hugged his son, and cried bitterly: "Mo'er, why are you so stupid, how can you do such a stupid thing, if you die, I will die, How can you die, you can't die, Mo'er!"

Lin Mo was holding on to his last breath to prevent himself from dying. At this moment, being held in his father's arms, Lin Mo showed a smile on his face, and said softly, "Father, don't make a mistake. Wrong again."

After finishing speaking, there was a sudden shortness of breath, and he seemed to be about to die, but he still looked at Ye Dong stubbornly, hoping that he would agree to his request.

Although Ye Dong's expression didn't change at all from the beginning to the end, he was greatly shocked in his heart. For Lin Mo's willingness to sacrifice his own life in order to protect his father, no matter what he did, he was sorry for the Ye family. For this, Ye Dong admired it very much.

Because, he thought of his father who still didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Wasn't he also willing to exchange his life for his father's life for his father?
Ye Dong closed his eyes, opened them again, looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, be content, you have such a good son, he is atoning for everything you have done!"

Staring at Lin Mo silently, Ye Dong then said: "Lin Mo, your father Lin Feng must die, but I can promise you that I will let others go and let them continue to live as ordinary people."

After getting Ye Dong's answer, the last smile on Lin Mo's face finally froze, he closed his eyes slowly, and died in his father's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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