One emperor

Chapter 1434

Chapter 1434

Ouyang Hua himself is a member of the elders of the Ouyang family, but now he actually calls this old man a great grandfather. It is conceivable that the other party's age and seniority are high.

Naturally, Ouyang Hua moved him out, but he still couldn't swallow the loss to Ye Dong, and this grandfather named Ouyang Shiquan, compared to Ouyang Shan who owed Leng Wuya's life-saving He must be a generation higher, so this time Ouyang Hua is not worried about disobeying Leng Wuya's Patriarch's order again.

It’s just that Ye Dong is a little strange. Although the four major connoisseurs’ connoisseurship skills are indeed extraordinary, the Ouyang family does not have a nine-percent connoisseur. It stands to reason that this Ouyang Shiquan, although he is old, may not be able to discuss connoisseurship skills. It's not as good as Jiang Wuxiong last time, so what's the use of inviting him here?
Ouyang Shiquan suddenly raised his head and looked straight at Ye Dong, a cloud of mist rose from his cloudy eyes at this moment.

At the same time, the onlookers couldn't help but started whispering. Obviously, for the mysterious man who disappeared for so long and suddenly appeared, and met the Ouyang family who came to take revenge as soon as he appeared, there should be another shocking gamble. up.

However, they had the same doubts as Ye Dong, and even the combination of the four aristocratic families was not Ye Dong's opponent, so could this Ouyang Shihua, who was about to be buried, still win against Ye Dong?

However, facing Ouyang Shihua's eyes looking at him, Ye Dong inexplicably felt a huge pressure, and this pressure did not come from the other party's aura, but from the other party's eyes.

As a result, Ye Dong's yin and yang eyes appeared by themselves, gold and silver rays shot out from the eyes, merged into a Tai Chi yin and yang diagram in the air, and slowly moved forward.


In Ouyang Shihua's eyes, two cyan rays of light burst out suddenly, forming a pattern, but it was not a Tai Chi diagram, but a world formed by a cloud of mist, moving forward at the same time.

Many people have seen Ye Dong's Taiji diagram, and Ouyang Shiquan can project the pattern with his eyes, which is beyond everyone's expectation, and he vaguely understands why Ouyang Hua invited him out!

Both of them projected a solid pattern with their eyes, and they were gradually approaching. This scene really surprised everyone, unbelievable.

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the two patterns moved to the middle of Ye Dong and Ouyang Shiquan, and they collided with each other, and then exploded together!
"This is the eye of the sky!"

Among the old guys who heard the news, some of them changed their expressions drastically and suddenly exclaimed.

"Sky eyes? What sky eyes, senior, can you explain in more detail?"

"In this world, there are not only special eyes like yin and yang eyes, but also many eyes, such as magic eyes, reincarnation eyes, etc., and the sky eye is also one of them. After cultivating to great success, it can see through everything, and it also has the hope of becoming a Taoist. eye."

Everyone suddenly realized that there are so many ways to practice with eyes alone!
Ye Dong also heard it very clearly, no wonder the other party's eyes put him under so much pressure, and the yin and yang eyes will activate on their own.

At this moment, Ouyang Shiquan suddenly snorted coldly: "Yin Yang Eye really deserves its reputation, but, boy, you don't dare to show your true colors to others, is it because you are afraid that we will fail?"

In one sentence, all the eyes of the crowd were focused on Ye Dong, and Ye Dong himself was shocked. Unexpectedly, Ouyang Shiquan's yin and yang eyes could see through his true face!

If it was before the war, Ye Dong would really be a little afraid of being pointed out by Ouyang Shiquan, but now he doesn't care at all.

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "Your sky eyes are not bad, but the reason why I dare not show my true face is not because I'm afraid of you, but because I'm afraid that you are afraid of me!"

"What a joke! Last time you just relied on the backing of the Yaoxian to win against us!" Ouyang Hua couldn't help standing up, pointed at Ye Dong's nose and said, "I think you must have done something I'm sorry, so I dare not show my true face!"

After a pause, a sinister smile appeared on Ouyang Hua's face and he said, "Could you be someone wanted by some powerful force?"

Ouyang Hua's words naturally aroused the curiosity of some good-natured people, and they all echoed.

"The mysterious man is indeed mysterious. It turns out that he has been hiding his true face all along. Let's show it to us!"

"Yeah, I won't really offend any powerful force, so don't dare to show it!"

"Don't worry, just focus on your appreciating skills, I believe that no big power will do anything to you!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Ye Dong shook his head with a smile and said: "Ouyang Hua, you are right, I have offended many people, but I still say that, it's not that I'm afraid of them, It's because I'm afraid that once I show my true colors, people like you won't dare to bet against me."

Ouyang Hua said coldly: "Don't worry, even if you are the king of heaven, we dare to bet with you!"

"That's what you said!"

Ye Dong smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and instantly restored his true appearance.

Seeing his appearance, Ouyang Hua and the other group of people frowned slightly, their faces full of bewilderment, because they hadn't caught up with the big battle. Although they had heard of Ye Dong's name before, they didn't know his appearance, so they saw He didn't have any special feelings.

However, the surrounding crowd, after being stunned for half a stick of incense, suddenly exploded!

"The mysterious person is him, Ye, Ye Dong!"

"Presumptuous, what Ye Dong, it's Prison Master Ye!"

"My God, what is his origin? Not only is he the junior of the Great Holy War Nine Heavens and the King of People, but he is also this powerful connoisseur. Don't tell me, he is also related to the connoisseur Luo Tianlian!"

"Could it be a fake? He deliberately turned into the appearance of Prisoner Ye, trying to escape by taking advantage of Prisoner Ye's fame?"

Ouyang Hua didn't understand what happened at all, but Pan Chaoyang, who was in the crowd, had already walked up to Ye Dong's side, bowed deliberately and said, "Prisoner!"

Everyone is no stranger to Pan Chaoyang, he can almost be regarded as the acting prison master of the blood prison. Now that even he is so respectful to Ye Dong, Ye Dong's identity is naturally beyond doubt.

Ouyang Hua hastily pulled over the bystanders, wanting to ask what was going on and who this Ye Dong who had recovered his true colors was, but no one paid any attention to him.

Between offending Ren Wang and offending Ouyang Hua, people would naturally prefer the latter.

So, except for Ouyang Hua and his group, other people have started to flock to Ye Dong's body one after another. Everyone is smiling and respectful...

(End of this chapter)

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