One emperor

Chapter 1533 3 Questions

Chapter 1533 Three Questions
Only the Dao killer can use a special method to constantly change his appearance and hide himself so deeply that even masters like Ye Dong and Long Lei Miao cannot detect it.

These six people were divided into two tables and sat less than five meters away from Long Leimiao and the others, so when Long Leimiao picked up Xiaoni without hesitation, he shot straight into the sky, broke through the roof of the restaurant and rushed out. At the same time, these six people followed closely behind at the same speed.

Ye Dong couldn't bear to watch what happened later, because none of these six people was weaker than Long Leimiao. It was conceivable that the six people were against Long Leimiao, even if Long Leimiao showed his original strength. Xiang, holding the determination to kill the fish and smash the net, is not their opponent.

However, I don't know why they didn't kill Long Lei Miao in the end, they just took Xiao Ni away.

Afterwards, Long Leimiao informed the Blood Prison about his accident through induction, and he didn't even have the strength to rush back to the desert, so he stumbled to find this water pool, then got into the pool, and fell into a coma .

After reading all the experiences, there was no anger on Ye Dong's face, and he was surprisingly calm. Xiao Ni's kidnapping can only be blamed on himself, because he ignored Dao Extermination!

Ye Dong has always known that he is on Mie Dao's hunting list, and he also knows that Mie Dao will not give up until he kills himself. He was by his side most of the time, and he didn't notice the existence of the killer, so he unknowingly let down his vigilance.

As for this trip to enlightenment, he has never considered the matter of extermination, because firstly, his spiritual sense did not find anyone following him, and secondly, he himself did not know where he was going, so he did not know where he was going. It's just walking around without purpose.

However, this is definitely not the case. The Dao Extermination killer should have been following him all the time, but he was more careful and more secretive, so that he didn't notice it, and thus Xiaoni disappeared.

However, there are still three questions that he can't figure out. The first question is, since the killer who destroyed Dao has always known his whereabouts, why didn't he kill himself during the half month when he realized Dao?
The second question, why did Miedao take Xiaoni away? Aren't they dedicated to killing people?
The third question, why didn't Mie Dao kill Long Lei Miao?Especially after knowing that Long Lei Miao is a Dragon Clan!

With these three questions, Ye Dong returned to Bingdi Peak, called all the people again, and told the details of Xiaoni's disappearance without any concealment. Finally, he raised his own three questions.

Everyone was shocked by Xiaoni's kidnapping, because Xiaoni has always lived on Bingdi Peak, and she is very well-behaved, with a sweet mouth, which can be said to be loved by everyone.

Leng Wuya first said: "Prisoner, I can answer your second and third questions. Dao extermination is not just a murderous organization. As long as the price is right, they will do anything, so I Guess, someone should ask Mie Dao to take Xiaoni away."

"As for not killing Long Lei Miao, it's not because they are merciful, but because no one pays them to kill Long Lei Miao and destroy Dao. They rarely do things that don't pay off, let alone such things, which are likely to be done for them. more trouble."

Ye Dong suddenly realized that Dao extermination is not just assassination, but thinking about it, organizations that can kill people for profit, as long as the benefits are enough, there is nothing they won't do.

It's just that in this way, another problem has been involved, who is going to take Xiaoni away!
If Ye Donglai had to guess the answer to this question, then it could only be someone from Tiandi Palace, because the people from Tiandi Palace knew Xiaoni's abnormality long ago, and even sent different disciples to visit Xiaoni once a year.

However, Pan Chaoyang denied Ye Dong's guess: "Young Master, I don't think it should be someone from Tiandi Palace, but other people who have enemies with you are more likely."

"The reason is also very simple. After all, Tiandi Palace is the ruler of Huo Xiaotian in name. With their self-esteem and arrogance, as well as their strength, they should not spend money to invite people who destroy the Dao to take action. That would be a treat for them." A great disgrace."

Ye Dong felt that what Pan Chaoyang said made sense. Tiandi Palace cared about their identities and status. If people really knew that Tiandi Palace had something to entrust Miedao to do, then they would have no place to show their faces.

Pan Chaoyang continued: "Young master, you don't have to worry about Xiaoni's safety, and I think we will know Xiaoni's whereabouts in a short time. The person who took Xiaoni away is probably targeting you, or even attracting attention." get out."

"Xiao Ni still has the spirit of heaven on her body!"

This is what Ye Dong is most worried about. Although most people don't know Xiaoni's abnormality, everyone knows the benefits of the Spirit of Heaven.

If the Spirit of Heaven is still a dead thing without spirituality, it will be fine if someone takes it away, but now the Spirit of Heaven also has life, and is Xiaoni's only good friend, if it is taken away...

Pan Chaoyang nodded, looked at Yue Bukong and said, "Brother Yue, it's time for you to show your talents!"

Yue Bukong stood up, patted his head, and said with a smile: "It's easy to talk about, I'll do it right away, there will definitely be news within a month at the latest."

After finishing speaking, Yue Bukong turned around and left. Apart from his quick hands, he also had his own special channels for inquiring about news.

After Yue Bukong left, everyone's eyes focused on Ye Dong again, and Ye Dong also knew the question they wanted to ask, so he didn't speak, and directly condensed a brand new dao pattern on the palm of his hand.

There was no more thunder in the sky, and everyone was overjoyed: "Prisoner, you succeeded?"


Ye Dong nodded and put away the Dao Wen. Because of Xiao Ni's disappearance and Long Lei Miao's injury, he no longer had the joy of success in his heart. He looked at Pan Chaoyang and said, "Chaoyang, you said at the beginning that we can destroy In order to destroy Dao, I think, now, it's time for us to take action."

Originally, Ye Dong didn't have such a strong hatred for Dao extermination, but now, he doesn't want to wait for a moment. This terrorist organization that has always been hidden in the dark is like a lurking poisonous snake, which may come out at any time to give him A deadly bite, so it must be removed as soon as possible.

However, Pan Chaoyang showed distress and said: "Young master, the destruction of Dao is to be destroyed, but now we have more important things to do."

"whats the matter?"

"Young master, do you still remember what I said when you asked me to be the head of the Heavenly Mystery Hall when the Blood Prison was established?"

(End of this chapter)

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