One emperor

Chapter 1628 Something really happened

Chapter 1628 Something really happened

Although Pan Chaoyang would not stop Ye Dong from rushing back to Bagua Village at this time, he was a little worried because the time period was too sensitive.

The outside world is turbulent, and I don't know how many people want to kill Ye Dong openly and secretly, but at this time, something happened in Bagua Village, which makes Pan Chaoyang wonder if it is a conspiracy!
For this reason, Pan Chaoyang was really worried that Ye Dong would only leave with Qiankang and Qianli, and insisted on letting Red Wolf, Jiao Crocodile, and Prajna follow him.

Bagua Village is located in the extreme east of Huoxiaotian, which belongs to the area controlled by the Dongyu Fang family. It is very far away from Bingdi Peak, so a group of six people left directly from Bingdi Peak, and first passed through the teleportation arranged by Pan Chaoyang. The formation method came to the place where the killing formation was originally arranged, and then Ye Dong opened the instant door, leading everyone directly through the void.

Along the way, Qiankang and Qianli hardly said a word, their faces were full of anxiety. Ye Dong knew their worries, so naturally he hurried on with all his strength.

However, compared to Qiankang and Qianli, Ye Dong's heart is not so heavy, because he has great confidence in Bagua Village. As long as he is in Bagua Village, even the Emperor of Heaven is helpless. It is reasonable for them to encounter nothing. Too much danger, unless some villagers left Bagua Village and were killed.

If this is the case, at most one or two villagers were killed, not the whole village.

Finally, more than half a month passed, and the group finally arrived near Bagua Village. At this time, before Ye Dong could speak, Red Wolf suddenly sucked his nose twice vigorously, and his face became serious in an instant: " Such a strong smell of blood, Ye Dong, I'm afraid something really happened!"

Ye Dong also heard it, and his heart skipped a beat. At this time, Qian Kang and Qian Li had already rushed to Bagua Village before they even had time to say hello.


Ye Dong was worried that they would be in danger, so he followed closely. After a while, he saw Qian Kang and Qian Li suddenly turned into two pieces of wood, standing in the air in a daze, motionless.

The next moment, Ye Dong was also stunned, and Prajna had already recited a Buddha's name full of compassion!

Below is the Bagua Village, and at this time, where is there any Bagua Village, there are only ruins!
Broken walls and ruins, broken bricks and tiles, and among these ruins, countless corpses lay in disorder on the ground, and the blood they bleed out stained the entire village red. Although it had dried up, it still couldn't stop the strong blood. taste.


Qian Kang and Qian Li let out a howl at the same time, and then rushed down like crazy, and began to keep lifting the collapsed bricks and stones on the ruins, and kept helping those corpses.


"Uncle Ming!"

"Little Shuan!"

Each name was very familiar to Ye Dong, from Qian Kang and Qian Li's mouth, and every time the name was heard, Ye Dong's heart would tremble.

Qian Kang and Qian Li were still holding on to a little bit of luck, rummaging through the ruins, pulling out one after another corpses, stacking them together, trying to find survivors, but Ye Dong closed his eyes, unable to bear to go any further. See, because he already knew, there were no survivors.

His divine sense has completely enveloped the entire village in an instant, without the slightest breath of life. He even counted 120 corpses in the ruins below!
The number of villagers in Bagua Village is always maintained at the number of 120. If someone dies unfortunately, a baby will be born on the day of his death. maintain this number.

With the departure of Qian Kang and Qian Li, there are 120 six people left in the village!
Ye Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and there was one person missing!

"Uncle Guo!"

Qiankang's mournful wailing came from below, making Ye Dong's heart beat again. He remembered Uncle Guo, when he first stepped into the gate of Bagua Village, he was the one he met. Bear-like man!

As one of the gatekeepers of the Eight Gates of Bagua Village, Ye Dong couldn't even see how powerful he was. Although he didn't talk much, even a little dull, his occasional words could bring Ye Dong great inspiration.

But now, this dull Uncle Guo is gone, and he will never squat at the door of the house to chat with himself again.


Standing on the ruins, Qiankang also let out a shrill howl, like an awl, piercing deeply into Ye Dong's heart.

"Who did it!"

Ye Dong's face was livid, his body trembled slightly, the killing intent in his eyes had begun to spread outwards, he wanted to find the murderer now, to find out who it was, and he would do this to the people of Bagua Village!You must know that these people are real hermits, they don't care about world affairs at all, and they won't get involved in any disputes.

But now they are all dead!
"The Fang family! It must be the Fang family!"

After killing Fang Aoran by himself, the Fang family didn't dare to come to him directly, so they attacked Bagua Village, but how could they enter Bagua Village, could it be the missing corpse?

All his life, Ye Dong's rebellion and bottom line is that he can't let the people around him be implicated because of his own affairs, because he has suffered a lot, and the Ye family was almost wiped out back then.

But unexpectedly, in today's Huoxiaotian, in today's Bagua Village, the village would be massacred again because of him.

Qian Kang and Qian Li were weeping as they lifted all the corpses out of the ruins and put them neatly on the ground, and looked at the horrified, painful, or sad corpses one by one. Familiar faces, including more than a dozen underage children, who were pressed down by their parents and held in the palms of their hands. Their unseasoned faces were full of doubts. At this moment, Ye Dong's heart was dripping. Blood.

The missing corpse was Gan Yi, the head of Bagua Village.

120 five lives, like 120 five mountains, weighed on Ye Dong's shoulders. Although he was almost out of breath, he had to grit his teeth and carry it.

Banruo and Honglang had already fallen into the village first, and helped Qiankang and Qianli to carry the villagers' bodies out. Ye Dong suppressed his heart and fell down too.

Everyone worked together, and soon all the corpses were carried out. Prajna sat on the ground, closed his eyes, raised the Buddha wheel behind his back, and began to chant scriptures to save the villagers.

Qian Kang and Qian Li knelt in front of all the corpses, weeping silently. After the chanting of Prajna, which contained great compassion, stopped, they kowtowed vigorously to all the corpses and said: "Everyone Brothers and sisters in Jiacun, uncles, aunts and aunts, rest in peace, we swear, we will find the murderer and avenge you!"


Ye Dong let out a long howl suddenly, and said to the red wolf and the crocodile, "I'm sorry to trouble you here!"

Leaving this sentence, Ye Dong was about to go to Fang's house immediately, but Qian Li's voice suddenly came: "Master, Uncle Guo is holding a note in his hand."

Ye Dong's figure stopped suddenly, and his voice was cold: "What is written?"

"One person, Fumo Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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