One emperor

Chapter 1826 Boundary Monument

Chapter 1826 Boundary Monument
Silent City, Boundary Monument!

Deyou obviously knew something that Ye Dong and the others didn't know. Facing everyone's inquiries, he also seemed a little surprised, but he still explained it seriously.

In fact, Wanmo Lake is not what everyone thinks, there are demons and ghosts everywhere, and the distribution of monsters in Wanmo Lake has a certain pattern. It can be understood that there are two cities here, and everyone's current position is quite different. In the wild outside the city.

As for the boundary monument, to put it simply, it was erected by the two patriarchs of the Deyou sect together with the devil emperor Brahma, and the boundary monument seems to have a magical power that can restrict the existence of the Wanmo Lake to a certain extent. effect.

In short, outside the boundary marker, there are only some scattered monsters with relatively low strength, but inside the boundary marker is the real Lake of Ten Thousand Demons, which is also a restricted area for all monks, and there is no way out.

Everyone was silent when they heard this. Everyone outside the boundary marker was in a panic. They were in danger several times. What kind of danger was hidden inside the boundary marker?

"What do you mean by two cities?" Pan Chaoyang asked.

"There are two cities within the boundary monument. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the division of the old and new forces. Of course, this new force also existed 10 years ago. The place occupied by the newly rising force is called the city of silence. The old The place occupied by the forces is called Fengdu City."

"Division of power?" Prajna asked, frowning.

"En!" Deyou nodded and said: "These are all told by the senior devil emperor, I don't know the details, I can only guess that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, there was probably only one strong person here before, but later appeared If one is established, when the two sides develop and confront each other, there will be a distinction between old and new forces. In short, everything will only be known after entering the boundary marker."

"Are you going in with us too?"

"Of course, I want to go in to find the inheritance of my ancestors, to pursue my way, and if I can't break it, I can't build it. I must enter with you."

Pan Chaoyang looked at Deyou and said, "You have different ideas from ours. You want to save everything in the Lake of Ten Thousand Demons, but we want to destroy all of them. Will there be any conflicts between you and us?"

I have to say that Pan Chaoyang was really considerate. Although Deyou was also ordered by his teacher, his purpose was to save people. For Ye Dong and the others, unless Prajna insisted, they would all be killed directly. The two sides insisted on different ideas. Entering the Ten Thousand Devils Lake together, when we meet the enemy, whether to kill or speed is definitely a big question.

Deyou also showed a hint of hesitation and said: "In our Buddhist sect's view, all living beings in the world are equal. The moment you put down the butcher knife is the beginning of becoming a Buddha immediately. If the existence here is really willing to accept conversion, then Isn't it a great thing?"

After finishing speaking, Deyou looked at Banruo. Obviously, he hoped that Banruo, who is also a Buddhist practitioner with himself, would stand by his side at this time and focus on crossing.

Prajna pondered for a moment and said: "Buddha sect is soft, but it is not weak. For a pure land, it is necessary for the King Kong who subdues demons and demons to strike like thunder! Ever since I embarked on the road of cultivation, I have been using the rosary in one hand and the other in the other." Jie Dao, the principle is similar, since it can't be saved, why not kill it!"

Deyou was stunned. The first time he came into contact with Prajna, he obviously didn't expect that Prajna would say such words. More importantly, these words actually had their own reasons, so that he couldn't answer for a while.

After a long time, Deyou suddenly pointed forward and said, "That's where the boundary marker is, let's go there!"

Deyou was the first to row the boat alone. Obviously, he had made up his mind to be with the others. Everyone looked at each other, and chose to acquiesce, followed his boat, and rowed into the distance.

About half an hour later, a small island appeared in front of it, shrouded in mist, and it was hard to see clearly. Only when it was less than ten meters away from the small island, did everyone see it in the middle of this small island. , there is actually a huge stone tablet standing, just like those statues that have been deliberately enlarged and carved, it makes people feel like looking up.

This stone tablet is plain and unadorned, without any decorations, and on the stone tablet, Ye Dong really saw two characters composed of blood and sky patterns - boundary tablet!
Deyou stopped the boat and said, "Beyond the boundary marker, you must walk there. This is the rule. If you row a boat, you will never reach the boundary marker!"

Seeing Deyou disembark first again, Ye Dong felt a little confused. Without Deyou, he and the others might have been able to reach the boundary marker after stumbling, but the journey along the way was time-consuming and laborious. It can be said that Deyou's appearance was simply It is equivalent to a guiding light, pointing out the direction for everyone.

In this case, the appearance of Deyou, was it arranged by Master back then?
In a blink of an eye, everyone landed on the island.

Although the time spent floating on the lake was not long, when everyone kept their feet on the ground, everyone couldn't help feeling a sense of security in their hearts.

Deyou respectfully saluted the distant boundary marker with a reverent expression, and Ye Dong and others followed closely behind, solemnly saluting the boundary marker.

After all, this boundary monument was jointly erected by the Devil Emperor and two eminent monks.

It's strange to say that this boundary monument looks ordinary at first glance, but after saluting, everyone can feel a kind of vicissitudes, ancient atmosphere and aura, which makes people feel admiration.

After paying homage to the boundary markers, I found out that this small island is very strange. It is almost a rocky island with no grass growing on it. It happens that there is a wooden stake to tie the boat to the place where we moor the boat.

There is only one road on the whole island, which meanders to the direction of the boundary marker, and the fog here seems to be thicker than that in other places. A group of people walking on this winding path is only separated by a distance of one meter , I can hardly see the person in front of me.

The shape of the island is like an upside-down bowl. The altitude of the whole island is not very high. With the winding path going up slowly, it will take less than half an hour to reach the top. The peak is where the boundary marker is.

When we arrived at this position, there was some wind for no reason. The wind blows away some fog and the visibility is also higher. I found that there are some plants growing on the top of the island, and there are strangely shaped withered grass. On closer inspection, the lines on it are actually Vaguely formed a human face.

"On the small island, outside the boundary markers, it is absolutely safe, so don't be nervous." Deyou said to everyone with a peaceful smile on his face.

Since it was safe, everyone decided to rest for a while under the boundary marker. After all, they were physically and mentally exhausted all the way, and everyone needed to adjust their state to the peak in order to cope with everything that came next.

(End of this chapter)

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