One emperor

Chapter 1756 Shinto and Heaven

Chapter 1756 Shinto and Heaven

At first, everyone thought that they would search for the dragon tomb in this vast Arctic mountain without any clue as before, but to everyone's surprise, Mo Linglong actually told everyone that she knew the exact location of the dragon tomb.

Moreover, because of the integration of the phoenix soul, although her realm still stays in the mortal realm, she is no longer afraid of the pressure of Zixiaotian's avenue, so she will lead everyone to the Dragon Tomb for the next road.

To be honest, when Ye Dong heard Mo Linglong's words, his first reaction was to refuse, because the death of the red wolf had already made him too regretful, so according to his thinking, he would not even take anyone with him. He walked the rest of the way with his own strength.

But Mo Linglong rarely sang against Ye Dong: "Brother Ye, I know you are worried about my safety, but the exact location of the Dragon Tomb is only vague in Phoenix Soul's memory, after all, time has passed For tens of thousands of years, it needs to judge the direction while walking, so I must be with you!"

For so many years, this was the first time that Mo Linglong had her own persistence, so in the end, Ye Dong had to compromise and agreed to let Mo Linglong lead the way.

However, except for Mo Linglong and Banruo, the others were still sent back to the world in the painting by him.

Just when the three of them were about to leave, Banruo suddenly stopped Ye Dong and said with a serious expression, "Ye Dong, I have something to tell you."

"You say, I listen!"

"The barbarian you fought with earlier, have you noticed that his strength is particularly powerful?"

"Well, I found out, but since he is a barbarian monster and a bear monster, he should be naturally powerful."

"No, Ye Dong, his power is great because he has comprehended the law of force. Like you, he is a person who has stepped into the divine way."

"Shinto?" Ye Dong's heart trembled slightly, this was a word he had never heard before: "What is Shinto?"

Shinto is a realm, and the division of realms only appeared in the Battle of Conferred Gods, so not many people know about it.

Because the Battle of the Conferred Gods is not aimed at one heavenly realm, but the realms of the Nine Heavens besides Shenxiaotian, and even the Nine Heavens including Shenxiaotian, so the way of dividing the realms that is spread in the Nine Heavens is here. Naturally it becomes cumbersome and useless.

For example, it is too inconvenient to say that people from the fourth heaven of Huoxiao met people from the third heaven of Qingxiao, so I don't know who divided everyone who participated in the Conferred God War into two realms— — Heaven and Shinto!

The most critical criterion for the difference between these two realms is whether one has comprehended and can freely exert the power of a certain law!

Those who have comprehended the power of a certain law are in the realm of the divine way; otherwise, they are in the realm of the heavenly way.

The two major realms have nine smaller realms, called the Nine Realms of the Divine Dao and the Nine Realms of the Heavenly Dao!
Prajna doesn't know the division standard of the Nine Realms of the Divine Dao, he only knows the division standard of the Nine Realms of the Heavenly Dao, which is actually according to the standards of the Nine Heavens.

The realm of Huo Xiaotian is the first level of the way of heaven, the realm of Zixiaotian is the second level of the way of heaven, and so on.

However, don't underestimate the opponent just because he is the first level of heaven. In the Conferred God War, there are all possibilities. Maybe this person is the first level of heaven today, but if he comprehends the power of law tomorrow, then he will directly enter the The first level of Shinto, one step to the sky!
All in all, the distinction between high and low realm strength is no longer based on the original spirit dust body, but by the power of law!
Of course, it does not mean that the Divine Dao Realm must be stronger than the Heavenly Dao Realm. This is just the division of realms in the Conferred God War. The power of laws cannot represent real strength. The strength of strength still depends on the actual situation of the individual, for example The current Ye Dong, if he is in the first level of the divine way in the battle of the gods, but if he meets the master of Qing Xiaotian, that is, the third level of the heavenly way, he is no match!
The reason why there is such a division is that people in the Divine Dao Realm, in the Conferred God War, are indeed much more likely to become gods than those in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

In other words, if you want to become a god, you must understand the power of law!
Such a brand-new division of realms, to be honest, in the Conferred Gods War, for people in the Divine Dao realm, especially those who are at the first level of the Divine Dao like Ye Dong, or those who are at the second or third level of the Divine Dao, they will encounter greater dangers .

Because they are much more likely to become gods than people in the Dao of Heaven, those who are stronger than them in the Dao of Heaven naturally don't want them to become gods, so they will start hunting them down.

Even, sometimes, the masters of the Heavenly Dao Realm will unite together to specifically kill people in the lower realm of the Divine Dao. After all, the position of God is limited, and it is always a good thing to lose a powerful competitor!
After listening to Prajna's words, Ye Dong fell into deep thought. The Conferred God War is really miraculous, and even the division of realms has undergone such a huge change.

Can one become a god after the Ninth Layer of Shinto?
I am currently only the first level of the divine way, so what do I need to do to raise my strength to the ninth level of the divine way?
The power of law!

Only by comprehending more power of laws can one improve one's own strength!

Although Ye Dong already has a clear plan for his future, but thinking of people like Pan Chaoyang and Banruo who insist on participating in the Conferred God War, how should they plan their future?
Although there are various powers of law between the heaven and the earth, how many of them can really be comprehended?

Wisdom is already strong enough, I believe that if the power of law is put aside, he will not be much weaker than himself, but he has no chance of winning against the black bear.

Under Ye Dong's random thoughts, the three of them had already left the ninth eye, and followed Mo Linglong's guidance, walking towards the Dragon Tomb.

Along the way, it was surprisingly calm, which made Ye Dong slightly relieved. Although he really wanted to kill the Quartet and ask for some interest for the red wolf, after all, he had Mo Linglong by his side, so he didn't dare to take the slightest risk.

However, the peaceful days came to an end after five days. The three of them walked through the jungle and entered the mountains. When they came to a valley, they had to stop.

It wasn't just the three of them who stopped. Around the entrance of the valley, there were at least thousands of celestial beings in groups of three or four, among which there were at least a hundred people from the fourth heaven of Zixiao!

All of these people were full of anger, but there was nothing they could do, because the entrance of the valley had already been occupied first, and a large number of formations had been laid out, obviously to use this as a checkpoint to prevent others from entering.

Looking at the thousands of people around, to be honest, Ye Dong was a little surprised, he didn't expect so many people to gather here.

Could it be that these people, like himself, came for the Dragon Tomb?

However, Ye Dong quickly lost interest in this question, because he had already heard from other people that the person occupying this valley turned out to be the largest imperial family in Zixiaotian—the Ren family!
(End of this chapter)

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