One emperor

Chapter 1792

Chapter 1792
Originally, according to Ye Dong's intention, it was just to make Xiaoni happy, pretending to be walking on the rainbow with the power of flying, but what he didn't expect was that when his feet touched the rainbow, he felt like he was stepping on the ground. In the next moment, my eyes turned black and then bright, and I had already left the previous sea of ​​clouds and entered a vast and boundless sea of ​​flowers.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Xiao Ni cried out excitedly when she saw the clusters of flowers all around.

Ye Dong and Mo Linglong stared blankly at the tall square tombstone standing in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers.

Mo Linglong has already softly read the four dragon characters above: "Tomb of Ji Zu!"

Ji Zu, it should be that Zulong!

There was a sound of exclamation from behind, and Pan Chaoyang and others also walked in. Those who exclaimed were Xue Qingge and Lingge. Obviously, women have always been less resistant to flowers, but everyone else was also stunned. up.

Xiao Ni suddenly jumped down from Ye Dong's arms again, took a step forward, and walked towards the tall tombstone in the middle.

Originally, Ye Dong wanted to stop her and tell her to be careful, but he swallowed the words again, without stopping, just watching her silently.

I saw Xiao Ni walked in front of the tombstone, fell to her knees with a "plop", and bowed respectfully to the tombstone. Although the expression on her face could not be seen, everyone knew that at this moment Xiaoni must be very devout.

After Xiaoni finished her obeisance, she stood up, her smile was back on her face, and she said to Ye Dong and the others with a smile, "Brother Ye, come over and say goodbye too!"

Ye Dong nodded and said: "Senior Zulong is also a person who created the Tao, so he should pay his respects!"

The entire dragon tomb, including everything here, should have been developed by this ancestor dragon, and it is worthy of Ye Dong's worship just for this supernatural power.

After speaking, Ye Dong also walked up to the tombstone, knelt down on the ground, and bowed respectfully. After him, others followed suit and bowed to the tombstone one after another.

But Ye Dong walked behind the tombstone, and was immediately stunned.

What is depicted on it is the way of the real dragon that Ye Dong dreamed of!

Of course, there are also some dragon characters, and Mo Linglong followed closely and read out the contents of these words: "Ji Zu, guarded for 160 million years, loved flowers all his life, so he was buried in the sea of ​​flowers. Respect him, worship him!"

Obviously, Zulong's body was not buried by himself, it should be buried by other real dragons and moved here.

But now, for Ye Dong, he is more interested in the way of the real dragon that Zulong realized and did not finally take shape, so he stood there, concentrating on all kinds of things that seemed to others to be nothing at all. Various textures with the slightest meaning.

At this moment, Xue Qingge suddenly called softly: "Xiao Ni disappeared again!"

One sentence drew Ye Dong's attention back, and asked quickly, "Where did it disappear from?"


Following Xue Qingge's finger, Ye Dong rushed out, and just as he was about to get close to the place where Xiaoni disappeared, he couldn't help turning his head around and glanced at the tombstone again, when Pan Chaoyang suddenly said: Said: "Young master, I will be back in a while!"

Hearing these words, Ye Dong was immediately relieved, and took a step forward, the surrounding environment changed again, this time, he suddenly came to a corridor paved with blue bricks.

Compared with the sea of ​​clouds, the sea of ​​flowers here is obviously much simpler. Except for the big night pearls hanging high on the wall, there is nothing that can attract people's attention. In addition, the two sides of the corridor correspond to the One room after another, and Xiao Ni stood in front of Ye Dong, seeming a little scared.

Because, being here, Ye Dong can clearly feel that there are countless kinds of breaths here.

Aura is an inexplicable thing, but each creature has its own unique aura, such as Ye Dong, who is more bloody or murderous. Therefore, after feeling these auras, Ye Dong immediately understood, This place should have been visited by many creatures. I am afraid that those rooms are where these creatures live.

Xiao Ni stood here in a daze, and Ye Dong held her hand.

At this time, other people also came in, and everyone obviously noticed these different breaths, especially the red wolf, who sniffed and said doubtfully: "Why do I feel the breath of a monster?"

Xue Qingge also frowned slightly and said: "I also feel the breath of the monster race."

"have a look!"

Ye Dong walked in front and set foot on the blue brick road. The door of the room was not locked, it was just an ordinary copper door. When you pushed it open, the area inside was not small, so many people entered together without feeling crowded at all. , but there are no too many furnishings, only a stone bed, a stone table and a futon.

But as soon as he entered the room, Ye Dong could feel a certain aura becoming strong and surging. Obviously, this place belonged to a certain senior who practiced retreat.

On the wall where the stone bed is located, there are obviously lines of writing. Ye Dong walked in and thought it was dragon characters, but after a look, he found that there were both human characters and monster characters. Without exception, these words are all from a long time ago, fortunately, everyone can understand them.

"Xuan Xiaotian Yujianzong Lingfeng left words, retreated for a hundred years, and left sadly without gaining an inch of merit."

"Reverend Qing Xiaotian and Ning left a message, practiced for fifty years, and the fate came to nothing!"

"Zixiao Tianman Monster Clan Hu Yanxuan left a message..."

Looking at these words, a big question mark popped up in everyone's mind: "Isn't the tomb of the dragon in Zixiaotian? Then why are there people from Qingxiaotian and Xuanxiaotian who left their words here? "

Next, everyone dispersed and began to search for these words in each room. After looking at ten rooms, everyone concluded that the nine heavens, even the lowest Huoxiaotian, and the high and mighty Shen Xiaotian, someone actually left their own handwriting!
Such a weird thing made everyone feel a little confused for a while, even Pan Chaoyang was no exception, rubbing his eyebrows desperately.

Could it be that people from other celestial realms have entered Zixiaotian in various ways in order to enter this dragon tomb?
The content of each person's letter is similar, that is to say, there are so many pieces of retreat here, but in the end they all get nothing and have to leave sadly.

Seems like what are they trying to get here?
At this time, Ye Dong had already reached the end of the green brick corridor, and there was still the last room here. After taking a deep breath, Ye Dong knew that if Master left him some answers to some questions, then he must It's in this room!

(End of this chapter)

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