One emperor

Chapter 1775 Senior Brother Appears

Chapter 1775 Senior Brother Appears
For others' entry, Ye Dong was happy for each of them, but for Mo Linglong's entry, Ye Dong still had uncontrollable sadness in his heart, and this sadness could not be concealed from Demon Emperor Brahma.

"The temporary separation is for the reunion in the future, to cherish the fate, to cherish the fate, not to insist on a certain obsession that you want in your heart, fool, don't you want to let it go?"

Master's simple words made Ye Dong startled suddenly. After chewing repeatedly in his heart, the sadness was diluted a little, but he felt that Master would say such words to himself at such a time, and he was clearly in agreement with his senior brother. The meaning of Shensuan's message to himself is the same. Could it be that, before this, the master and the brother have already met? .

Before Ye Dong could figure out why, the Devil Emperor's voice sounded again: "After all, this is the world created by Shenlong, and the power I can release is limited after all, and it is still not enough to kill this existence! However, if If Tian Xing's calculation is correct, then there will naturally be a chance to resolve the crisis for you."

"Dong'er, let me and your senior brother protect you this time!"

Not enough to kill this existence?
What is this existence?Could it be that, in the dragon tomb, besides the corpse of the real dragon and the enemies in front of you, is there an extremely powerful existence?And this existence, even the master can't completely kill it?

Also, what did the master mean when he said that he would protect himself with his senior brother?Are senior brothers and the others also in this dragon tomb?

At this time, Ye Dong could clearly feel his body moving slowly, as if he was taking a kind of footwork, and every step of this kind of footwork would unexpectedly cause any pain in this place where no matter how hard everyone tried, they would not be able to cause any damage. Leaves a deep footprint on the broken ground.

This is setting up!
Stepping out of the formation with footsteps, this way of setting up the formation is definitely high-class, even Pan Chaoyang, who is quite accomplished in the way of formation, is currently unable to do it.

At the same time, those people who were shocked by Mo Linglong just now finally came back to their souls again. Although they were still confused, they knew that Ye Dong must be stopped no matter what, so they all put out the strongest combat power in their lives. Attacked Ye Dong.

Lightning, flames, ice arrows, earth knives, magic weapons, and the assassination of Taoist killers, all kinds of attack methods are overwhelming, and they come continuously.

When so many emperor-level masters are desperately using their desperate power to deal with one person, I am afraid that even Qing Xiaotian's masters may not dare to take it head-on.

However, the devil emperor didn't care, he didn't even look at it, stretched out his hand in the air, and smashed all the attacks easily one by one, this space seemed to become the night sky of the New Year's Eve , Countless fireworks bloomed one after another, but his footsteps never had the slightest confusion or stagnation.

But none of these could attract Ye Dong anymore, because he could clearly see that behind the simple and unsophisticated stone gate, after a wave of ripples spread out, a figure slowly came out with his hands behind his back!

This is an elegant literati in a blue robe and wearing a turban on his head. He has an extraordinary bearing, a smile on his face, and the clouds are calm and clear. It seems that everything in the world is under his control, and it seems that nothing can arouse his emotions.

Ye Dong is no stranger to this scribe, because he has seen it with his own eyes in the formation where Long Ziyan is, and he knows that this is the blood prison, which should be the most proud and the most A senior brother whom he admired—God's fortune to the sky!

Ye Dong was completely stunned. After the master's soul came, his senior brother Xiang Tianxing also appeared. Could it be that he was not dead and just kept hiding in the Dragon Tomb?

Ye Dong trembled with excitement, because he had too many questions to ask his senior brother, and he also believed that only this wise senior brother could solve all the doubts in his heart.

However, Ye Dong couldn't ask any questions. It wasn't because his body was controlled by the Devil Emperor, but because the words were on the verge of his mouth. Apart from being excited, he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth.

Suddenly, the master's voice sounded: "Dong'er, do you think that your eighth senior brother is omnipotent and omniscient? In fact, he is just like you, he has ordinary attachments and can't let go."

With the master's sigh, Ye Dong's mind went blank. Suddenly, he vaguely understood why the eighth senior brother left such a message for himself. It turned out that he couldn't let it go, and it was probably because he couldn't let it go. , made him suffer a lot, so he didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

In fact, it is not only the eighth senior brother, Ye Dong clearly remembers that the second senior brother Jian Zunjun does not regret, the deep concern in those eyes shows that he also has things or people that he cannot give up in his heart, otherwise, how could there be unrequited love? The birth of regret sword!
In the Blood Prison, each of them is so persistent, and each one has a concern that cannot be let go. At this moment, Ye Dong secretly vowed in his heart that he would let himself fulfill each of your concerns and release each of your attachments. To fulfill the common wish of all of us!
After listening to the master's words, Ye Dong also found out that although Xiang Tianxing walked out with a relaxed expression, there was indeed a trace of unresolved sadness in his eyes. I didn't glance at the group of people, but after I walked to my side, like my master, I started to step on footwork silently, and I was also using footwork to form an formation!
What kind of situation is this?
After all the emotions rushed through, Ye Dong finally settled down and began to think about everything in front of him, but he found that the situation was not right. It didn't make sense for the senior brother to set up the formation without even saying a word after seeing him.

And in the name of senior brother's divine fortune-telling, wouldn't he think that he, who is also stepping into formation at this moment, would not have such strength at all. Only if he thought about it carefully, he would know that it was probably the master who came, so even if he didn't care about himself, wouldn't it be Does he not care about Master?
Ye Dong was really puzzled, but after a closer look, he found that the whole body of the senior brother was not right.

Ye Dong doesn't know how to describe this feeling, that is, the brother's body is indeed real, not the state of the soul at all, it will appear an illusory feeling, but...

But after a long time, Ye Dong finally managed to find a roughly accurate definition, that is, the brother Xiang Tianxing who is stepping on the formation doesn't seem to be in the same space as himself!
(End of this chapter)

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