One emperor

Chapter 1601 You Are Really Dreaming

Chapter 1601 You Are Really Dreaming

Under everyone's gaze, the golden dragon that could easily swallow a mountain swallowed Ye Dong in one gulp, and Ye Dong didn't even seem to have the strength to resist.

There was another burst of exclamation, obviously everyone couldn't believe that Ye Dong was swallowed by the dragon just like that, even though they all knew that the golden dragon was not a real dragon, it was just formed by the sword energy and the power of gold , but being swallowed would definitely not be a good thing.

Jiao Crocodile and the others also frowned, their previous calm was no longer there, and the only thing that made them feel at ease was the Yao Emperor Yingzang who still had his eyes closed.


Fang proudly let out a burst of laughter, moving his hands quickly, pinching out one hand after another, and the golden dragon in the air suddenly began to shrink with the change of his hand, but the huge dragon body was in the process of shrinking In the middle, it turned into a series of interlocking golden chains.

The golden chain spun round and round at high speed until the dragon's body completely disappeared, revealing Ye Dong who had been swallowed by the golden dragon. His whole body was entangled with golden chains, and he lost the power to move.

The expression on Ye Dong's face was full of pain. If you look carefully, you will find that the golden chains that entangled him are actually densely packed with barbs. In the famous body, drops of blood, barely visible to the naked eye, are flowing out from Ye Dong's body along these barbs, and flowing into the golden chains.

"Ye Dong, you're done!"

Fang Aoran's facial features were a bit distorted because of being too excited, but at the moment, he couldn't care about these at all, because he caught Ye Dong, and caught this guy who almost ruined his reputation and ruined his reputation for the rest of his life!
Fang Aoran had great confidence in this golden sword, as long as Ye Dong was bound by the golden chain, it would be impossible to escape.

Fang Aoran was not in a hurry to take back the golden sword, but let it tie Ye Dong and continue to float in the air. He wanted everyone to see Ye Dong's distressed appearance.

"Ye Dong, you must have never imagined that this sword would be so powerful, right? Haha, are you in pain and discomfort now? Is the feeling of blood flowing out uncomfortable? But you can rest assured that your blood will not flow in vain, they It will flow into the sword, and after nourishing the golden sword, it will be taken out, and at that time, I will take a big sip, hahaha!"

Ye Dong's complexion was as white as paper, extremely pale. Although he had not been entangled for a long time and the blood flow was not fast, the number of barbs on the golden chain reached tens of thousands!
Tens of thousands of drops of blood flowed out at the same time, even if it was not fast, it was an astonishing amount.

Seeming to have exhausted all his strength, Ye Dong raised his head with great difficulty, looked at Fang proudly and said weakly: "Could this sword of yours be the holy weapon of your Fang family?"

"Wrong!" Fang Aoran's mouth was almost grinning behind his ears. In fact, he is a person who can't express emotions, and he is also very good at controlling his emotions, but seeing Ye Dong now, it really makes him So excited!
Originally, Fang Aoran was the proud son of the sky, the darling of the Fang family, the darling of the Emperor Palace, and even the strongest of the younger generation in the entire Huoxiaotian, but Ye Dong who suddenly appeared, stepped on him time and time again , slapped him in the face again and again, forcing him to run away in embarrassment.

These humiliations were deeply buried in Fang Aoran's heart, and now he finally caught the enemy, seeing the enemy so pale and powerless in front of him, he really didn't know how to describe his feelings, so much so that he forgot Friends of Ye Dong, forget the onlookers around you, forget everything.

Fang Aoran put his face in front of Ye Dong's eyes, and said viciously: "It is thanks to you that I can get this sword. Although it is not a holy sword, it is in my Fang family, no, it is in Tiandi Palace. The status in the middle is not lower than the holy sword, do you know the reason?"

Ye Dong didn't even have the strength to speak, so he just shook his head lightly.

"I'm in a good mood today, so I'll tell you, because there is a trace of original golden energy in this sword!"

The original qi is the source of the power of various attributes between heaven and earth. Just like the primordial energy is the mother of all things, all kinds of original qi are also the beginning of the corresponding attribute power. With the original qi, it will naturally be better The power of manipulating attributes.

The original qi has derived various attributes, and Ye Dong has a ray of original cold air on his body, which has been integrated into the ice-type saint soldier's reverse scale mirror.

It is conceivable that the original qi, although not as good as the primordial qi, is still extremely precious.

Now Fang proudly holds a trace of original gold in the sword, no wonder its power is so amazing
In fact, with Fang Ao Ran's strength and status, he is still not qualified to own this sword, but because he almost died at the hands of Ye Dong last time, and considering that he is the future hope of the Fang family after all, and his father That is to say, after begging the consent of several elders, the current head of the Fang family finally agreed to temporarily entrust him with the sword containing the original golden energy.

Fang proudly raised his eyebrows, reached out and grabbed Ye Dong's hair, lifted his head roughly and said, "Don't pretend to be dead with me, your energy and blood are so strong that you won't die even if all the blood is drained, remember when I What did you say? Let me tell you, and I will fulfill it immediately."

"Hongmeng Sword Pagoda, Guangwu Cauldron, Tiger Soul Axe, you'd better hand them over consciously, so maybe you can save a little bit of suffering!"

There was a sound of "buzzing", and these three objects actually jumped out of Ye Dong's body and floated in the air. Fang Aoran's eyes widened, and he stretched out his slightly trembling hand to grab them.

With almost no obstacles, Fang proudly grabbed these three weapons that countless people coveted.

At this time, Fang Aoran couldn't believe it, the development of the matter, everything went so smoothly, not only Ye Dong was caught, but also these three weapons.

"Hahahaha, I'm not dreaming, I should have used this sword if I knew I was coming up, why waste so much time!"

Fang proudly hugged the three pieces, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

However, at this moment, Ye Dong, who had drooped his head almost like a dead man and was entangled in golden chains, suddenly raised his head, with a secret smile on his face and said: "I'm sorry, you really just Dreaming!"

Fang Aoran was startled slightly, and asked in puzzlement, "What do you mean?"

"Fang! Ao! Ran! Wake up!"

A shocking roar, like thunder, suddenly exploded in Fang Aoran's ears!

(End of this chapter)

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