One emperor

Chapter 1816

Chapter 1816

When Ye Dong and the others entered the ancestral hall in the village and looked at the hundreds of faces gathered here, they were still confused.

The size of this ancestral hall is very large, facing the middle of the gate, there are three large chairs against the wall, and three rows of small chairs on both sides.

"Sit wherever you want!"

The old man who greeted them asked Ye Dong and the others to sit down, while he and the old lady walked to the two big chairs in the middle and sat down.

The guests do as they please, Ye Dong and the others, although they have countless doubts in their hearts, can only sit down and talk now.

"My surname is Sun. You can call me Uncle Sun. She is Granny Zhou. I won't talk about the polite words. The ancestors of all of us here came from the real world, that is, when the last Conferred God War started. The monks from all walks of life who have entered here, but most of them are from Zixiaotian."

The people who just sat down couldn't help standing up in shock after hearing these words. The group of people in front of them turned out to be the descendants of the heavenly beings who broke into this place during the last Conferred God War. It has been passed down here for 10 years!

Uncle Sun ignored everyone's surprise, and continued on his own: "It's all old calendars. Now, there is only Shoumo Village here, and there is no sect. Heavenly Realm said directly, we are all villagers of Shoumo Village, and we The reason why my ancestors stayed here and never left again is to guard this Lake of Ten Thousand Demons."

"Why guard?" Pan Chaoyang asked puzzledly: "You should know that this is not the real world, but a battlefield created artificially. Even if this world disappears, it will be nothing!"

"Wrong!" Uncle Sun said in a loud voice, "our ancestors thought so too, but it's not true!"

"Back then, when our ancestors first came here, Wanmo Lake was just a small lake, but 10 years have passed. Look, the area of ​​this lake has expanded to what it is today, and there are still formations under restraint."

"Array?" Pan Chaoyang said: "The Wanmo Lake itself is an array, but is there an expert who has set up an array outside the Wanmo Lake, and your village is the eye of the array?"

This sentence immediately attracted the surprised eyes of everyone in the ancestral hall, and Granny Zhou even nodded repeatedly: "Yes, you can see it, little guy?"

"Well, I can see some clues." Pan Chaoyang did not elaborate.

Uncle Sun glanced at him and continued: "When our ancestors came here, some people once broke into the Wanmo Lake, but they all went there and never returned, so the others never dared to enter again, so they just waited here. As a result, one day, a senior expert came, not only broke into the Lake of Ten Thousand Demons, but also came back safely, and told a shocking news."

"This Ten Thousand Demon Lake is connected to the real world! If the Ten Thousand Demon Lake is not stopped, it will continue to expand, swallow the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, and then swallow other worlds. In the end, it may even affect the real world."

"The expert said that the person who opened up the Ten Thousand Devils Lake had ulterior motives, and wanted to use the power of all the worlds of the Conferred God War to achieve a certain purpose for him. Unfortunately, the expert was powerless to stop it at that time. He could only set up another formation around the surroundings to suppress the power in the Lake of Ten Thousand Devils. However, this formation needs someone to guard and constantly replenish the power of the formation. Therefore, after consideration, our ancestors decided to keep Come down to protect the Lake of Ten Thousand Devils, so this place is called the Demon Shou Village!"

Hearing this, the shock in the hearts of the people was unbearable. God created the Myriad Demon Lake in order for the Ten Thousand Demon Lake to swallow up all the worlds until it reached the purpose of affecting other worlds. During this process, the number of dead creatures was basically the same. Unable to calculate.

Suddenly, Pan Chaoyang looked at Banruo and said, "Panruo, are you sure that your soul is here?"


"Then, this lake of myriad demons was probably opened up by the gods who control the Buddhaland. The purpose should be to obtain life and eternal life."

Uncle Sun suddenly slapped his thigh hard and said: "Yes, yes, that expert said the same thing. He also said that although he can't destroy the Lake of Ten Thousand Demons, as long as we can protect his formation, we can persist until the next time." When the Conferred God War starts, then his descendants will come here to completely eliminate the Lake of Ten Thousand Devils!"

Ye Dong's eyes were flooded, he stared straight at Uncle Sun and said, "What's the name for that senior?"

"Brahma, Devil Emperor Brahma!"

Sure enough, it was his master again!

First it was the Dragon Tomb, and now it is the Ten Thousand Devils Lake. Ye Dong knew that he had come to the right place. Perhaps, what Master left for him in the Ten Thousand Demons Lake!
"By the way, speaking of now, which world are you from? Which sect and family are you disciples from?"

Xue Qingge smiled and pointed at Ye Dongdao: "He is the apprentice of Senior Demon Emperor, and we belong to the Blood Prison sect created by Senior Demon Emperor!"


All the villagers in the ancestral hall stood up, and nearly a hundred pairs of eyes focused on Ye Dong, and everyone had a look of excitement and excitement on their faces!
"Are you really the apprentice of Senior Demon Emperor?" Uncle Sun asked excitedly.

Ye Dong stood up, and bowed solemnly to Uncle Sun, Granny Zhou, and all the villagers present: "Yes, I am Ye Dong, and I am following the orders of my master to solve the Wanmo Lake. Thank you all for your support." Guarding this place for 10 years, I believe it won't be long before you can leave!"

Banruo and the others got up at the same time, and bowed deeply to everyone in the Demon Shou Village.

The ancestors of this group of people came from the real world, but for the sake of the real world, they willingly stayed in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, guarding the formation and the Ten Thousand Demon Lake for 10 years!

This selflessness is indeed worthy of everyone's respect and admiration!

Ye Dong's thanks made this group of people a little at a loss. Uncle Sun hurriedly stepped forward, helped Ye Dong and said, "Ye, little friend, we can't afford your gratitude, this is what we should do." Yes, it’s good that you guys are here now, and we can really feel at ease by getting rid of this little blood prison as soon as possible, and the Demon Shou Village can also disappear!”

"Little Blood Prison?" Ye Dong suddenly raised his head.

Uncle Sun nodded and said: "That's right. The Demon Emperor senior said back then that Wanmo Lake was a small blood prison, but he never thought that the old man would create a sect in the name of the blood prison."

This sentence caused something to flash through Ye Dong's mind, but unfortunately he couldn't grasp it, but he had a feeling that maybe this trip to Wanmo Lake would let him know the answers to some questions again.

(End of this chapter)

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