One emperor

Chapter 1676 Drifting in the Void

Chapter 1676 Drifting in the Void
Has Ye Dong reached Zixiaotian?


Not at all!
No one would have thought that he would be in an endless void of darkness now!

The opened golden gate of heaven did not lead to Zixiaotian at all, but brought him to this void.

In this void full of dangers, constant winds, and bursts of thunder, he has been drifting cautiously for three days.

Ye Dong knew that all of this must be manipulated by those high gods.

Maybe it sounds impossible to others, how could anyone be able to manipulate Tianmen, but Ye Dong knew that since those gods could even control Heavenly Tribulation, and could even end Heavenly Tribulation for themselves, so they wanted to change Tianmen The place leading to it is really an easier thing!
It's just that he didn't know why those gods would do this?
With their strength, when the golden scepter fell, they could easily destroy themselves together with them, but they didn't do that.

On the contrary, he helped himself to disperse the robbery cloud, ended the heavenly disaster, and opened the heavenly gate, but, let himself come into this endless dark void!
Thinking of those lofty gods, especially when the golden scepter with supreme majesty fell down, it was the second time he felt fear in his heart after the Western Region Buddha Land!
But now, Ye Dong has no such fear, only anger!
Is it because they have lived so long that they feel that life is very boring, and they need to find something interesting to pass the time, and just discovered their own existence, so they regard themselves as a plaything and deliberately give themselves Arranging a trap, like a cat catching a mouse, playing with yourself between applause?

Wait until you get tired of playing, and then kill yourself!
"If you want to play, I will accompany you to the end!" Ye Dong gritted his teeth and said to himself: "However, now I must find a way to leave this void!"

During these three days, Ye Dong didn't do anything, just let himself drift in this void.

It's not that he's lazy or decadent, it's that he has no strength at all and needs to recover.

Moreover, he could just take advantage of this short time to organize his thoughts and plan his next actions, which related to his future, even life and death!
To be honest, since Huo Xiaotian's departure was too hasty, Ye Dong hadn't had time to do many things, not even the time for his orders.

However, he also believed that even without himself, with the masters of all beings and the demon emperor sitting in charge, at least there should be no major incidents in Huo Xiaotian.

Ye Dong even took the Hongmeng Sword Tower into his body. Now there are more than a dozen people in the tower, and they are all his close brothers and friends. He dare not let the Hongmeng Sword Tower take any risk.

Naturally, he didn't tell everyone in the Hongmeng Sword Tower about the current situation, because it was useless to say it. If this was Zixiaotian, then Yue Bukong and Linge might still be able to provide some help, but This is in the void, even Pan Chaoyang can't think of a way.


Another sharp blade-like wind brushed past Ye Dong's cheek, bringing a burst of scorching pain, but he didn't even groan, just stretched out his hand to touch his cheek, and said to himself : "It seems that my physical body has become stronger again. When I first entered here, the strong wind almost tore my body into thousands of pieces. Now the same strong wind can't cut my body. This is also a good thing Bar!"

Indeed, for three days, he was floating in this void that was full of danger and could be killed at any time. What's more, when he first entered here, Ye Dong was still completely powerless. It is conceivable that during these three days, He didn't know how many times he brushed shoulders with death.

However, there are gains and losses. Although he doesn't know where he is and is lost here, but as he said, being in this environment makes his physical body and strength change at an astonishing speed , Now it has been able to adapt to the blowing and cutting of the gang wind.


Ye Dong let out a long breath from his mouth, moved his body, and the aura in his body finally returned to a full state, and behind him, there were at least a million disused sky spirit stones floating around.

"Now let me think about how to leave this void!"

Ye Dong shot out suddenly, punching like a dragon, and directly slapped the darkness around him with his palm.

There was a loud "boom" and a palm with all its strength. Although it didn't penetrate the void, it shook the place slightly.

"Well, it's so tough. I can be sure that it shouldn't belong to the void of Huo Xiaotian. Could it be that this is the void of Zixiaotian? As long as I can break this void, I can really enter Zixiaotian?"

The void is everywhere, but the void also has strengths and weaknesses, and different heavens correspond to different voids.

If this place is still the void of Huo Xiaotian, then with Ye Dong's current strength, he can easily penetrate it. In fact, when Ye Dong first entered here, although he had no strength, he still tried it, and the result was He couldn't shake it at all, so he gave up and waited patiently until now.

Now practice has proved that this is not the void of Huo Xiaotian, of course it may be the void of the higher heavens, but Ye Dong feels that if the god really wants to play with him, he will definitely not let him die so quickly.

If he pierces through this void and enters Qingxiaotian, then Ye Dong will be crushed to death by the pressure of the Dao, no matter how strong his physical body is.

Taking two deep breaths again, Ye Dong took out the Heavenly Emperor Sword. This sword is now his. Originally, using the Tiger Soul Ax should be the best choice, but when he attacked the Heavenly Emperor Palace, he gave the Tiger Soul Axe to him. Alligator, so now I can only use this sword.

Just when Ye Dong held up the Heavenly Emperor Sword, gathering all the strength in his body, and the golden Dao patterns were winding and circling on the sword body, and was about to cut through this dark void with a fierce sword, his whole body suddenly looked like a sculpture. He froze there, his eyes staring straight ahead.

In the depths of the void, as if infinitely far away, he actually saw a piece of golden light!
Although it should be a long distance away, the golden light looks strangely dazzling and brilliant!
In the void, there are invisible wind, black thunder, white ice and red fire, but Ye Dong has never seen gold, let alone such a large golden light!
What's more, from the golden light, it seemed that Ye Dong faintly summoned Ye Dong, so that after Ye Dong came back to his senses, he immediately put down the sword in his hand and rushed towards the place where the golden light came from. In the past, he wanted to see what that golden light was!
(End of this chapter)

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