One emperor

Chapter 1598 The Enemy Meets

Chapter 1598 The Enemy Meets
The mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, and Shuori City became the focus of Huo Xiaotian within a day, gathering the eyes of all major forces.

Everyone wants to know whether Ye Dong is really seriously injured, or if he is deliberately pretending to lure the enemy into deep, but no matter what, a big battle is bound to happen soon!
However, as the protagonists of this incident, Ye Dong and the others still lived in Shuori City as if nothing had happened, and they stayed for three days.

During these three days, no one came to trouble Ye Dong and the others. It seemed that everything was calm, but everyone knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

However, the calmness of Ye Dong and others aroused everyone's suspicion again, and even the people from Tianwu Palace never made a move.

"You said, did Ye Dong pretend to be weak on purpose, and then wait until the major powers get wind of it, and then pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger to catch them all?"

"It's possible, but not necessarily, don't forget, even if Ye Dong is really seriously injured, there are kings behind him to back him up, and besides, those friends around him, where is there a weak person? With all the powerful people present, I believe no one can do anything to him!"

"I don't think he's pretending. It's very likely that he deliberately set up an empty city plan, pretending to be unpredictable, so that people from all major forces are hesitant, wondering whether they should take action!"

At the same time, everyone gathered in the inn where Ye Dong and the others lived, and Ye Dong personally set up a simple formation to temporarily isolate the place.

Yan Nangui was the first to speak: "According to news, people from the Fang family will arrive in Shuori City in about two days, and people from Tianwu Palace have already arrived, but because they don't know our details, they dare not act rashly."

Red Wolf continued: "Qingge and Chenfeng said that Xiaoni has discovered a few people whose appearances are constantly changing, and they are definitely Dao killers. Similarly, they should not do anything unless they are certain. of."

Ye Dong tapped the table lightly with his hand and said: "Only Tianwu Palace and Fang Family, plus a few Dao Extermination killers? The number of people coming is still too few, far from enough!"

Mo Kui couldn't help asking: "Brother Ye, how many people do you want to cheat this time?"

"Of course, the more the better, after all, until now, only the Fang family has really shown up in the Tiandi Palace, and the other five family members seem to have disappeared. By the way, there are also the ancient barbarian monster clan. I can't feel at ease if these people don't show up for a day. !"

"Then what do we do now?"

"It seems that the temptation for them is still not strong enough. Let's leave here tomorrow and continue to go east. Fang Aoran and the others will definitely chase us. If there are few of them, then don't lead them into the killing array. I’m just worried that they will get together with the people from Tianwu Palace, which will be a bit troublesome.” Ye Dong turned his head to look at the old man sitting beside him with his eyes closed all the time, and said, “Senior Demon Emperor, you Does it look like this?"

The demon emperor Yingzang opened his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Okay!"

A simple word immediately gave Ye Dong infinite confidence and made him more confident. This time they came here deliberately to lure the enemy, and the biggest reliance was the demon emperor Yingzang.

Ye Dong made a decision: "In this case, let's make a decision first, find a chance to inform Qingge and Chenfeng, and ask them to send Xiaoni back first, in case someone from the Fang family bumps into it, it will be another troublesome matter." .”

During this period of time, Xue Qingge and Ruochenfeng had already changed their appearances, leading Xiaoni to follow them from a distance, mainly to use Xiaoni's eyes to discover the killer who destroyed the Dao.

So early the next morning, Ye Dong and his party left Shuori City and continued to travel east. The news of his departure naturally disappointed many people, thinking that he was really afraid of the Fang family and Tianwu Palace. .

"Fang Aoran suffered such a big loss at Ye Dong's hands last time, and he will definitely not let Ye Dong go, but don't they worry about the king?"

"The Fang family is from Tiandi Palace, and there are news channels between Tiandi Palace and other heavens, and they know some things that we can't know. I'm afraid they have something to rely on."

A day later, Fang Aoran came to Shuori City. He was furious when he learned that Ye Dong had left.

Along the way, good people kept pointing out Ye Dong's location for them. Only half a day later, Fang Aoran and Ye Dong met on a plain.

"Ye Dong!"

Fang Aoran was a thousand meters away, and he couldn't help but let out a loud roar, the sound shook the sky, his figure suddenly accelerated, crossed this distance in a blink of an eye, and appeared in front of Ye Dong and the others, blocking their way .

The last time Fang proudly led people to attack Ye Dong, but in the end the whole army was wiped out. He was the only one who escaped by chance. Everyone can be sure that the human king has definitely left Huo Xiaotian, so after learning the news of Ye Dong's appearance, he will chase and kill him all the way.

It has been more than half a year since the last time I met Ye Dong. Now that the enemy met, Fang was extremely jealous. He stood in the air with his long hair flying and stared at Ye Dong. His strength had obviously improved.

However, the two old men who appeared behind him like ghosts made everyone's hearts skip a beat.

"Peerless powerhouse!"

Although he knew in advance that Fang Aoran brought the elders of Fang's family, but he didn't expect that they would be two peerless powerhouses. This shows his determination to kill Ye Dong!

Ye Dong and the others couldn't help taking a sneak peek at Yaodi Yingzang, and found that his expression was still calm, and he didn't even open his eyes, so they were a little relieved.

Fang proudly gritted his teeth, with a ferocious expression: "Ye Dong, you will definitely die today!"

"I've heard you say this sentence no less than ten times!" Ye Dong said coldly: "But this time I also want to give this sentence to you. Today, you will definitely die!"

At this time, the people who heard the news had already rushed to the vicinity, just in time to hear this conversation between the two, and couldn't help but feel a little hard to understand Ye Dong's arrogance.

Facing two peerless powerhouses, how could Ye Dong kill Fang Aoran?

"Hmph, you're still stubborn in the face of disaster, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!" An old man with a hooked nose glanced at Ye Dong and the others with disdain and said: "Ye Dong, maybe you won't die, because we won't let you die So happy, but these companions of yours, one, two, three, four, five, six, will all die!"

Ye Dong frowned slightly and said, "Don't you dare to disobey my senior brother?"

Another gray-haired old man laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Ye Dong, if the king dares to come today, I will kill him too!"

(End of this chapter)

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