One emperor

Chapter 1724 Seeing Longzi Again

Chapter 1724 Seeing Longzi Again
This voice came from the shadow that suddenly appeared on Jun Aotian's body, but Ye Dong felt very familiar when he heard this voice, not to mention that the owner of the voice said he knew himself.

In Jun Aotian's body, there is actually another living being hidden, and he also knows himself. The first thing Ye Dong thinks of is whether this living being is his second senior brother, or his incarnation outside the body, but he immediately denies it.

Jian Zunjun Buhui lived 9 to [-] years ago, unless he has lived until today, otherwise he would not be able to know the existence of Jun Aotian, let alone hide his incarnation in Jun Aotian's body.

However, Ye Dong didn't feel any murderous intent or hostility in the shadow, instead he felt familiar and close, so he wasn't worried about Jun Aotian's situation.

Ye Dong opened his yin and yang eyes, trying to see who this shadow is, but the shadow is like a mist, always erratic, has no fixed shape at all, even under the yin and yang eyes, he can't see clearly at all.

"who are you?"

"Ah!" A heavy sigh came, but after the sigh, the shadow started to squirm quickly again, and gradually condensed into a complete and clear shape.

A big head that looks a bit like a combination of a dragon's head and a lion's head, with two horns on top of the head, and fine dragon scales covering the body, four legs and tail.

After seeing the real image of the shadow clearly, Ye Dong's complexion suddenly changed, his body shook violently, and he couldn't help but take a step back, exclaiming: "Avoid, avoid water!"

Longzi avoids water!

Longzi avoids water, was born in the mortal world, was later chased and killed by Zixiaotian's people, accidentally broke into Ziwei Tianfu while escaping, was protected by Tianfu, and saved his life, so he was willing to stay and guard Ziwei Tianfu .

Because Ye Dong obtained the Heavenly Battle Skill and became the master of Ziwei Tianfu, Longzi Bushui followed him until finally, in the big formation set up by Zixiao Tianren, he failed to escape, He and Longzi Baxia, as well as Ye Dong's second brother Mangu, were all taken to Zixiaotian.

Ye Dong never expected that he would see Longzi avoiding water here, and he was hiding in Jun Aotian's body in the state of a soul!
In other words, Longzi avoiding water can be regarded as dead, lost his body, only his soul is left!
Ye Dong and Bishui had been together for a while, and now seeing Bishui with only his soul left, coupled with the anger of the soul of Yazi, his eyes burst out with murderous intent: "Who did it!"

No matter what, he will avenge Bishui, and let the person who attacked it also pay the price with his life!
Bishui didn't answer Ye Dong's question, but nodded at Ye Dong and said, "You have become stronger, not bad, not bad!"

Ye Dong persisted and continued to ask: "Bi Shui, who hit you, tell me!"

A wry smile appeared on Bishui's face and said, "Heavenly Emperor, but he himself is already dead!"

Afterwards, Bishui told about his experience, and Ye Dong quickly asked Longzi Bishui a few questions. "Bi Shui, do you still remember what happened after you left the mortal world? Also, do you know the whereabouts of my second brother Man Gu and Long Zi Ba Xia?"

Long Zi avoided the water and shook his head, "I don't know, because I haven't seen them since I came to Zixiaotian."

In fact, its experience is very simple, because of the existence of the great pressure, even if it is a dragon son, it can only live in a closed space when it comes to Zixiaotian, and it can't even see a person for a long time.

And in the end, because of the killing spree of Emperor Zixiao Tiantian, the space it lived in was accidentally shattered. Although it made it free, it also made its body unable to withstand the pressure of the Great Dao and was broken inch by inch. At this time, the Emperor of Heaven killed it, and its soul escaped.

Naturally, the soul will no longer be threatened by the pressure of the Dao, but as a soul, the danger has also increased a lot. Everyone hopes to get the soul of Longzi, so Bishui will spend the next few days fleeing for his life, looking for it carefully. to a safe place.

In fact, with the ability to avoid water, it is absolutely possible to easily enter the body of any dead beast, which can be regarded as a different kind of resurrection, but Long Zi's arrogant self-esteem prevents him from doing so.

In the end, the soul avoiding water suddenly felt a gravitational force from which it did not know, and it followed this gravitational force to a place. Unfortunately, before it could see where it was, inexplicable Just passed out.

Until about three or four years ago, its sleeping soul was awakened by Jun Aotian!
Hearing this, Ye Dong's emotions have gradually calmed down. He keenly knows that the experience of Bishui should be able to help him solve many doubts in his heart, but when he learned of Bishui's experience in Tiandi Palace, his heart was even more serious. He was so worried about the whereabouts of his second brother Man Gu that he completely lost the ability to think for a while.

Ye Dong didn't care about the pressure of the Great Dao anymore, and directly called Pan Chaoyang out. Now, he had to use Pan Chaoyang's thinking to help him solve some doubts as much as possible.

Pan Chaoyang had also seen Longzi Bishui before, so he was naturally a little surprised to see him again at this moment, but his surprise was obviously much less than that of Ye Donglai. Moreover, at the moment he saw Bishui, his A light of understanding flashed slightly in his eyes.

Ye Dong briefly repeated his experience of avoiding water, and finally threw all the questions to Pan Chaoyang.

Pan Chaoyang also lived up to expectations, and after a moment of pondering, he said two words: "Hehun!"

The situation of Bishui and Jun Aotian is obviously the same as that of Ye Dong and Banruo, their souls have all merged with Long Zi's soul!
"No!" Ye Dong shook his head and said: "Jun Aotian's situation is different from mine and Prajna, otherwise, he wouldn't be so weak, avoiding water, you and Jun Aotian don't have a soulmate, right?"

"I don't know what a combined soul is, but his soul does make me feel very close, but, you know, I have a little hobby..."

A hint of embarrassment appeared on Bishui's face, and Ye Dong suddenly remembered that Bishui loves to eat souls!

"Well, his soul not only makes me feel kind, but also very delicious, so I struggle almost every day, should I eat his soul, this is really a kind of torture!"

Ye Dong's back couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, looking at Jun Aotian who fell into a coma, he secretly sighed, you should feel lucky that you can survive till now.

Naturally, because of his special hobby of avoiding water, he couldn't really get along with Jun Aotian!

(End of this chapter)

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